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Community Oriented Policing Services, better known abrieveated as the COPS, are one of the two main protagonists (alongside the Supa Buddies) of the Dog Man franchise.

They are an organization of policemen and women who work together to stop the forces of evil that try to destroy the city.


Chief Clarence Bailey[]

Main Article: Chief (Dog Man)

The leader of the COPS, wife of Genie S. Lady, and best friend of Dog Man. He is an African-American with a black mustache and red nose. His blue hat says "ChieF" in black letters.

Dog Man[]

Main Article: Dog Man

The titular main protagonist of the series who acts as the remains of Officer Knight and Greg the Dog sewn together. He is best friends with Chief, and the adoptive father of Li'l Petey who he shares custody with Petey the Cat, his real father. He is also always with 80-HD when he's taking care of Li’l Petey.

Officer Knight and Greg the Dog[]

Main Articles: Officer Knight and Greg the Dog

The overarching protagonists of the series who are so far the only cops revealed to be deceased. If it weren't for them, Dog Man would've never been created.


Main Article: Milly (Dog Man)

The supposed second-in-command of the COPS. She serves as more of a background character though.

Maude and her unnamed friend[]

Main Article: Mean Officers on Villains Wiki

Two bullies to Dog Man and so far the only antagonistic cops in the series. The female of the two, Maude, actually appears as one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside the Dog Man A.I. Buddy) of the second most recent Dog Man book, The Scarlet Shedder.


He is a background character who's name is revealed in Grime and Punishment.


Similar to Buster, Patty is a background character who's name is revealed in Grime and Punishment.


Like the latter two, Gloria is a background character that recurrs a lot in Grime and Punishment, which reveals her name as well.



  • In the first Dog Man book of the same name of the series, the former mayor fired Chief and replaced him with Robo-Chief


           Dog Man logo Heroes

Dog Man | Chief | Officer Knight | Greg the Dog | Milly

Supa Buddies
Dog Man | Li'l Petey | 80-HD | Molly

Petey the Cat | Li'l Petey | Grampa | Big Jim

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Zuzu | Seamus

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Cat Kid Comic Club
Flippy | Li'l Petey | Molly
The Baby Frogs
Melvin the Frog | Naomi | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry

Super Diaper Baby
Super Diaper Baby | Diaper Dog

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroes
