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Heroes Wiki

Chief Diego Suarez is a supporting character in Big Hero 6: The Series.

He is the chief of police of San Fransokyo, an old friend of Cass Hamada and the father of Megan Cruz. He initially hates superheroes because he believes they are a hindrance to him and his men and because the Big Hero 6 had defended Globby when they were brainwashed.

He is voiced by Nestor Carbonell, who also played Anthony Garcia in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.


Chief Cruz Ramirez, as the new chief of police, is a fearless, practical and determined leader, always doing his best to raise his men to solve any problem in San Fransokyo. As a father, he shows love for his daughter, Megan, and is very protective of her, although in an overprotective and overly strict way like with everyone else. At first, he feels a genuine xenophobia towards his superiors, as he believes that they are illegal, that they do tasks that he and the police officers already have, but he changes his mind after the Big Hero 6 help him save San Fransokyo from Trina.



As a young boy, Diego Cruz lived in San Fransokyo and was a great friend of Cass Hamada, with whom he often went to Joe's Diner. One night, while Cruz and his father were walking home from a movie at the theater, a criminal attacked them and Cruz's father was killed but managed to save Cruz, while Boss Awesome arrived too late. This was a great trauma for Cruz and he also developed a strong disdain for superheroes.

For some unknown reason, Cruz left San Franskokyo, although it is assumed due to his father's death. Years later, after getting married and having a daughter he named Megan, he returns to San Fransokyo to enlist as a police chief, to make sure there were no superheroes in San Fransokyo and to protect everyone, especially his daughter, to a point that he sent all his men to look for her, even though she was only seven minutes late for taking a longer route.

Big Hero 6: The Series[]


           Big Hero 6 logo Heroes

Big Hero 6
Hiro Hamada | Baymax | Honey Lemon | GoGo Tomago | Wasabi | Fred Fredrickson

Tadashi Hamada | Cass Hamada | Alistair Krei | Frederickson Family (Heathcliff | Boss Awesome | Mrs. Fredrickson) | Karmi | Professor Granville | Globby | Felony Carl | Mini-Max | Roddy Blair | Megan Cruz | Chief Diego Cruz | Liv Amara | Momakase | Little Hero 6

Big Hero 6 (Hiro Takachiho | Baymax | Honey Lemon | GoGo Tomago | Fredzilla | Wasabi-No-Ginger | Sunfire | Ebon Samurai) | Wolverine | Mariko Yashida
