“ | You are not an echo of Cinderpelt, you are your own cat now. Your Clanmates know you and love you as Cinderheart, which is all the truth they need. | „ |
~ Jayfeather telling Cinderheart that she's her own cat |
Cinderheart is a supporting character in Warriors. She was once the reincarnation of Cinderpelt, the former medicine cat of ThunderClan, who regained her past life's memories and skills over time. During The Last Hope though, Cinderpelt's spirit goes to StarClan, leaving Cinderheart as her own separate cat. Soon after she became mates with Lionblaze, and the two started a family together.
Cinderheart is a slender, broad-headed tabby she-cat with soft, smokey gray fur. Her eyes are dark blue, and she has a long, bushy tail. She is noted to look incredibly similar to Cinderpelt, but without a damaged hind leg.
The New Prophecy[]
As badgers attack ThunderClan camp, Sorreltail gives birth to a litter of four kits. A badger then attacks her and her newborns, but the medicine cat Cinderpelt comes to her rescue, sacrificing herself in the process.
Sorreltail decides to name her kits Cinderkit, Poppykit, Honeykit and Molekit, with Cinderkit being named after her aunt Cinderpelt in honor of her sacrifice. Leafpool, Cindepelt's former apprentice, says that it's a wonderful name. When Leafpool's sister Squirrelflight sees the litter for the first time, she lets out a squeak of surprise at how much the gray she-kit looks like the deceased medicine cat. Later, the spirit of Spottedleaf reveals to Leafpool that Cinderkit is actually a semi-reincarnation of Cinderpelt.
Leafpool's Wish[]
Cinderkit's father Brackenfur informs Leafpool that she has flees, asking the medicine cat how to soothe the itching. Leafpool tells him to tell Sorreltail that she'll bring something over shortly, and when she does she treats the flea bites with marigold, the little kit squirming as it's applied. Later, as she and her siblings play in the snow, the gray she-kit bounds over to Leafpool and asks how ThunderClan's leader Firestar is doing, hearing that he got caught in a fox trap a little while ago. The medicine cat assures her that he'll be fine, and is shocked by her wise remark when she replies that a Clan needs their leader. Leafpool remembers how Cinderkit always seems mentally older than the other kits, and how she's always watching the camp with a distant look. She then detects a familiar scent on Cinderkit under the scent of the nursery, but Sorreltail calls her daughter back into the nursery right after.
The Power of Three[]
The Sight[]
Cinderpaw and her siblings become warrior apprentices, with her mentor being Cloudtail. She quickly forms a close bond with a fellow apprentice named Hollypaw. During a training session, Cloudtail sees how well Hollypaw is doing and suggests she train with his apprentice. Later, when Cinderpaw gets moss stuck behind her ear, she flicks her paw while grooming it out. Leafpool stares in shock at this, telling Hollypaw that Cinderpelt used to flick her paw in that exact same way, with the black she-cat wondering why she's so shocked by that.
After the Gathering, ThunderClan comes back home with Graystripe, a cat who had been taken away by twolegs several moons ago, and his new mate, a former kittypet named Millie. Firestar sees Cinderpaw awake and asks why she hasn't fallen asleep already, to which she replies that she didn't want to sleep until she heard about what happened at the Gathering. Wanting to help get Graystripe and Millie settled in, she runs off and crashes into Brackenfur. Her father tells her how much she reminds him of his sister Cinderpelt from when the two of them were apprentices together.
Later, when Leafpool's apprentice Jaypaw finds that an elder named Mousefur has greencough, Leafpool sends him, Cinderpaw and Cloudtail to go gather some catmint from near the abandoned twoleg house. When they get there though, they find that almost all of the catmint had withered during leafbare, and are only able to give Mousefur a few short stalks of it.
Dark River[]
When she notices Lionpaw sneaking out every night, Hollypaw follows her brother one night, and is joined by Cinderpaw. They see he's heading towards the WindClan border, and Cinderpaw remarks that he might be doing something he'll regret, referring to Leafpool briefly becoming mates with the WindClan warrior Crowfeather, which she couldn't possibly know about as it happened before she was born. The two are shocked to see Lionpaw meeting up and playing with the WindClan apprentice Heatherpaw, and confront him about it. After Hollypaw argues with her brother, the three all head back to camp.
