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Heroes Wiki

But -- But! The prom is the same time as the big comic book convention!
~ Chuck TO Nancy.

Charles "Chuck" Clayton is an African-American teenage fictional character published by Archie Comics. Chuck lives in the fictional town of Riverdale, and is the friend of Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle and other students at Riverdale High School. Chuck first appeared in Life With Archie #110 in 1971.

Chuck was created as a means of adding diversity to the cast of Archie characters, though Valerie (of Josie and the Pussycats) predates Chuck by several years.

In the U.S. of Archie and The New Archie and Sabrina Hour, he was voiced by Dani McKennon. On the CW's show Riverdale, he is portrayed by Jordan Calloway.


Aspiring cartoonist Charles “Chuck” Clayton is known for his terrific sketching skills. The son of Coach Clayton, Chuck is one of Riverdale High’s top athletes. He plays on all of the school’s sports teams. Chuck spends most of his time away from sports practicing comic book illustration. A true artist at heart, his skills have come in handy in several adventures with the Archie gang. His girlfriend Nancy is often the inspiration for his drawings – even though she believes Chuck should concentrate more on her at times. Many of their arguments stem from the inability of Chuck to step away from his art.



  • On Riverdale, the character is villainous than his comic book counterpart.