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Heroes Wiki

Cow is Chicken's 7 year old sister, with a weight stated as 600 pounds and one of the two titular main protagonists of the Cartoon Network TV series, Cow & Chicken and a minor character in the spin-off series I Am Weasel.

She was voiced by Charlie Adler. In the Japanese dub from the series, she was voiced by Teiyu Ichiryusai.


Her trademark is her ironically exaggerated over-sized udder. Cow looks up to Chicken, who she refers to as "Big Brother". She is often viewed by Chicken as infantile and stupid, and is quickly prone to emotional outbursts. She is the only character to appear in every episode of the show. Cow has employed Blackmail to get Chicken to do what she wants and often attempts to get the other characters to do the right thing. She also enjoys drinking her own milk. Her frequent quote is "Fairy Princess!" whenever she sings in excitement.


Super Cow

Cow as SuperCow.

Cow's alter ego is "Supercow", a superhero with the ability to fly. Supercow's powers lie in a green blanket and her outfit is purple with a logo on the chest which resembles that of Superman. Her alter ego Supercow speaks Spanish, and in several episodes exclaims: "¡Supercow al rescate!" ("Supercow to the rescue!") In the Spanish-language dub of the show, this works in reverse—Cow speaks Spanish while Supercow speaks English. Cow first became Supercow in the pilot, "No Smoking." She whistles musically as seen in the episode: Chicken Lips.


