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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Climb is one of the main secondary characters in Overlord.



Climb is a kinda but hard working person determined to protect Princess Renner no matter what.

However Climb is also unaware of Princess Renner’s dark colors due to how easily dumbfounded her is being easily fooled by her facades.


During his childhood his parents vanished and was homeless surviving on scavenging foods on the streets of Re-Estate, he was close to death’s door until Princess Renner found him and took her under her wing where he was raised to be her knight.

In present day nobles who resented Princess Renner try to get rid of him but he was determined to get stronger to protect her while unaware of her true colors.

Gazef Stronoff would tell him of Ainz Ooal Gown’s heroic deed of saving Carne Village from raiders seemly encouraging him to work harder. One day he came across Sebas Tian when he was saving a child from a drunk make, Climb would heal the child of his injuries before seeming guidance from Sebas to grow stronger while also forming an friendship with Brain Unglaus. He would help Sebas take down 8 fingers and save Tuareninya Veyron.


  • His birthday is unknown so his birthday is the day Princess Renner found him instead though that date is unknown currently too.
  • It is unknown if Climb been turned into an Demon since accepting Princess Renner‘s plea to be a Demon with her to spend eternity with her since the events of the Fall of Re-Eztaze Kingdo as he not appeared since the events of Volume 14.
  • Albedo uses him as leverage on Princess Renner to ensure she wouldn't betray Ainz Ool Gown and Nazarack as she told Renner she would kill Climb infront of her if it were to happen.
  • The Author stated if Climb entered Princess Renner's life more earlier he could have prevented her from becoming evil.
  • When the author was asked if he can meet Sebas again since he live in Narack, he said it is unlikely due to being confined to Princess Renner‘s room.
  • The author stated if he were to be an Overlord character it be Climb due to his cheerful and carefree atitude.

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           Overlord Logo Heroes

Human Nations
Enri Emmot | Nfirea Bareare | Gazef Stronoff | Brita | Brain Unglaus | Climb | Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself | Neia Baraja | Calca Bessarez | Remedios Custodio | Kelart Custodio

Zaryusu Shasha | Crusch Lulu | Shasuryu Shasha | Zenberu Gugu

Blue Roses
Evileye | Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra | Gagaran | Tina and Tia | Rigrit Bers Caurau

Dragon Lords
Tsaindorcus Vaision | Draudillon Oriculus

Touch Me | Suzuki Satoru

Overlord: Mass for the Dead
Saint Clementine | The Protagonist | Kyuko | Slimeko | Shiramochi-ō | Sophie Noia
