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I'm a little man, sitting in a can. Ohhhhhh. Ohhhhhh! And I thought my life had hit rock bottom when they told me about saturated fat!
~ Clive's well-known quote.

Clive Handforth is a recurring supporting character in the LittleBigPlanet series and in the DLC and LittleBigPlanet 3: The Journey Home.

He was voiced by Barry Meade in the English version and voiced by Naoki Tatsuta in the Japanese version.


LittleBigPlanet 2[]

Clive Handforth created the Factory of a Better Tomorrow as well as mass-produced the Sackbots. He was later removed from the factory after the Negativitron destroyed it.

He was later found by both Sackboy and Larry Da Vinci in the trash, where he went to joined The Alliance. He first aided Sackboy across the Factory to rescue some of his Sackbots. He continued to help the Alliance in fighting against the Negativitron and his army of Meanies. It can be assumed that Clive reopened the Factory of a Better Tomorrow after the defeat of the Negativitron.


Clive is a male humanoid who has a blue calendar as a head with some darker blue sketches on the front to represent his face that have short eyes and big moustache. His torso is a white and grey eraser, with paper clips for his neck, hands, and feet. His hands and feet connected to the paper clips are square paper bits, that are the same colour as his face.

Beta Appearance[]

This appearance can be seen only in the reveal trailer of LittleBigPlanet 2.

Clive's body uses an obviously thicker calendar, along with his head and torso being the top and bottom of the calendar, his face and moustache being way more smaller, with a dark blue paper clip being attached to his head instead of connecting his body parts, which were changed into paper strips. On his torso shows the December page and has numbers for dates and other stuff that a actual calendar has, which is something that his final appearance lacks in.


Clive is constantly cynical, gloomy, depressed, and is pessimistic to a fault. He can also be very dramatic, and is always complaining about something or another. Despite this, Clive is the most ”normal” of the Alliance members. He is very observant, with the other Alliance members being too crazy or naive to spot a simple flaw in a plan. However, he can be a liitle bit snarky at times, especially towards Avalon Centrifuge.

In the end, during the battle against The Negativitron, despite being terrified of him, Clive performs an act of bravery by confronting the giant vacuum cleaner to help Sackboy and The Alliance, indicating his own development.

LittleBigPlanet 3[]

Clive appears in the DLC level, The Journey Home, to greet Sackboy and his new friends and sent them to one of his new creations.


  • Clive Handforth and Eve Silva Paragorica might be in a relationship.
  • Clive appears in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, as one of the unlockable icons.
  • It is possible that Clive has depression (hiding in bin, gloomy voice, always looking sad, etc).
    • However, this was been joked around, people even made a CreepyPasta off of it. [1]
  • He has a Lancastrian Accent.
  • His facial animation is similar to one of stop-motion or a flip-book, with the style of flipping pages.
  • In the level "Full Metal Rabbit" in The Cosmos, after you get informed that the Alliance is trapped in a force field, one of the meanies (an evil sackbot) will say, "Your friends are dead meat and dead...calendars!", which is referring to Clive's calendar head.
  • In the final battle against the Negativitron, he drives the bounce pad platform in the 2nd stage along with Avalon.
  • Clive states that, before The Negativitron's attack, his life was at it's worst when he found out about saturated fat.
  • He screams like a girl in the level "Patients are a Virtue" in the intro when the shrubs revealed him.



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