During an assessment, Mousepaw nearly falls from the Sky Oak, but Cinderpaw quickly climbs up and saves him. She falls out of the tree right after though, breaking the same leg that Cinderpelt had permanently damaged as an apprentice. Jaypaw reports this to Leafpool when the gray she-cat is rushed into the medicine den, and can tells from her anguish that she's wondering if the apprentice's leg won't heal either. Cinderpaw then tells Hollypaw that she's scared of badgers and hopes she'll never see one again, despite never having encountered one before.
As she rests in the medicine den, Jaypaw uses his powers to enter her dreams, where he finds her walking around ThunderClan's old camp before they had moved to the lake. She gives him a tour of it, and tells him that she used to sleep in the medicine den with Yellowfang, Cinderpelt's mentor. Her voice then becomes that of an adult's as she tells Jaypaw to tell Leafpool not to worry about her leg, saying it will heal properly this time, and that she's proud of the brown tabby she-cat. Jaypaw then witnesses Cinderpelt's memories and realizes that Cinderpaw is a reincarnation of her.
When Cinderpaw wakes, she says she had a dream of being in an unfamiliar forest with Jaypaw, but the medicine cat apprentice tells her it was just a dream. He then talks to Leafpool about the reincarnation, and she insists that Cinderpaw shouldn't know just yet, wanting her to live a normal life. While staying in the medicine den, Cinderpaw keeps asking Hollypaw and Jaypaw to play with her despite her injury, which makes Leafpool even more determined to heal it. Jaypaw tries testing the gray she-cat's memories of her past life by giving her the wrong herbs on purpose, which his mentor scolds him for. She's later seen playing with Hollypaw before limping to the side of the camp's clearing.
Cinderpaw soon returns to her training, though Cloudtail is concerned about her leg, as it has still not healed fully. She's bothered by his worry, feeling like it's healed enough despite the occasional jolts of pain. Hollypaw then tells her a plan to focus on one part of training at a time so she can be a better warrior, and the gray she-cat bluntly tells her that it's a mouse-brained idea. She then apologizes for the rude reply, but insists Hollypaw doesn't try it out. Later, Hollypaw and Lionpaw watch a training session between Cinderpaw and Poppypaw. When seeing the two perform an advanced technique, Lionpaw asks his mentor Ashfur if he could try it out too.
During her warrior assessment, Cinderpaw's leg buckles as she tries to hunt a squirrel. Her sisters Honeypaw and Poppypaw become warriors without her, earning the names Honeyfern and Poppyfrost, which discourages the blue-eyed she-cat, who's angry that she isn't a part of their warriorhood vigil. Jaypaw then gets the idea of having her swim in calm, shallow waters to help heal her leg, which ends up working.
When Millie is about to give birth to her and Graystripe's kittens, Hollypaw asks Cinderpaw if the pregnant she-cat has any names in mind for the kits. Her friend says no, since Leafpool said that it's better to wait until you see a kit before naming them, to which Hollypaw jokes that she must've been a prickly kit. Later, as WindClan attacks ThunderClan, Cinderpaw stays in the medicine den but says she'll help if needed. After the battle, Firestar makes her, Hollypaw and Lionpaw into warriors, granting them the names Cinderheart, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. Cinderheart is happy she's finally become a warrior after waiting so long, and Cinderpelt's spirit watches the ceremony with pride.
Long Shadows[]
While on a patrol, Cinderheart tells Hollyleaf that she doesn't like going the route they're heading after the previous battle. The patrol then comes across the ShadowClan warrior Tawnypelt and her three kits Flamepaw, Dawnpaw and Tigerpaw. Tawnypelt explains that she and her children left ShadowClan after a rogue named Sol convinced her Clan to abandon StarClan and the warrior code, so ThunderClan agrees to shelter them. The gray she-cat is amused by Tawnypelt's kits chanting Hollyleaf's name, teasing that she has three new apprentices to keep track of. Later, during an outbreak of illness, Firestar decides to have all the sick cats be quarantined in the nearby abandoned twoleg house, and Cinderheart agrees with this plan. She and Brackenfur then help prepare the house for the sick cats by stuffing holes in the walls full of twigs.
