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Hero Overview

Chase is on the case!
~ Chase's catchphrase
Ryder says a good leader never gives up. So neither will I!
~ Chase

Chase is the deuteragonist of the Nickelodeon's PAW Patrol franchise, as well as the main protagonist of PAW Patrol: The Movie, and one of the two deuteragonists (alongside with Liberty) of its sequel PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie.

He was an abandoned puppy by his previous owners resulting to him almost being put in danger until Ryder saved him. Eventually, Ryder would recruit this german shepherd puppy into becoming a police pup.

In the series, he is voiced by Tristan Samuel from Season 1 to 2, Max Calinescu from Season 3 to 4, who also voiced Armadylan from Season 2 in PJ Masks, and Justin Kelly from since Season 5 in the Canadian and North American versions of the TV series and by Hayden Hunter from Seasons 1 to 4, Nye James from Season 5 to 7, and Matthew Campbell since Season 8 as well in the movie in the British version.

In the first movie, he is voiced by Iain Armitage, who also voiced the younger version of Shaggy Rogers in Scoob! and played young Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon, and in the second movie, He is voiced by Christian Convery, who also played Gus in Sweet Tooth, Squeaky in Descendants 3 and voiced Fregley in Diary of a Wimpy Kid.


Chase, as shown in the series, is a German Shepherd. He has brown fur covering his body, with lighter brown/tan fur on his face, and on his paws. He has a long beaver-like tail. When wearing his normal outfit, he has a blue police hat with a yellow trim and black bill. His vest and pup-pack are blue, with three yellow chevrons on each side, usually the rank of a police sergeant. When wearing his Super-Spy gear, he wears a blue helmet, boots, and a vest, all of which have a lime green trim. His Super Spy helmet also has a visor when needed. His boots also have suction cups which can be deployed to use as wall-walkers.


As a police pup, he is probably the most mature member of the PAW Patrol and always tries his best to stay serious when on a mission, but sometimes lets his emotions slip through (such as when he tells Skye that he was worried about her and immediately covers it up). When off-duty, he also has a playful side. He and Marshall are best friends and often playfully compete with each other.


PAW Patrol: The Movie[]

Chase is the first movie's main protagonist as he shares a complicated relationship with Ryder and his determination in Adventure City. In Adventure Bay, Chase and the others rescue Gus the truck driver, who is stuck on the bridge with his truck after trying to avoid a baby sea turtle and bringing it back to its family. Soon Liberty calls the PAW Patrol and asks for their help after revealing that their sworn arch-nemesis and Chase's archenemy, Mayor Humdinger of Foggy Bottom, has recently become Mayor of Adventure City, Chase refuses to go due to having a "history" with Adventure City when he was young. Ryder convinces him to go back and Chase reluctantly gives him his trust.

After Humdinger's fireworks show goes haywire, Chase tries to save some people trapped on the City Hall roof, but fails to when he forgets to disconnect his parachute, causing it to nearly drag him off the roof and leave him dangling as the chute snagged on the banister for the balcony, Marshall rescues them by putting out the fire, while some of the civilians help lower Chase safely down using his parachute ropes as a pulley system. In a short time, Chase could not fall asleep when his friends are sleeping and kept dwelling on his mistake after the fireworks incident.

When people get caught on the upside-down portion of the loop-de-loop Humdinger installed on the L-train, Chase tries to save them, but his fears get the best of him, and is forced to be rescued by Skye while Marshall goes to the car park and uses his ladder to reach the train to free the passengers. After the rescue, Ryder tells Chase that he should take a break while he and the others will take care of the rescues for a while. Chase tells Ryder that it's unfair, but Ryder tells him it must be this way. Heartbroken, Chase has a minor falling out with Ryder by angrily accusing him of breaking his trust for taking him to Adventure City (which traumatizes him) and giving up on him when things get difficult. Ryder, hurt by Chase's words, tries to console him, but Chase runs away in response.

