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If I could (X) I would be sooo happy.
~ Craig in "Le Petit Tourette"
My name is Craig Tucker. Last week I stopped a guinea pirate from taking over the earth. All the Peruvian flute bands were released, and drove the guinea creatures back to the Andes mountains. Many people had died, but mankind had prevailed. All over the world, survivors were found, living witnesses to the horror that had been seen. The guinea pirate lived, but was taken to prison to live out the rest of his days. And people all over the world learned to support their local Peruvian flute bands, and buy their CDs. For they protect us from the guinea creatures. As for me, I was returned home by Homeland Security. My parents were sooo happy. I realized that we don't always have control over what happens to us. We are but players on the stage of life. And I also learned to never listen when people come asking you for money.
~ Craig in "Pandemic 2: The Startling"
~ Craig tries to lie that he didn't flip anyone off.
Oh. Um. You guys are dumb.
~ Craig to Stan, Kyle and Cartman when they are arguing.

Craig Tucker is a supporting character in the animated television series South Park. He is a member of the boys' fourth grade class and the boyfriend of Tweek Tweak as of the episode "Tweek x Craig". He is a troublemaker and is known for often flipping people off as well he getting send to Mr. Mackey's office everyday. He owns a guinea pig called Stripe. His family are considered the rednecks when they also flipping people off.

He is voiced by Matt Stone.


Craig wears a blue jacket and a matching blue chullo hat with a yellow puffball on top. He wore yellow mittens in "How to Eat with Your Butt". In the early seasons of the series, he wore blue jeans, but in more recent seasons, he wears high-waisted black pants. The fact that his legs are longer is clearly visible in "South Park is Gay!", where he and three other boys from his class wear identical clothes, because Craig's pants appear much longer than the others. Underneath his hat, Craig is shown to have short black hair (similar to Stan Marsh).

In "T.M.I.", it's listed that he has grown the most in height out of all the boys, along with Kenny and Kyle, all three gaining 2.4 inches. This implies he may be one of the tallest (if not, the tallest) boys in the class, especially since he appeared to be taller than the others even before his growth. One of the reasons he may be tall is that both his parents are shown to be the tallest adults in the town.


Craig in St. Patrick's Day

In St. Patrick's Day, Craig wore a green chullo hat (instead of his signature blue) and has a green badge and watch.


Dude, what the fuck?
~ Craig when seeing him and Tweek's Yaoi Pics.

Craig seems to be one of the most cynical, stoic, deadpan kids from his class, having a darker personality than the rest of the characters, a trait exaggerated by his deeper-than-average voice. He has been described as pragmatic, monotone and ironic.

Craig is implied to have bad behavior, and is referred to as "the biggest trouble-maker" in his class by Eric Cartman in "Tweek vs. Craig". Craig has a habit of flipping people off, sometimes to express irritation, anger, or disdain towards them, sometimes as a reflex as well he tries to lie that he didn't flip them off. This is a trait the official South Park website states is learned from his family, who are all seen flipping each other off in "Tweek vs. Craig". His habit of flipping people off has been shown much less in later episodes, although a later incident regarding flipping off the principal of school ended up with him in detention.

Despite his previous rivalry with Tweek, he and Craig developed a psuedo-homosexual relationship, due to Asian girls drawing sexual pictures of the two for unknown reasons. Although the two boys were uncomfortably insulted by this, they played along and began a platonic relationship as it made the town happy. Despite this, the two have learned to genuinely care for each other.

Craig also loves watching the Terrance and Phillip when he learns Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny managed to go the movie.

Like all men, Craig hates queefs when he and the other boys were angry for the Canadian Network of the Queef Sisters to replace Terrance and Phillip. He shown shock when Butters Stotch was queefed. Craig and the other boys visited Butters and needed his photograph for being a queefing victim.


Hey, kid. Get out of that hamster ball.
~ Craig to Mark.
No, you don't!
~ Craig to Cartman when he doesn't know how to debate.
Come on. We want to see the ass people.
~ Craig to the boys when going to Kenny's house seeing the ass people.
Don't worry, Stan, I don't think the fight's even gonna happen. Cartman said that Wendy's already begging him to call it off.
~ Craig to Stan about Wendy in "Breast Cancer Show Ever"
Not all that bad?! How could you say that?! You hate this game more than any of us!
~ Craig to Stan revealing he hates baseball more than him and the other boys
Tom Saltzman says you just glued a piece of glass to an iPad cover and you're faking it.
~ Craig in "HUMANCENTiPAD"
I can't be something just because everyone wants me to be. I have to be myself.
~ Craig to Tweek in "Tweek x Craig"
Dude, I was here first.
~ Craig to Cartman when sitting on Cartman's seat.
Alright! Let's do it!
~ Craig when beginning Wendy's fight with Cartman.
You don't think they'd put the fat tub of lard at the bottom?
~ Craig to Cartman when he think he is hot.
Ah, look at that! I'm hotter than you, fatso!
~ Craig when insulting Cartman after seeing that he is hotter than him.



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           South Park sign Heroes

The Main Boys
Stan Marsh | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick

Kids of South Park
Butters Stotch | The New Kid | Wendy Testaburger | Jimmy Valmer | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrip | Clyde Donovan | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Bebe Stevens | Heidi Turner | Red McArthur | Lola | Jenny Simons | Shelly Marsh | Kevin McCormick | Ike Broflovski | The Goth Kids | Scott Malkinson | Annie Knitts | Bradley Biggle | Nichole Daniels | Kelly | Karen McCormick

Adults of South Park
Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Jerome "Chef" McElroy | Herbert "Janet" Garrison | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Liane Cartman | Stuart McCormick | Carol McCormick | Steve Black | Mr. Mackey | Sergeant Harrison Yates | Mayor McDaniels | Tuong Lu Kim | Jimbo Kern | Ned Gerblansky | Mr. Slave | Big Gay Al | PC Principal | Strong Woman | Father Maxi | Officer Barbrady | Dr. Mephesto

Other Characters
Terrance and Phillip | Satan | Jesus Christ | Santa Claus | Super Best Friends | Mr. Hankey | Toolshed | Human Kite | Super Craig | God | Doctor Timothy | Freddy Krueger | Ugly Bob | Brian Boitano | Gene Hackman | Cesar Millan | Marvin Marsh | Robert Smith