When the Clan accuses Sol of murdering Ashfur, Cinderheart is surprised when Purdy stands up for the rogue, pointing out that he was seen near the WindClan border recently, which is where Ashfur's body was found. When Honeyfern is bitten by a venomous snake while protecting Graystripe's and Millie's daughter Briarkit from it, Cinderheart stares at her sister in despair. Leafpool glances at her desperately, wondering if Cinderpelt's spirit will take over and help save the poisoned she-cat, but Honeyfern dies soon after, leaving Cinderheart and the rest of her family grief-stricken.
At the next Gathering, Hollyleaf interrupts the leaders and angrily announces that she and her siblings were not born to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, but actually to Leafpool and Crowfeather, with the two sisters lying about it to cover up their codebreaking. All the Clans are in shock at this, and Cinderheart asks Hollyleaf why she would do that. The black she-cat responds that it was the right thing to do, but her friend disagrees, retorting that she's only caused more pain by revealing the secret. Soon after, Cinderheart and the rest of the Clan mourn Hollyleaf's supposed death when she runs into a collapsing system of underground tunnels.
Omen of the Stars[]
The Fourth Apprentice[]
Cinderheart an Lionblaze receive their first apprentices in Ivypaw her sister Dovepaw respectively. The four then go to the lake to fetch some water, finding that it's shrunk significantly due to the recent drought. While they gather the water, Ivypaw sniffs a dead fish, causing the RiverClan warrior Rainstorm to think she was stealing prey. As he runs over to her though, he gets stuck in a patch of mud, and Cinderheart berates him for scaring a young apprentice like that before helping to free him. Rainstorm is then escorted to ThunderClan to be checked by the medicine cats, and Cinderheart stays with the two apprentices, telling them that they're going to a clearing to practice fighting moves.
Later, Cinderheart becomes concerned when Poppyfrost is pregnant with her and Berrynose's kits. At the Gathering, she notices Lionblaze trying to ignore Tigerheart since they're no longer related by blood, and feels sympathy for him. She tells him that there's nothing wrong with having friends in other Clans, even if they aren't blood reletives. As the leaders speak, she notes how RiverClan's deputy Mistyfoot was trying to change her leader Leopardstar's mind about laying claim to the entire lake.
Cinderheart later goes to Jayfeather, expressing concern for her sister ever since Honeyfern's death, to which the blue-gray tom tells her bluntly that there's no cure for sadness. Shortly after, she blurts out how sad she is that Hollyleaf is seemingly dead, which the blind medicine cat unhappily agrees with. She later tends to the wounds Jayfeather's half-brother Breezepelt had inflicted on him while he was bringing Poppyfrost home from the Moonpool, as Leafpool has stepped down from being a medicine cat ever since her secret was revealed.
Fading Echoes[]
Cinderheart and Lionblaze teach their apprentices to hop from tree to tree, saying that an elder named Longtail claims to have been able to hop from the Great Sycamore to camp without ever touching the ground in ThunderClan's old territory. Dovepaw asks her how far that was, and she says it was about the same distance between the current camp and where they were now, which annoys Lionblaze, not understanding how she can know so much about a forest she wasn't alive to see.
Later, she and Lionblaze go for a walk in the woods in the middle of the night due to the golden tom not being able to sleep. She tells him her concerns about Dovepaw's and Ivypaw's worsening relationship because of the latter's jealousy towards her sister. She's annoyed by Lionblaze's apathy, though quickly brushes it off. She then teasingly invites him to climb trees again, and he reminds her that he doesn't like to do that.
The two then race each other to the lake, where she dares the amber-eyed tom to get his paws wet, and he says he won't. She starts swimming, remembering the technique Jayfeather had taught her as an apprentice, and Lionblaze jokes that she's a RiverClan cat. Cinderheart retorts playfully that she's a ThunderClan cat through and through, and he says he's glad he is, to which she comments that ThunderClan is the best Clan to be in.
The next morning, Lionblaze expects Cinderheart to greet him happily after the walk they went on, but instead she only gives him a quick acknowledgement before leaving, and he wonders if she's still upset with him for not noticing Dovepaw's and Ivypaw's strained relationship.