As a result, Chase is captured by Mayor Humdinger's two henchmen, Ruben and Butch, and taken to Fuzzy Buddies obedience school which has been converted into a dog pound due to Humdinger's hatred of the PAW Patrol and dogs in general. Chase remains there, still downcast and disheartened by his falling out with Ryder, until Liberty is tossed in to join him, having gotten herself captured intentionally to allow the other pups to follow and bust her and Chase out of the obedience school, while the other dogs who then chase off Ruben and Butch. While the rest of the team returns to the Adventure City HQ after heading away from the obedience school, Ryder takes Chase to the intersection where Ryder had first found and rescued Chase when he was still a young puppy and was abandoned by his original owners, explaining that when he found Chase, he saw that Chase was one of the bravest pups he's ever seen, and thus inspired him to make Chase the law enforcement member of the PAW Patrol and accepts to resume his duties and rejoins the team.

Hearing that, Chase rejoins the team, and not a moment too soon, as just as Mayor Humdinger is opening his new mayoral office, Humdinger Heights, the Cloud Catcher he had ordered activated to keep the weather over Adventure City crisp and clear, after he intentionally destroys its remote control before its creator, Kendra Wilson, can shut it down, finally goes critical and unleashes a massive storm over Adventure City, threatening the entire populace, including Humdinger and his Catastrophe Crew, who now sees his folly too little too late. As the PAW Patrol, especially Liberty deploys to protect the citizens, Chase does his best to help until the tower that Humdinger's office was at the top of tears itself from its foundation due to the winds and collapsing into another building, with Ryder still inside. Horrified, Chase rushes to Ryder's aid, but when he reaches what's left of the tower's base and sees there's a huge gap between there and the top where Ryder is trapped, with a long fall to the street below, Chase initially hesitates until he finds the courage to try, but when his grappling hook can't get across due to the fierce winds and nearly yanks him to the street below and making him fall, forcing him to disengage his pup-pack to save himself, his fear begins to resurface until he remembers what Ryder told him before. Letting out a heroic scream, he takes a leap of faith and manages to make it across the gap to rescue Ryder.

After Skye sacrifices her helicopter to destroy the Cloud Catcher, instantly dissipating the storm and restoring clear skies to Adventure City again, Chase and Ryder regroup with the rest of the pups on the ground as they saved Adventure City. When Humdinger and his Catastrophe Crew try to slip away, Chase catches them and places Humdinger under arrest for numerous felonies, including gross negligence, public endangerment, and dognapping, with the rest of the PAW Patrol showing their support with glaring angry daggers at Humdinger. As a result, Humdinger is impeached as Mayor of Adventure City and locked up in the jail with the Catastrophe Crew to serve his time behind bars, while Chase and the rest of the PAW Patrol are hailed as heroes and given the key to the city by Kendra and Adventure City News reporter Marty Muckraker. Liberty is inducted into the team as their newest member, before Harris calls Ryder to report another emergency down at the waterfront, and the PAW Patrol once more heads into action as duty calls.

Equipment and Abilities[]

Like all PAW Patrol members, he has his own personalized pup-tag which he uses to make calls to Ryder, The Lookout, and the other pups, as well as make video calls to said members. His is customized with a blue background and a shape of a star badge on it to represent his job as a police officer. The Mission PAW version of his Pup Tag has a GPS that can be used to track his location and a video camera. His Mighty Pup tag has a meteorite on it.

His normal pup-pack contains a spotlight, megaphone, tennis ball cannon, and net. His Super-Spy pup-pack contains a net, zipline and flashlight, while his Sea Patrol pup-pack contains a rescue buoy and megaphone, with his scuba gear also having a flashlight. In the episode "Air Pups", he was given a glider for air-based rescues.

His normal vehicle is a blue police car that contains traffic cones and a winch. Its vehicle number is 02. In Season 2, he received a Super Spy vehicle along with his Super Spy gear. This vehicle has an ejector seat, a spy drone, a winch, and off-road wheels. It also has a computer and satellite dish that are used to control the spy drone.

His Mission PAW vehicle is a three-wheeled motorcycle that comes equipped with a landing pad.

His Sea Patrol vehicle is a patrol boat equipped with a megaphone and winch. It also has a land mode.

He has an extremely strong sense of smell which he can use to track down anything, but, in the series, his allergies to cats and feathers sometimes cause him trouble. He has been shown to be able to speak with beavers and owls.

As a Mighty Pup, he can run at high speeds like The Flash and Sonic the Hedgehog (also retains in The Mighty Movie), deploy energy nets, and after he becomes charged-up, he can unleash a sonic bark like Bolt.


