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Heroes Wiki

It looks like you're trying to kill a stick figure.
Would you need help?
~ Clippy offering help to the Animator.
Hey, buddy! I'll kill you if you don't stop that!
~ Clippy threatening the Chosen One.

Clippit, best known as simply Clippy, is a major antagonist in Animator vs. Animation 3, the third entry in Animator vs. Animation's first season.

He is a computer assistant who tries to help the Animator defeat and kill the Chosen One.


Clippy is a paper clip with eyes.


After the Chosen One breaks free from his imprisonment and starts destroying the Animator's required essay, Clippy appears and asks the latter if he needs help killing the former. Once he says yes, Clippy warns the stick figure he will kill him if he doesn't stop. When the Chosen One ignores him, the paper clip attacks and smashes him against a wall. With the Animator's help, they eventually manage to have the stick figure cornered and at both knifepoint and gunpoint. However, he then burns their weapons to the ground and continues fighting. While the two computer programs are trying to kill each other, the Animator makes a new stick figure - The Dark Lord - to finish the job. By the time the Dark Lord is given the order, the Chosen One has already defeated Clippy, tying him up into a ball and kicking him away.

At the end of the episode, the two stick figures team up and destroy the computer, killing Clippy in the process.


  • When Clippy first appears, the Animator briefly thinks about rejecting his offer, most likely referencing how he isn't really popular and liked in real life.

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           Ava logo Heroes

Stick Figures
The Chosen One | The Second Coming | Fighting Stick Figures | Purple | Mitsi

Purple's Villagers | The Musketeers | Fletcher | The Chef
Red's Third Pig | Piglin Tribe | Red's Fourth Pig
Monster School
Herobrine | The Warden | Endie, Skellington and Spider
Titan Ravager | Dolphin Soldier | Beeper | Giant Ghast

Alan Becker | Desktop Icons | Clippy | Feraligatr | Phi

Blue | Yellow | Red and Green
Green's YouTube Channel
Super Orange
