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Love Kick
~ Chop Chop Master Onion (PaRappa the Rapper 2)

Chop Chop Master Onion is a martial arts teacher in the Sony PlayStation 1 game PaRappa the Rapper. He taught PaRappa anything he needs to know about Martial Arts. He also help Lammy with the art of mind in "UnJammer Lammy".

PaRappa the Rapper 2[]

Chop Chop returns in the game's sequel. He teaches PaRappa & P.J. Beri "Romantic Kung-Fu" though televison.


  • Chop Chop Master Onion and his Onion Students made a cameo in the PlayStation game All-Stars Battle Royale.
  • Chop Chop Master Onion has been in every single PaRappa game due to how iconic his level in the first game was, to the point where the franchise is synonymous with his rap.
  • In Um Jammer Lammy, Chop Chop Master Onion apparently lost his dojo some time after the first game. His karate uniform is tattered and filled with patches.
    • In the second PaRappa game, Chop Chop Master Onion apparently recovers from being homeless and broke and gets his own TV show.


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