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Heroes Wiki

Charles "Chuck" Billy (Chico Bento in the original) is one of the main protagonists of the Monica's Gang franchise, being the titular main protagonist of the Chuck Billy 'n' Folks segments.

Chuck Billy is a hillbilly boy who lives on a farm in Brazil southeastern. Having 8 years and living with his parents in the middle of the country he is a lazy and troublemaker boy. His everyday life is always equal because he escapes from work in farm, and he is always skipping class, strip poor grades, steals guavas from the farm of his grumpy neighbor named (Mr. Lau) and he is often a liar and trickster. But Chuck does this just for being a naughty boy, even though he knew the importance of helping his father at work and needs to improve his grades, he has a pure heart and often strives to do this.

On the farm Chuck has a great friendship with treating all animals as his pets and often protecting them from turning into a "lunch" (as is the case of Griselda Chicken and Torresmo Pig). His best friend at school is his cousin named Zeke; like Chuck, he gets a bad grades, skips class and steals guavas of Mr. Lau's farm, but proves to be very more stupid than Chuck Billy himself. His girlfriend is Rosie Lee, a beautiful and elegant girl who is in love with Chuck Billy since the first day she met him at school. Chuck always jealous of the boys who try to steal his girlfriend Rosie, mainly Genesinho, the rich son of the colonel and the main rival of Chuck Billy.

While not necessarily a character in the main series Monica's Gang he is seen very often appearing with the protagonists Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, and Maggy, who are his friends.



               Monica's Gang logo Heroes

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Franklin | Blu | Ditto | Glu | Denise | Specs | Bucky | Jeremiah | Fluffy | Vanilla | Marina | Sunny | Angel | Dustine | Capitão Pitoco | Hercules | The River Mermaid

Chuck Billy 'n' Folks
Chuck Billy | Rosie Lee | Zeke

Tina's Pals
Tina | Curly

Bug-a-Booo | Lady MacDeath | Vic Vampire | Wolfgang | Moe the Mummy

The Cavern Clan
Pitheco | Tooga

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel

The Funnies

Horacio's World

The Tribe

Graphic MSP
Astronaut | General Alvez Isabel Pereira | Commander Astro | Rita

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Chubby's Gang

Chuck Billy First Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Pork Chop

Pitheco First Series
Pitheco | Tooga | Loony Lou | Ogra

Blu | Duke | Bugu | Rufius

Bug-a-Boo | Sally Soul | Vic Vampire | Frank | Moe the Mummy | Little One | Wolfgang | Lady MacDeath

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel II | Zig Zag | Ant Rita | Mc Fox | Lou Courier

Nutty Ned
Nutty Ned | The Bird

Tom Tom | Tamoyo | Papaya | Cobra Grande | Honorato

Chuck Billy Second Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Ma Dita | Rose|

Captain Fray
Captain Fray | Doctor McClean | Cremilda and Clotilde | Number Five
