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I drunk three bottles of unbranded cola and I got a whole tube of unbranded mints! So please, just let me go, or else.
~ The Chimera to the Elmore police.

The Chimera is a minor character in The Amazing World of Gumball who makes his sole appearance in the episode "The Friend."

He was voiced by Simon Lipkin.


He is a gigantic, imposing creature over 7 feet tall, with a body that is an amalgamation of various toy parts. His torso is a cubic composition of colorful building blocks, his head is that of a shark with long black hair, his right arm is a saw blade, his left arm is a muscular, human-like arm with a spiked bracelet, his left leg is thick, reptilian, and orange, his right leg is skinny and pale, and he has a green crocodile tail.


Despite his somewhat frightening appearance, the chimera is actually a meek and socially awkward monster with a heart of gold who is lonely and simply looking for a friend. His social awkwardness is what makes him such good friends with Anais, and he became this way after losing companionship upon the death of his original creator.

The chimera also has a bolder, more courageous side, which is evident when he goes as far as threatening to blow himself up when the police try to arrest him, demonstrating selflessness in the process.


The chimera was created by an elderly and lonely toy maker, and the two became great friends, but after the aforementioned owner died, the Chimera became lonely, desperate, and homeless. In search of a new friend, he began breaking into houses, unintentionally scaring people in the process. This led to his status as a wanted criminal whom the police and public assumed was dangerous.

He eventually met Gumball, Darwin, and Anais in their backyard, who welcomed him on the assumption that he was their imaginary friend that they manifested together, as they had been looking for companionship for Anais. The chimera goes along with this and begins befriending and hanging out with them. Initially, he is awkward and unconfident, but he eventually grows more comfortable with his new friends.

The four walk inside the house to play, but Nicole recognizes him as the criminal on TV, prompting her to run out of the house along with Richard and call the police. The Watterson siblings ask the chimera why he pretended to be their imaginary friend, and he explains his backstory to them. In light of this, the siblings create traps and obstacles within the house to prevent the police from arresting the chimera, but he eventually exits the house on his own accord. He threatens to blow himself up by combining soda and mints if the police don't let him go. The police then taze him, causing him to drop and ingest the mints and explode as a result.

Assuming that the chimera has died, Anais looks out the window that night in sadness, but to her surprise, his scattered body parts begin reforming him. Afterwards, the chimera thanks her for helping him find a friend, and promises to visit her in the future before departing.

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           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Heroes

Watterson Family
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Richard Watterson | Joanna Watterson | Louie Watterson

Fitzgerald Family
Penny Fitzgerald | Polly Fitzgerald | Patrick Fitzgerald | Judith Fitzgerald

Robinson Family
Gaylord Robinson | Rocky Robinson

Banana Family
Banana Joe | Banana Barbara

Wilson Family
Tobias Wilson | Rachel Wilson

Yoshida Family
Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida

Jötunheim Family
Hector Jötunheim | Mrs. Jötunheim

Elmore Junior High Students and Staff Members
Carrie Krueger | Leslie | Sarah G. Lato | Bobert 6B | Teri | Molly Collins | Alan Keane | Carmen Verde | Idaho | Sussie | Juke | Anton | Clayton | Billy Parham | Clare Cooper | Nigel Brown | Steve Small | Joan Markham | Moonchild Corneille

Elmore Citizens
Larry Needlemeyer | Donut Cop | Gary Hedges | Marvin Finklehimer | Mike the Microphone Guy | Pest Controller

Santa Claus | Sluzzle Dude | Chimera | New Bobert | Cartax
