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Heroes Wiki

Clock is a male contestant in Battle For BFDI and Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two

He is voiced by Satomi Hinatsu, Who voices Basketball, Black Hole, Bomby, Balloony, Gaty, Bottle, Firey Jr, Saw, Fanny.


In Battle for Dream Island, Clock was one of the 30 recommended characters that had a chance to join the show in "The Reveal". The votes for the debut were revealed in "Reveal Novum" and he only got 5 votes which was not enough to join, placing him 23rd to join the season.

In Battle for Dream Island Again, Clock had the chance to join at the start of the season but he only received 59 votes which wasn't enough, placing him 52nd to join the season and so he was sent to the Tiny Loser Chamber.

In IDFB, Clock is currently in the Tiny Loser Chamber due to failing to debut in BFDIA. He had a chance to join the season but only received 37 votes, which was not enough to rejoin and placed him 38th to join the season.

In Battle for BFDI, Clock competed on the The Losers! until the split in "The Escape from Four" where he left to compete on Two's show.

In Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two, Clock competed on The S! until his elimination in "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" with 2,152 votes, originally placing 35th overall. However, due to Liy and Pencil joining TPOT in "Category One", he ended placing 37th overall.


Clock is a humble, yet righteous contestant of Battle for BFDI. He can be aggressive at times, but is usually a team player and helps a lot in challenges while keeping a good spirit.



X | Two

Death P.A.C.T.
Black Hole | Fanny | Gaty | Lightning | Liy | Marker | Pen | Pie | Pin | Remote | Tree
Barf Bag | Basketball | Blocky | Bomby | Book | Bubble | Clock | Coiny | Dora | Donut | Firey | Flower | Gelatin | Ice Cube | Leafy | Lollipop | Loser | Match | Needle | Naily | Pencil | Ruby | Snowball | Spongy | Taco | Teardrop | Tennis Ball | Winner | Woody
