“ | When I was on Earth, I would look out, and you know what I saw? Just normal people, living normal lives. No powers, no palaces. Just lives. I think that's what I want. | „ |
Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin is a member of the Inhumans, and the younger sister of Medusa Amaquelin.
She was portrayed by Isabelle Cornish.
Crystal and her sister Medusa were born in the Inhuman city of Attilan. Their parents were passionate advocates for dismantling the unjust caste system and overthrowing the royal family that had ruled Attilan for centuries. Due to their radical beliefs, the king and queen executed Crystal and Medusa's parents, sparing only the two sisters. After their parents' death, Crystal depended entirely on Medusa to raise her.
When Crystal came of age, she underwent Terrigenesis, emerging from the process with the remarkable power to manipulate the elements. This unique ability earned her significant respect within Attilan's rigid power-based caste system.
Following Medusa's marriage to the King of the Inhumans, Crystal was officially declared a Princess by Attilan's laws and customs. As a Princess, she enjoyed walking her massive dog, Lockjaw, through the city and participating in Terrigenesis ceremonies, where she presented the Terrigen Crystals to Black Bolt. Crystal attended the Terrigenesis rites of individuals like Bronaja and Iridia.
One day, during a family meal with the Inhuman Royal Family, Maximus interrupted them to reveal Triton's death through Duodon. Gorgon left the table and invited Crystal to accompany him. She then had Lockjaw teleport Gorgon to Earth.
While peacefully listening to music, Crystal learned that Maximus was staging a coup to overthrow Black Bolt. Karnak came to her room, urging her to use Lockjaw to teleport to Gorgon's location. Crystal instead chose to teleport Karnak to safety first. She then sought out Medusa, only to find that Maximus and the Royal Guard had already rendered her sister powerless. Crystal ordered Lockjaw to transport Medusa to the others before attempting to find Black Bolt. Unfortunately, the Royal Guard captured Crystal.
Initially imprisoned in Black Bolt's Quiet Room, Crystal tried to escape with Lockjaw's help. However, Lockjaw was subdued by rebels, and Maximus ordered Auran to confine Crystal to her apartment under guard. Later, Maximus brought Crystal to the throne room, where he explained his motives and offered her a choice: either remain confined or join him. Crystal refused and was returned to her quarters.
When Auran brought her food, Crystal attacked her, but the confrontation was defused. Auran urged her to cooperate with Maximus before leaving, unaware that Crystal had managed to retrieve Auran’s fallen Com-Link. Using the device, Crystal contacted Medusa, informing her of the events in Attilan. Medusa, however, suspected Auran had deliberately dropped the Com-Link to track the royal family on Earth.
Maximus continued to visit Crystal, pressuring her to align with his rebellion. He threatened to harm Lockjaw and reminded her of how Black Bolt’s parents had executed her own. Despite his threats, Crystal stood firm. Maximus later demanded that she publicly acknowledge him as king before the Genetic Council, claiming it was the only way to preserve the royal family. Reluctantly, Crystal agreed but warned she would kill him if he betrayed her.
In the throne room, before the gathered Council, Crystal demanded Lockjaw's presence by her side, but Maximus refused. Beginning her statement, she suddenly renounced Maximus as king, using her powers to fend off the guards and flee. She made her way to the Quiet Room, where she found Lockjaw weakened and sedated. Locking herself inside, Crystal revived Lockjaw, who teleported her to Earth.
Crystal and Lockjaw arrived on a road in Oahu, Hawaii, late at night, with Lockjaw collapsing from exhaustion. As they rested, Dave, a local driving his quad down the road, accidentally collided with Lockjaw, horrifying Crystal. When Dave introduced himself and asked if she was okay, Crystal curtly demanded he find a doctor for Lockjaw.
Dave contacted his ex-girlfriend Audrey, who reluctantly agreed to help despite the tension between them. Audrey, impressed by Lockjaw's size, examined him and informed Crystal it would take a few days for him to recover. Although Crystal was frustrated by the delay, she thanked them both. When Dave high-fived her in celebration of Lockjaw's recovery, Crystal was startled—no human had ever touched her before—and smiled.
Once Audrey informed Crystal that Lockjaw was improving, Crystal decided it was time to search for her family. Audrey advised against pushing Lockjaw too hard, but Crystal ignored her, teleporting away with Dave, who eagerly wanted to experience the process.
Lockjaw teleported them to a beach on the opposite side of the island. Sitting together, Crystal and Dave shared stories about their lives on the Moon and Earth. Dave encouraged her to see the good in humanity and invited her to embrace the Hawaiian lifestyle, setting aside her worries temporarily. Crystal hesitated but eventually joined him in enjoying the moment.
Returning to Dave's home, Audrey re-examined Lockjaw and informed Crystal their earlier escapade had worsened his injury. Audrey urged her to take Lockjaw back to her home, wherever that might be. Before leaving, Audrey tried to photograph Crystal, suspecting she wasn’t an ordinary human. Crystal destroyed Audrey’s phone with her powers, prompting Audrey to leave angrily. Dave warned Crystal of potential repercussions, but her focus remained on finding her family. Together, they decided to use her lightning manipulation powers to create a signal visible from a high point on the island.
Dave brought Crystal to one of Oahu’s highest locations, where she generated lightning flashes to attract her family’s attention. As they waited, Crystal reflected on her experience on Earth, expressing joy in spending time with Dave. When he kissed her, she was momentarily surprised but kissed him back. Shortly afterward, Medusa, Black Bolt, and Louise Fisher arrived. They all returned to Dave’s barn to retrieve Lockjaw for their journey to Karnak and Gorgon.
However, Audrey had contacted the police, leading them to Dave’s barn. While Dave and Louise stalled the officers, Medusa and Black Bolt urged Crystal to leave. Saddened by not being able to say goodbye to Dave, Crystal teleported with Lockjaw and her family to the Declan Research Facility. There, they discovered Gorgon had died in an explosion caused by Mordis, and the family mourned their loss.
Interrogating Evan Declan, the Royal Family learned Maximus planned a second Terrigenesis to regain powers. Following Black Bolt’s orders, Crystal teleported with Lockjaw to the Moon to request a parley with Maximus. She brought Maximus’ team—except Declan—back to the throne room and rejoined her family to discuss their next steps. They then reunited with Triton at a beach before teleporting to the Royal Bunker, a place previously unknown to Crystal.
At the parley, Maximus rejected their truce, forcing the Royal Family to return to the bunker. Medusa comforted Crystal, who expressed her regret at leaving Dave without saying goodbye and her longing for a normal life.
After Triton captured Maximus, he revealed plans to destroy Attilan if he lost the crown. Black Bolt ordered Crystal and Medusa to prepare for an evacuation to Earth. Crystal enlisted Eldrac’s help and traveled to Earth with Lockjaw to persuade George Ashland to welcome the Inhumans. She and Medusa then returned to the Moon, where they oversaw the evacuation of Attilan’s inhabitants.
The Royal Family and the remaining Inhumans relocated to Earth, where Louise Fisher welcomed them to a hidden settlement. Wearing their royal attire, Black Bolt and Medusa addressed the Inhumans, proclaiming Earth their new home. The Inhumans began their new lives on Earth, blending into the world while remaining unnoticed by the public.