Night Whispers[]
Cinderheart and Lionblaze go for a walk at night again when the latter can't sleep, and get startled by an owl. They run to the abandoned twolegplace, where the gray she-cat asks Lionblaze if he's ok. The next morning, she goes on an early patrol with him, and later takes Dovepaw and Ivypaw to go train with Berrynose, though Dovepaw doesn't pay attention to her. Lionblaze later asks her if the two of them are more than just friends, and she teasingly asks if he's already guessed the answer yet, the two becoming mates.
They then take their apprentices out for training, where they see Sorreltail and her mate Brackenfur moving as one. Lionblaze pictures him and Cinderheart doing that one day too, with their kits running around them. As if reading his mind, the blue-eyed she-cat brushes up against him and says she'd like to do that as well. After the golden tom chases off a fox, his mate sees him covered in blood and rushes back to camp to get Jayfeather, thinking the blood was his own. Her panic about the amount of blood on him makes their Clanmates think he's dying, and she waits outside the medicine den as he's being treated.
Afterwards, he takes her somewhere private and explains that none of the blood was his own, and that she doesn't need to worry about him getting hurt, as he's part of a prophecy and has special powers that make him invincible in battle. Cinderheart appears calm at first, but soon freaks out about this. She says that he's too important for them to be together, breaking up with him and running into the warrior's den with a wail of sadness.
Lionblaze later sees her whispering to Leafpool and worries she's telling his mother about the prophecy, but concludes that he trusts her not to. While on patrol near the WindClan border, she witnesses Lionblaze and Breezepelt fighting over a thrush. Leafpool then breaks the fight up and tells the patrol they should get back home, to which Cinderheart frets that Breezepelt could've killed the golden tom, and he asks why she's so worried over a single WindClan warrior. He tells her to stop treating him like an abnormality because of his powers, and she retorts that she doesn't know how to handle it.
Sign of the Moon[]
Cinderheart and Lionblaze prepare to give Ivypaw and Dovepaw their warrior assessments, and Firestar tries out a new training method of having an apprentice be assessed by two warriors instead of just their mentor, with Millie being assigned to assess Ivypaw with Cinderheart. After the two apprentices pass, Firestar calls Cinderheart and Lionblaze forwards during their warrior ceremonies, asking them how their students did. The gray she-cat says that Ivypaw is excellent at fighting, but her hunting skills could use some work, as she caught a vole messily during her assessment. She then tells Millie to give her own report, and the pale she-cat says that the apprentice did very well. Ivypaw and Dovepaw then become warriors, earning the names Ivypool and Dovewing.
While out hunting with Lionblaze, Cinderheart starts talking about the prophecy, thrilled and in awe that the golden tom is part of it. He's annoyed by this, thinking that she doesn't mind their breakup at all, but then catches a hint of sadness in her voice. After catching a female bird, she laments that she never had a mate or kits. Lionblaze tries to comfort her, but she snaps that he doesn't understand, running off and leaving him stunned and wondering if the outburst had been Cinderpelt speaking through her. Later, Leafpool tells her son that Cinderheart truly did love him, and likely still does. While Cinderheart is out in the forest with Lionblaze, Briarlight, Toadstep and Rosepetal, a dog suddenly attacks the five. Lionblaze and Toadstep save the gray she-cat, to which she warmly remarks that the golden tom is a hero.
The Forgotten Warrior[]
When Hollyleaf returns to ThunderClan after living in the underground tunnels for moons, Cinderheart is excited to find she's ok, being one of the first to see her coming into camp and welcome her. Later, at Yellowfang's insistence, Jayfeather reveals to Cinderheart that she's a reincarnation of Cinderpelt, showing her all of her past life's memories. She's incredibly confused by this and wonders who she's supposed to be, to which Jayfeather tells her that she's Cinderheart, and she should honor StarClan for giving her past life a second chance.
