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Chiron is the tritagonist of the Fall of the Trident campaign of the video game Age of Mythology. He is a playable character who appears near the end of the Greek Arc, and accompanies Arkantos and Ajax on their journey.

He is voiced by the late Bob Sampson.


Greek Arc[]

Some time during the Trojan War, Chiron lived in Ioklos. In the absence of the Greek army, Kemsyt used this as an opportunity lead his bandits in to take the citizens hostage and others as slaves for Gargarensis. Chiron was included, and was imprisoned in a fortification. Though he had never met Arkantos before, he was familiar with him, as he knew Arkantos would be the one to save him. After being rescued, he joins Arkantos and Ajax on their journey to rescue the remaining prisoners. As they head north, they split up to investigate, and find many fortifications along the way, built in the way of a path he was familiar with. The remaining prisoners are found digging a passage into the Underworld under the orders of Gargarensis, who rains a meteor shower on the heroes and heads through the passage.

In Erebus, they find a giant gate along with a ram to open it, built by Gargarensis. They call for reinforcements and battle the monsters of the Underworld, and succeed in destroying the ram. Gargarensis escapes and an earthquake knocks boulders in front of the way they came in, forcing them to find another way out. They encounter Shades, who assist the trio in finding the way out as they continue to battle the Underworld beasts. Eventually, they reach temples to the gods, which Chiron suggests to Arkantos that he prays for help. As Arkantos prays to the Zeus temple, a flight of stairs is formed, leading them out safely.

Egyptian Arc[]

Chiron, Arkantos and Ajax find themselves in a desert. They are approached by Amanra, a Nubian mercenary who is protecting an excavation site from her enemies. They agree to help, and retrieve a relic from the site: the sword of the Guardian, and escort Amanra’s men to her target. Chiron finds out from Amanra that they share an enemy. On the way, they rescue Egyptian slaves, who lead the heroes to their village, and agree to help bring the sword to the Guardian. Kemsyt, the bandit warlord, has a fortification built around the Guardian while his army is away, and the heroes break through to revive the Guardian to defeat said army. They find a box containing a piece of the god Osiris, and Amanra explains that Osiris has been split into four pieces and scattered across Egypt.

After a fierce tug of war over the first Osiris piece, getting captured and locked up, and recapturing the piece once more, they take a break in a valley. The next day, the heroes must split up to capture the remaining three before any are destroyed. Chiron heads towards an area where a Tamarisk tree is located, where Osiris's head is buried underneath. He is intercepted by Norse soldiers, who have been pursuing Gargarensis, who has set foot in their home Midgard, and alarmed the Norsemen to the point where he had to be dealt with. They team up, and fight their way to the tree, and capture the Osiris piece. They take the piece to the Osiris pyramid where all the others are to be placed, and succeed in reviving him as Gargarensis arrives. Osiris decimates Gargarensis’ army easily, preventing him from reaching the underworld, but escapes to the Norselands as the heroes continue their pursuit of him.

Norse Arc[]

In the Norselands, Chiron is initially not present when Arkantos and Amanra fall into Gargarensis’ avalanche trap. He reunites with them on their journey into Midgard, and they meet the dwarven brothers Eitri and Brokk along the way. They ask for help in recapturing their forge from giants, and Arkantos is reluctant, while Chiron asks if they can reach Midgard. Upon finding out they can, they agree to help, and succeed in recapturing the forge. In Midgard, they meet an old man named Skult, who gives them a flag he claims will help with getting Norse clans on their side. They battle through a canyon of giants and attempt to show the flag to three fighting Norse clans. Instead, they become enraged and turn hostile against the heroes, but later join the heroes before Skult vanishes.

They are approached by Reginleif, a Valkyrie who explains the reason they were attacked, and proceed to rally more Norse clans by assisting them against monsters harassing their villages. With their new army, they attack Gargarensis’ base head on, and find that he has already reached the Underworld through the Well of Urd. Gargarensis is already sieging the gate. They attempt to stop him, but they are outnumbered and are forced to retreat. On the way, Chiron decides to knock a boulder in the way to block the path, but accidentally ends up the wrong side. As a result, he is killed by an overwhelming army of fire giants.

Chiron's sacrificial actions bought time for Arkantos to help Eitri and Brokk reforge Thor's hammer, which ended up sealing the gate mere seconds after it was opened. As such, his death was not in vain. He was mentioned one last time by Ajax after Kemsyt (who was disguised as Gargarensis) gets captured, before he is executed.


Arkantos! I have awaited your arrival.
~ Chiron's first words in Fall of the Trident.
The bandits were led by a man called Kemsyt, he marked the prisoners to the north road. Those guarding us spoke of putting them to work building something there.
~ Chiron after being rescued in Ioklos.
This is Erebus, the realm of Hades. We've passed into the Underworld.
~ Chiron after the heroes enter the passage dug up in Greece.
Shades, the dead. We are strangers to this realm but they know it well. They can show us the way out of this place.
~ Chiron as the heroes become stuck in the Underworld.
Chiron: Arkantos, the gods have favored you before. Perhaps one of them will now, if you ask.

Arkantos: We are lucky that one of these honors Poseidon.

~ Chiron suggesting to pray at the temples in the Underworld.
Arkantos, are you alright?
~ Chiron comforting Arkantos after his dream.
North of here, a great Tamarisk tree grows from the riverbank. In its trunk, we will find the head of Osiris.
~ Chiron
Can we reach Midgard from your forge?
~ Chiron
~ Chiron before his demise.



  • Chiron, along with Odysseus, appear as guardians in the sequel The New Atlantis during Kastor's siege on Mount Olympus. However, this is most likely an oversight from the developers due to the fact that both heroes are trainable in multiplayer.

External Links[]


Age of Empires logo  Heroes

Age of Mythology
Arkantos | Agamemnon | Ajax | Odysseus | Chiron | Amanra | Setna | Eitri and Brokk | Reginleif | Kastor | Folstag |

Age of Empires III
Morgan Black | Simón Bolívar
