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(Thomas: You remember your parents?)
No. Well, I mean, I know I must have them. And wherever they are, I'm sure they miss me, but I can't miss them 'cause I don't remember them.
~ Chuck to Thomas about his parents.

Chuck is a Slopper and one of the supporting protagonists of the first book and film The Maze Runner.

He is the best friend and fellow Glader of Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, and Frypan and the enemy and former best friend of Gally.

Chuck is portrayed by Blake Cooper, who also portrays Bobby Marks in Measure of a Man.


The Maze Runner[]

When Thomas arrives in the Glade and is given a tour of the Glade by Alby, Alby sends Newt to find Chuck. Chuck arrives at the tower where Thomas and Alby are. While Chuck is setting up a hammock for Thomas, he tells that when he and the Gladers arrived in the Glade, Alby gave them a tour. Chuck sees Thomas walking towards the Maze and runs after him. Chuck tells Thomas that no one leaves the Maze. Chuck and Thomas see Minho and Ben return to the Glade and run past them. When asked by Ben how it feels to be promoted, Chuck replies that it feels great to be promoted. Chuck watches Gally shove Thomas down to the ground.

At night, at the bonfire, Chuck watches Thomas and Gally wrestle, before Thomas knocks Gally down to the ground, but Gally knocks Thomas down to the ground as well, causing him to remember his name.

The next day, Ben, having been stung a Griever, attacks Thomas. Chuck watches the Gladers get Ben off Thomas.

Later, when the Gladers banish Ben from the Glade, Chuck chooses to walk away instead of seeing this. At night, he tells Thomas in the evening that no one can survive in the Maze and that Ben will not survive.

The next day, Chuck watches Thomas run into the Maze to help Minho and Alby, who have gone into the Maze to retrace Ben's steps, when Alby got stung by a Griever.

The next day, Chuck is present when Thomas, Minho, and Alby return to the Glade.

In the Council Hall, during the Gathering, Chuck is present when Gally insists that Thomas should be punished for going into the Maze to help Minho and Alby.

Chuck is also present when Teresa arrives in the Glade.

Later, Chuck sends Jeff and Clint to inform Thomas and Minho that Teresa has woken up and fled to the tower. Thomas, Minho, Jeff, and Clint run to Chuck, who points up to Teresa, who is throwing rocks at the Gladers. Chuck leaves along with the other Gladers while Thomas goes up to talk to Teresa.

At night, Chuck goes to the Pit to visit Thomas, who was locked in there by Gally for running into the Maze to help Minho and Alby, and shows him a wooden figurine that he had carved for his parents. He gives it to Thomas, who gives it back, promising Chuck that they will get out of the Maze.

The next day, when Thomas and Minho return to the Glade, Chuck, along with the other Gladers, watches Thomas and Gally argue with each other, when Teresa calls out to them and the Gladers and tells them that Alby is awake.

At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Chuck, Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Winston, Jeff, and Clint hide in the Council Hall from the Grievers. Chuck watches Clint get killed by a Griever. Chuck is caught by a Griever, but Alby sacrifices himself to save him.

After the attack, Gally punches Thomas in the face in far more rage, violence, and aggressiveness than before, blaming him for everything that has happened. When Thomas takes a Griever stinger from Chuck and uses it to stab himself in the thigh to regain his memories, Chuck, Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff tend to him.

The next day, along with Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff, Chuck learns that Thomas and Teresa worked for WCKD and created the Maze.

Gally, having taken command, crosses out Alby's name on the wall, has Teresa tied to a pole, and attempts to have Thomas tied to another pole. Chuck watches on as Thomas fights off two Gladers, Teresa kicks a Glader in the groin, allowing Frypan to cut her free, and Newt knocks down a Glader. Chuck escapes with his group of Gladers while Gally stays with his own group of Gladers in the Glade.

Chuck helps his group of Gladers fight off the Grievers, but Jeff dies in the process. Chuck, along with his group of Gladers, go into the WCKD lab and watch a video left by Ava Paige, who shoots herself at the end of the video.

Chuck is about to leave along with his group of Gladers when Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears with a gun and insists that they will never be free. Gally fires a bullet at Thomas, but Chuck sacrifices himself by taking the bullet in the chest, giving Minho a chance to throw a spear at Gally, causing it to non-fatally impale him in the chest, causing Gally to drop to his knees, drop the gun, and collapse on his right side on the floor. Chuck gives Thomas the wooden figurine before dying, before a group of masked soldiers arrive and take Thomas and his group of Gladers to a helicopter.

The Scorch Trials[]

Chuck is mentioned by Thomas when he talks to Brenda at the Right Arm HQ and shows her the little wooden figurine Chuck has given him. Newt told him that Chuck would have been proud of what Thomas did.

The Death Cure[]

Chuck is seen alongside Alby and Winston in Minho's imagination (captured by WCKD at the end of the second film) during an experiment to collect the serum against the Flare. Chuck is mentioned by Thomas, who, in rage over Gally having survived being impaled in the chest with a spear by Minho, punches him in the face and reminds Newt of when Gally killed Chuck. Newt replies that he remembers that Gally was stung by a Griever and half out of his mind. In a deleted scene, Chuck is mentioned by Gally, who explains to Thomas that he sees Chuck's face every time he closes his eyes, showing that he feels remorseful over killing him while stung by a Griever. Chuck is mentioned one more time by Newt in his letter to Thomas at the end, with Chuck's name being engraved on the memorial rock by Gally at the Safe Haven.

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

Chuck was about twelve or thirteen years old. He was described as short and pudgy, with long brown hair and blue eyes on a flabby face. He is referred to by Newt as a "wee little fat shank", though in the movie, Chuck has curly brown short hair and brown eyes and was a chubby kid.

Chuck was a mischievous Glader who loved to prank people in the bathroom before bedtime, which he demonstrated to Thomas on his first night in the Glade by tapping on the bathroom window before suddenly popping his head up and screaming as loud as he could. Because Chuck was presumably the youngest in the Glade, everyone else treated him like a nuisance, with the exception of Thomas. He has been also described by Thomas as being a quirky, excitable kid, funny, and seemingly innocent enough.


  • Craftsmanship: In the film adaptation of The Maze Runner, Chuck was shown to be well skilled in creativity for his position as being a Slopper deals with setting up the beds, supplies, and sections in the Glade. And his artistry skills allowed him to craft wood using just a knife, which become an artifact figure of himself as he missed his own parents and hopefully meet them if he ever escaped the Maze, but was unable to as he was shot in the chest by Gally.


  • Chuck's Relic: In the film adaptation of The Maze Runner, before Chuck's death at the hands of Gally, he had given Thomas this crafted item he made from wood and told him to keep it and Thomas carried it as a reminder of him.

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