While on patrol, Lionblaze notices how distracted she is and lies that there's a WindClan patrol nearby to test her alertness, which angers her. When the patrol get back, they find Mousewhisker and Cherrypaw writhing on the ground in pain, soon figuring out that they've accidentally poisoned themselves with water hemlock. With Jayfeather collecting herbs out of camp, Cinderheart steps in to save them, with Leafpool helping. She instructs Leafpool on what to do as they work, with Lionblaze wondering how she knows so much about herbs. After the two are saved, the rest of the Clan finds out about Cinderpelt's reincarnation, which only makes Cinderheart even more conflicted on if she's supposed to be a warrior or a medicine cat. She yells at Leafpool for keeping this secret from her and storms off, with Lionblaze following after her. Once he catches up, he assures her that she's Cinderheart, and doesn't have to be anyone else. She somberly replies that she wasn't always Cinderheart, and her past life had suffered from loving a cat she could not be with before.
Though unhappy about it, Cinderheart soon decides to become ThunderClan's new second medicine cat. She and Hollyleaf spend time together like they used to do, with their Clanmates both gossiping about them hiding secrets. She later asks Jayfeather where he destiny lies, to which the blind tom tells her that StarClan reincarnated Cinderpelt so she could have the life of a warrior. He then adds that being with Lionblaze despite the prophecy would help make her happy, and she thanks him. Soon after she abandons her role as a medicine cat, and joins in the battle against WindClan.
The Last Hope[]
Still upset that Cinderheart doesn't want to be with him, Lionblaze starts a fight with a ShadowClan patrol and purposely lets himself be defeated by Ratscar to show her that he can choose his own destiny regardless of his powers. He later speaks to her about choosing her own destiny, and when she tries to argue, tells her that she has her own life outside of Cinderpelt, and can be whoever she wants. Cinderpelt's spirit then separates from Cinderheart's body, leaving the younger she-cat as her own separate entity. She thanks Cinderheart, and tells Lionblaze that she's free now, departing to StarClan. Lionblaze then asks the gray she-cat if she'll fight by his side against the Dark Forest, and she says she always will, the two becoming mates once more. During the battle against the Dark Forest, Cinderheart is despaired upon finding out that Hollyleaf had been killed by the Dark Forest spirit Hawkfrost while defending Ivypool. Filled with rage at Hawkfrost, she fights the Dark Forest spirits will all her might, calling them fox-hearts for taking away her friend.
Dovewing's Silence[]
In the aftermath of the Dark Forest battle, Leafpool tends to Cinderheart's wounds while Lionblaze watches anxiously. Later, during the vigils for all those who died, she helps Lionblaze, Bumblestripe and Purdy carry Mousefur's body for burial. On the way, the golden tom pricks his paw, and his mate asks if he's ok, though he insists he's fine. Two days later, she announces that Blackstar is visiting, and remarks that he's gotten so old that he barely even looks alive. She helps Bumblestripe fix the dens after the ShadowClan leader leaves, and protests when Lionblaze wants to go hunting, saying he needs to rest until his injured paw is ok. He tries telling her it's fine, and she replies that he shouldn't take his frustrations out on her, advising him to go see Jayfeather in case he gets an infection. He refuses though, so she goes on the hunting patrol with him.
After the Gathering, Lionblaze points out how none of the leaders mentioned the battle against the Dark Forest that time, with Cinderheart looking thoughtful and suggesting that the best way to recover from it is trying to go back to normal as quickly as possible. A few days later, upon Squirrelflight telling the Clan to sort out patrols on their own for the day, Cinderheart goes on patrol with Lionblaze and Poppyfrost. They hear a different patrol getting attacked by a fox nearby, with the gray she-cat looking after a wounded Dovewing while her mate chases the fox out. She exclaims that she's never seen a fox fight so ferociously and worries for the golden tom's safety, as his powers have been fading away. While Dovewing leans up against her shoulder, she tells Lionblaze to be careful as the fox snaps at him, fretting that he'll be killed. Dovewing tries assuring her that he'll be ok, but she reminds her of him losing his powers. The younger she-cat admits that she's been loosing her powers as well, but Lionblaze is still ThunderClan's strongest and bravest warrior. Holding Dovewing's gaze, she admits that she's right, and lets her keep leaning on her shoulder as they return to camp.
