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Hero Overview

Yo Joe!
~ Duke's most famous line

Duke is a fictional character from the G.I. Joe A Real American Hero the animated series and comic books. In the original animated series, he's the lead protagonist in the first season and a recurring character in the second season.


Duke is the code name of First Sergeant Conrad S. Hauser. Duke was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and is fluent in French and German, as well as several Southeast Asian languages. He was at the top of his class at Fort Benning, attended U.S. Army Special Language school, has undergone Special Forces training, and worked with South Vietnamese Tribesmen. He was also an instructor in four different Special Forces schools. Despite his accomplishments, he has repeatedly turned down any officer commissions offered to him. He believes a commander's place is with his troops, not behind the battle lines.

Duke is field commander and second-in-command of the G.I. Joe team after Hawk. In this role, he has served as a rugged leader by example, a precise giver of orders, a source of history and knowledge, and a fair settler of disputes. As the team has fluctuated in size and structure over the years, Duke has supervised the training of the non-commissioned officers in G.I. Joe, as well as leading special units such as Tiger Force and Star Brigade.

After the G.I. Joe Team disbanded, Duke disappeared. It was later learned that he'd been performing Black Ops for a secret government agency, his missions of which are still highly classified. One such mission was to locate and detain the mercenary Major Bludd, which led to evidence that Cobra Commander had returned, and hastened the reinstatement of G.I. Joe. Duke returned to active duty in G.I. Joe when the team was reinstated, though his maverick and dangerous behavior took some of his longtime colleagues by surprise, and caused him to relinquish his position as field commander for a more behind-the-scenes advisory role.

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            GIJoeTitle Heroes

General Colton | General Flagg | General Hawk

Conrad S. "Duke" Hauser | Flint (G.I. Joe) | Beachhead | Sgt. Slaughter | Scarlett | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Gung-Ho | Lady Jaye | Bazooka | Breaker | Wild Bill | Zap | Shipwreck | Alpine | Snow Job | Barbecue | Sgt. Stalker | Thunder | Airborne | Ace | Short Fuze | Tripwire | Blowtorch | Clutch | Cover Girl | Crankcase | Spirit | Cutter | Doc | Deep Six | Dusty | Flash | Footloose | Frostbite | Grand Slam | Quick Kick | Recondo | Rip Cord | Mutt And Junkyard | Thunder Torpedo | Steeler | Wet Suit | Low-Light | Cross-Country | Dial-Tone | Leatherneck | Iceberg | Sci-Fi | Lift Ticket | LifeLine | Mainframe | Slipstream | Lt. Falcon | Jinx | Chuckles | Law & Order | Tunnel Rat | Baroness (alternate reality)

Alternate Continuities
Sigma 6: Duke | Scarlett | Snake-Eyes | Heavy Duty | Spirit | Kamakura | Hawk | Jinx | Tunnel Rat | Lt. Stone | Scott Abernathy
2009-2013 Film Duology: Duke | Hawk | Scarlett | Ripcord | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Baroness | Storm Shadow
2021 Film Series: Snake Eyes | Scarlett | Akiko
