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Cornelius II is a major character of 20th Century Fox's Planet of the Apes original franchise. He is an juvenile evolved chimpanzee and the real son of Caesar.

He is portrayed by the legendary Bobby Porter.


Cornelius lived in the newly built Ape City with his family and friends, including both apes and humans. He was enthusiastic about shared peace between humans and apes, and was his father's number one supporter. Cornelius thought highly of Abe the Teacher and in good gesture, he knowingly changed his writing of Ape to Abe so that it read as: "Ape shall not kill Abe". As a young chimp, Cornelius preferred to play with his young human friend, especially war games with pretend guns, even though he was scolded not to do so by his mother. And more after Aldo are angering to write uncorrect "Ape shall never kill Ape" and Also see "Ape shall not kill Abe" and destroy his paper. Cornelius are witness Abe to say No in Aldo and the altercation are starting and his father stop that situation and after the incident Cornelius go play after the school are closed.

One night, his pet squirrel escaped from its cage, so Cornelius crept out of his parent's sight to go after his pet. After overhearing General Aldo and the gorillas planning to overthrow Caesar, he was caught eavesdropping on them and was chased up a tree. Afraid about losing the secrecy of his plans, Aldo then cut the branch Corneilus was standing on with his machete, leading to the prince falling towards a fatal injury to his death. Cornelius was treated back at home as he tried to tell Caesar about Aldo's plans, but nothing could save him from dying in bed. Caesar and Lisa wept over the loss of their son in the midst of the "Battle for the Planet of the Apes", but Aldo's attempt on their son's life was exposed and they cornered the gorilla general up a tree, chasing him towards the same fate he put on Cornelius. Unlike Cornelius, Aldo died from his fall straight away and was avenged for breaking the "Ape shall not kill Ape" law.



           PlanetOfTheApesTitle Heroes

Planet of the Apes (1968)
George Taylor | Nova | Dr. Zira | Dr. Cornelius

Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Brent | Dr. Zira | Dr. Cornelius | George Taylor | Nova

Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Dr. Zira | Dr. Cornelius | Caesar

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
Caesar | Lisa

Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Caesar | Virgil | Bruce MacDonald | Lisa | Cornelius II

Planet of the Apes (2001)
Captain Leo Davidson | Krull

Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Caesar | Rocket | Maurice | Cornelia | Buck | Will Rodman | Caroline Aranha

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm
David Flynn | Dallas | Keling |

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Caesar (Ape Colony) | Maurice (Ape Council) | Rocket (Ape Army) | Cornelia | Blue Eyes | Cornelius | Luca (Gorilla Guard) | Ash | Malcolm | Ellie | Alexander | Kemp | Foster

War for the Planet of the Apes: Revelations
Tinker | Oak | Ajax | Branch | Fox | Ray

War for the Planet of the Apes
Caesar | Maurice | Rocket | Luca | Cornelia | Bad Ape | Lake | Nova | Spear | Stone

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
Noa | Mae | Raka | Soona | Anaya | Dar | Koro