Crowfeather's Trial[]
When attacked by a hoard of stoats in the tunnels, Crowfeather and Breezepelt are saved by a patrol of Cinderheart, Spiderleg, Rosepetal and Berrynose. Spiderleg insists on taking them to Bramblestar since they were in ThunderClan's part of the tunnels, but the gray she-cat says he's just making a fuss since they weren't stealing prey, and it would be easier if they were just escorted back to WindClan. Later, as ThunderClan and WindClan form a plan to drive the stoats out of the tunnels together, Cinderheart looks at Lionblaze in amusement as he and Heathertail agree to block the tunnels' exits. She then participates in driving the stoats away.
Bramblestar's Storm[]
As Cinderheart and Lionblaze sit in a patch of sunlight together, grooming each other's fur, Daisy remarks that they might have kits soon. Soon after, Cinderheart is chosen to go on a patrol to visit ShadowClan, and she touches her nose to Lionblaze's, who tells her to be careful. On the patrol, she and Brackenfur growl at the ShadowClan elder Ratscar when he tells Bramblestar to take his cats back to their own territory. Later, she inivtes Briarlight to lay in the sun with her. While going through WindClan's territory on the way to the Gathering, she tells the apprentices that there's no need to get ready for a fight, as WindClan will allow them across for the Gathering.
Later, as a violent storm starts to brew, ThunderClan evacuates to somewhere higher to avoid the potential floods. On the way there, while talking to her mate, she purrs in amusement as he complains about a branch hitting him in the heading, remarking that it was only a twig, and he had to get used to getting hurt now that his powers were gone. A strong gust of wind then knocks Brightheart over, and she pulls the older she-cat back onto the path, asking if she's alright, who nods in response. Once they reach a cliff, Cinderheart climbs to the top and helps her Clanmates get up. Soon she and Lionblaze lead the Clan to an entrance to the underground tunnels, and she asks Bramblestar if they should check for any below-ground flooding first. The leader says yes and tells her to have others help her, so she chooses Lionblaze and Ivypool. The three make their way to the underground river, and have to step back from it to avoid getting swept away by its strong flow. During the storm, Lilypaw and Seedpaw fall into the flooding waters. Bramblestar pulls them both out, but Seedpaw has already drowned, with Cinderheart and Brightheart coming over when they hear yowling. Cinderheart then comforts her younger sister, assuring her that Seedpaw's death was not her fault.
After the storm, Bramblestar has Cinderheart, Lionblaze and Poppyfrost accompany him while he assesses the flooded twoleg houses. The gray she-cat asks her leader where RiverClan is, and he tells her that they've relocated farther from the lake due to the floods. As they explore the house, she asks if they can stay a bit longer, but her mate says they have to go. She and the rest of the patrol then help save a kittypet named Frankie who got stuck in mud. As they head back to camp with Frankie in tow to get him treated by a medicine cat, they come across a strong current of water, which Cinderheart doubts they'll be able to get across. She then hears a strange noise and points out a monster swimming across to the group. They then cross the waters, during which Poppyfrost nearly drowns, and the gray she-cat swims beside her to help.
Later, when Bramblestar is about to check up on ShadowClan, he has Cinderheart, Leafpool and Spiderleg go with him, with the blue-eyed she-cat touching her nose to her mate's and assuing him she'll be fine before they leave, and Leafpool teasingly commenting that there may be new kits in the Clan soon. Cinderheart remarks that it the aftermath of the floods must be hard for ShadowClan. She shares a look of surprise with Bramblestar when they see ShadowClan's warriors fetching bedding at the neighboring Clan's camp, and offers to help them carry their bracken. When the ThunderClan cats leave without Leafpool so that she may help ShadowClan's sick medicine cat Littlecloud, Cinderheart wonders how long she'll stay there.
Later still, when a bunch of kittypets threaten ThunderClan, Cinderheart is one of the warriors who volunteers to help fight them off. Before the battle, Lionblaze comments that he hasn't had to use battle moves for a while, and the gray she-cat replies that's a good thing, as it means there hasn't been much conflict between the Clans. She then tells him to be careful now that he's not invincible, doubtful when he promises he will be. Bramblestar then sends her and Ivypool to look for signs of any kittypets or ShadowClan warriors, but neither of them find anything. During the battle, she chases an attacking kittypet named Victor away, and rescues Lionblaze from another, which makes him angry that she thought he needed saving. She asks when he'll accept that he's not invulnerable anymore.
