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Created by the Earth Federation Government, Contra is composed of the world's most elite soldiers. With superior skills and an indomitable spirit, these commandos have been at the forefront of the fight with the extraterrestrial forces that have recently come to threaten humanity...
~ Board game description.

Contra is a military organization and the titular protagonistic faction in the Contra series created by Konami. They are soldiers whose determination are unbreakable and combined with superiour military tactics, often times find themselves with the best of the best in the warzone.

Outside of all of the members, the most prominent members of the organization is Bill Rizer and Lance Bean.


The mission of Contra is to protect Earth from any threats seeking its domination, primarily the Red Falcon intergalactic army. The Contra Force’s greatest adversary is Emperor Demon Gava, the relentless leader of Red Falcon. Despite numerous defeats at the hands of Contra, Gava's determination to conquer Earth remains unwavering.


Conflict against the Outworld Invasions[]

Originally, through out the Red Falcon conflict and Aliens Wars, the organization dispatched Bill and Lance in opposing to several criminals and terrestrial threats concerning Java and his sister, Black Viper. Sometimes after the Aliens Wars, the team is joined by additional members like Mad Dog and Scorpion in an effort to square up against Black Viper's forces.

Temporary Dissolvement and Tragedy[]

After the Alien Wars, Bill was implicated in a catastrophic incident that has remained largely shrouded in mystery. During the development of a new hyper-magnetic weapons grid, a critical malfunction occurred, resulting in a devastating event that obliterated 80% of Earth's population. Compounding the tragedy, Bill was accused of murdering his comrade and brother-in-arms, Lance Bean, who reportedly attempted to prevent the disaster. As a consequence of these charges, Bill was sentenced to 10,000 years in cryostasis confinement, his fate sealed in an unbroken slumber while the world attempted to rebuild from the devastation he was blamed for.

During this time, Contra absented for years before the reawakening of Bill himself.

Revelations and the Triumvirate[]

During the crisis against the new Blood Falcon, Bill is awaken from his crypto sleep by Lucia who elaborate to him that the government has revived the organization in hopes of combating the new Blood Falcon. Bill now put himself in battles again for humanity.

Eventually, Bill learned the truth about Lance's fate and humanity's true enemy, leading to him defeating the triumvirate and return home with Lucia.

Neo Contra[]

By the time of 4444 A.D, Contra's operatives are now Bill Rizer and Jaguar who fought on the prisonic earth. With the war against Neo Contra rages on, the soldiers struggled in the conflict as they fight the Neo-Contra's determinatedly. Unknown to the members, they are assisted in the shadows by a Mysterious hero from the past, who sacrificed himself to help defeat Master Contra.

In the end, they emerges victorious and accomplished their mission.


  • While unrelated, the organization might took inspiration from a real life guerilla force Contras, which was formed in order to liberate their country.

External links[]


           Contra Logo Heroes

Bill Rizer (clone) | Lance Bean (formerly; defected) | Lucia (formerly; defected) | Scorpion | Mad Dog | Janguar
Alternate timelines
BR-W9 | Erica Ricci | Jimbo | Sally Inohara | Sully

Hard Corps
Commander Doyle | Ray Poward | Sheena Etranzi | Brad Fang | Browny
Alternate timelines
Ray | Tasha | CD-288 | Bubba | Scar | Nicola

Rogue Corps
Kaiser | Ms. Harakiri | Gentleman | Hungry Beast

Galactic President | Hal | Sala Davis | Bart Freeman | Tina | Anna Crawford | Probotector