  • “Chase is on the case!”
  • “These paws uphold the laws!”
  • “PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!”
  • “Ready for action, Ryder, sir!” (Season 1; "PAW Patrol: The Movie")
  • “Spy Chase is on the case!”
  • “Super Spy Chase is on the case!” (Season 2)
  • “Whenever you're In trouble, just hoot for help!” (“Pups Save a Hoot”)
  • “Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!” (“Pups Save Ryder”)
  • “Super Spy Chase! When you least expect him, expect him!” (Season 2)
  • “Coach Chase is on the case!” (“Pups Save the Mayor's Race”)
  • "Chase is on the ultimate rescue case!" ("Ultimate Police Rescue")
  • "Sea Patrol, ready for action, Captain Ryder, sir!" ("Sea Patrol")
  • "Mighty Pups, ready for mighty action, Ryder, sir!" ("Mighty Pups")
  • "Mighty Chase is ready to race!" (“Mighty Pups”)
  • “These Mighty Paws uphold the laws!” (“Mighty Pups”)
  • “Mighty Pups are on the roll!” (“Mighty Pups”)
  • "Flying ace Chase is on the case!" ("Jet to the Rescue")
  • "Moto Chase is on the case!" ("Moto Pups")
  • "Rescue Knights, ready for action, Ryder, sir!" ("Rescue Knights")


  • He has been first called for a mission 184 times, the most out of all of the pups.
  • He has been called for backup 38 times.
  • He has been called into action (either a first response or backup) 222 times, the most out of all the pups.
  • He is a male German Shepherd.
  • He likes the color blue.
  • He is a police officer and a spy agent.
  • He is seven years old, making him the second-oldest of the pups, behind Everest.
  • He is best friends with Marshall.
    • He is also the only pup besides Marshall to have two roles ("Police" and "Spy").
  • He is approximately the fastest of the pups.
    • As of "Cat Pack/PAW Patrol Rescue: Rocket Rescuers", Wild is also the fastest.
  • He is the second character to appear in the series, but the first to speak a line.
  • He was the tallest member of the PAW Patrol until Everest's debut.
  • According to the PAW Patrol's official Instagram account, Chase was the first member to join the team.
    • This is also elaborated upon in "PAW Patrol: The Movie" (by Ryder saving him from an oncoming car and adopting him).
  • His name is most likely a reference to a police chase.
    • In his Mighty Pup form, his name refers to a high-speed chase, as he is incredibly fast.
  • He is allergic to the scents of cats and birds as a running gag, he will sneeze strongly and loudly when he sniffs the scent of cats and birds, or when feathers and cat fur touches his nose.
    • Despite the allergy to birds, Chase never sneezed once when Little Hootie was on his nose. This may imply that Chase is only allergic to certain types of feathers.
  • His Mighty Pups powers are similar to DC Comics, The Flash.
  • His voice actor in "PAW Patrol: The Movie" is the voice of Young Sheldon star, Iain Armitage.
  • He is the second PAW Patrol member to have a backstory as a stray. The first is Rubble in "Pups Get a Rubble".
  • Thanks to the success and popularity of the franchise, he appears in the current Spin Master Entertainment logo, along with his best friend, Marshall.
  • His situation is the same as Sheldon Cooper.
    • Played by Iain Armitage.
    • Drastic personality change in the present.
    • Gets emotional at times.
    • Both grow who they became to be thanks to a circle of friends.
    • Both are recognized in their field (Rescuer, Noble Prize winner)
    • Both have a liking in video games (Pup Pup Boogie, Various)
    • Both have engineer friend (Rocky, Howard)
    • Scenes have road trip (Gone wrong in Big Bang theory)

External Links[]


           PAW Patrol logo Heroes

PAW Patrol
Ryder | Chase | Marshall | Skye | Rubble | Rocky | Zuma | Robo-Dog | Everest | Tracker | Tuck & Ella | Rex | Sweetie | Liberty | Al | Coral | Roxi | Cat Pack (Wild Cat, Rory, Leo and Shade) | Junior Patrollers (Tot, Nano and Mini)

Cap'n Turbot | Francois Turbot | Katie | Alex | Mayor Goodway | Farmer Yumi | Mr. Porter | Jake | Precious' Owner | Farmer Al | Julius and Julia | Carlos |

See Also
Rubble and Crew Heroes