In the aftermath of the battle, when Leafpool returns from ShadowClan, Cinderheart and Ivypool tell her what happened, and that Lionblaze is hurt. She stays with him in the medicine den, telling him to be more patient when he complains that he's tired of resting. Sandstorm tells Bramblestar to go remind her that all warriors get hurt, and she can't just spend all her time fretting over her mate. She tells the leader that she's worried her mate will get himself killed from carelessness because he can't accept that his powers are gone, and the brown tabby assures her that he'll adjust to his vulnerability soon and find a different reason to be brave, and she nods, saying she'll try to understand how he's feeling, leaving to go curl up next to him.
When badgers threated the Clan next, Squirrelflight asks Bramblestar to keep Cinderheart from joining the battle against them, worrying that she'll die the same way Cinderpelt had, but the leader tells her that he can't force the gray warrior not to fight. Lionblaze later tells Bramblestar that Cinderheart is expecting their kittens, so the leader congratulates her while she's being examined by Leafpool. Excitedly, she says she's been waiting so long to have kits, and reluctantly agrees when the leader asks her not to try fighting the badgers.
A Vision of Shadows[]
Thunder and Shadow[]
Bramblestar sends a patrol to go search a faraway gorge for the fifth Clan SkyClan, even though they doesn't know that they exist. Once the patrol returns, Cinderheart tells the leader that they only found a few loners, with no signs of any fresh nests in the gorge. Bramblestar then declares that SkyClan is gone, causing the gray she-cat and her mate to share a surprised glace. The medicine cat apprentice Alderpaw asks if that means they've given up on the recent prophecy concerning SkyClan, but Cinderheart reminds him that they still found two orphaned kits named Twigkit and Violetkit, who were "found in the shadows" like the prophecy mentions, though Alderpaw doesn't believe her.
Later, Cinderheart guards the nursery as it rains heavily. When ThunderClan discovers a group of hostile rogues known as The Kin have arrived at the lake, a patrol with Cinderheart in it is sent to warn RiverClan. Twigkit wishes to go with the patrol being sent to ShadowClan to visit Violetkit, to which the blue-eyed she-cat stares at her, wrapping her tail around the kitten to comfort her when Alderpaw says no. She then tells Twigkit that Alderpaw is right, as she's too young to go into the forest, especially with the harsh weather and hostile rogues. Twigkit then pulls away from her, begging to go, but is denied once more. Several moons later, while on a hunting patrol, Cinderheart suggests catching squirrels since they'll be tired and slow.
Shattered Sky[]
As Bramblestar and Rowanstar argue, Cinderheart sits with Lionblaze and Jayfeather, listening in with interest. Alderheart then joins them, and the gray she-cat brushes her tail against him welcomingly. The argument provokes Lionblaze, and his mate calms him down by leaning against him and whispering something in his ear. After the argument, she says that Rowanstar has a lot of nerve to demand ThunderClan fights his battles for him, flicking her tail as she adds that most of ShadowClan want The Kin's leader Darktail to be their leader, so they shouldn't fight for Rowanstar, wondering if it's even their business.
Later, Lionblaze announces that he and Cinderheart are expecting a second litter, with Leafpool being excited by this news, but the rest of the Clan is more somber because of the terrible timing to have kits while the Clans are threatened by Darktail. Padding to Lionblaze's side and resting her tail on him, Cinderheart then asks Bramblestar what will happen to their kits if The Kin destroys the Clans.
Darkest Night[]
As a rockslide occurs in ThunderClan camp, Lionblaze orders everyone to evacuate and head to the lake shore. Brackenfur tells Cinderheart and Bumblestripe this, and they tells the rest of the Clan. Cinderheart then rushes into the warriors' den to usher her Clanmates out.
Later, when Twigpaw comes back to the lake after trying and failing to find her family, she picks up on and follows Cinderheart's, Bumblestripe's and Ivypool's scents. When she gets to camp, she notices that everyone looks disheveled, and Cinderheart's ears are swollen. She learns about the rockslide, and hears the gray she-cat mention that Snowbush was badly wounded, eyes full of concern. Twigpaw asks if her adoptive mother Lilyheart is ok, and Cinderheart says yes, but that she's very worried about Snowbush. At the next Gathering, the cats are shocked when Rowanstar announces that his son Tigerheart went missing, and Brackenfur whispers something in Cinderheart's ear.
River of Fire[]
Cinderheart gives birth to her and Lionblaze's second litter; a gray-and-white she-kit named Spotfur, a golden tom named Snapkit, and a gray tabby she-kit named Flykit. When Twigpaw returns to ThunderClan with Finpaw in tow, she sees Cinderheart and Blossomfall sitting by the nursery, watching their kits play. When sickness spreads throughout the Clan, Alderheart worries that the kits and their mothers will fall ill, remembering how Cinderheart's litter was only just old enough to leave the nursery, and were eager to explore the camp, praying she and the litter don't get sick. She's briefly seen speaking to Blossomfall as their kits play again.
When rain leaks into the nursery, Cinderheart huddles her kits close to her, trying to keep them dry. Alderheart tells her and Blossomfall to take their kits and move to the elders' den, with the two she-cats and the ginger tom each carrying one of Cinderheart's kits while Blossomfall's follow them. A bit later, while checking on Ivypool and her newborn kits, Alderheart notices that the blue-eyed she-cat's own kits look much bigger now. He then sees her looking at Ivypool's kits fondly, and remembers that Fernsong is their father, and thus she is their grandmother, thinking that it must be nice to tend to both her kits and grandkits. The medicine cat then goes to check on the sleeping Spotkit, Snapkitt and Flykit, but their mother asks shim not to disturb them, as she only gets rest when they're asleep. She then rests her tail over the three affectionally, adding that she wouldn't have it any other way. Daisy agrees, and says that the litter will become apprentices before they know it.
The Raging Storm[]
Flykit - now Flypaw - doubts she has any hunting or fighting skills, but Finleap assures her that she does, since her parents are such good warriors. After her mentor Twigbranch scolds her, an upset Flypaw presses up against Cinderheart as she patches holes in the elder's den. Her mother wraps her tail around her protectively, glancing at Twigbranch. Later, when a SkyClan patrol escorts Finleap back to camp, Cinderheart asks why he was in SkyClan instead of training his apprentice.
The Broken Code[]
The Silent Thaw[]
Cinderheart is now the mentor of Finchpaw, and goes on a few patrols with her. When Bramblestar announces that Lionblaze and Spotfur for accidentally crossing into WindClan, Cinderheart and Fernsong exchange nervous glances. The gray she-cat protests when Lionblaze is banished for a week as punishment. She's later seen reinforcing the dens with brambles alongside Finchpaw and Birchfall.
Veil of Shadows[]
When Lionblaze stands up to Bramblestar, the leader promptly exiles him, and Cinderheart shares an anxious glace with him as he leaves the camp. When Sparkpelt and Graystripe are banished next, she joins them in exile alongside Finchpaw, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe and Thriftear.
Darkness Within[]
After Bramblestar is revealed to be possessed by Ashfur and taken prisoner in ShadowClan, Thornclaw says that Ashfur won't be satisfied until he's destroyed the Clans, with Cinderheart and Blossomfall murmuring in agreement. As the exiled cats head back home, Cinderheart asks Squirrelflight if she thinks Ashfur is working together with someone, exchanging a glace with Finleap.
The Place of No Stars[]
Flipclaw returns from wandering outside the lake territories, and Cinderheart asks where Snaptooth and Flywhisker are, as they had accompanied him. He tells the Clan that they left to become kittypets, and he saw them in the twolegplace on his way back, trying and failing to convince them to go back to ThunderClan. The Clan berates them for this, but Cinderheart defends her children, asking her Clanmates if they haven't also thought about leaving after what Ashfur had done.
- Author Kate Cary has stated that Cinderheart being a reincarnation of Cinderpelt was fellow author Victoria Holmes' idea, and how connected the two were became blurred during the story planning.
- Victoria has said that she'd love for Cinderheart to become ThunderClan's leader in the future, as she likes the idea of a medicine cat becoming leader, even if she wasn't an official medicine cat.
External links[]
Cinderheart on the Warriors Wiki
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