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Heroes Wiki

Cutter is a supporting antagonist character of The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale.

He is the leader of the group of flying squirrels called the scullions.


Cutter is a member of the scullions of Mangler. He also has an only brother named Jojo a young flying squirrel. In the beginning from the movie, he and Jojo are preparing a tramp for the Swan Princess according the prophecy. They flew nearby a house where Odette and Derek are helping the Woodcutter as it seems his leg is broken. As Odette was about to deliver the logs, Jojo and Cutter blow some nuts on the horse back witch it goes out of control. Odette was unable to get the reins and she falls on the back side of her carriage. Odette sees Derek coming to safe her. Derek was able to stop the carriage and stop the horse on the same time. Odette was still on the carriage and nearly falls to the river, but Derek safe her just in time. Jojo who was disappointed than the plan didn't finish as is was plan to be, Cutter had news for Mangler that they were about to destroy the Swan Princess. At night when everybody sleeps The groups of Scullions were training to destroy the Swan Princess.

So the next day the group kidnap Alise, the new daughter of Derek and Odette, because they adopted her as she hadn't got any relatives. Odette made her promise and she will keep it. A friendly Scullion named Scullion (called Scully) help Odette and Derek. Later the scullions were about to kill Derek when Odette appears and she explain that she never will harm anyone. Then Scully appears trying to tell the truth, but Mangler hits him. The Scullions don't know what to do but Cutter believe in Scully. Mangler tires to poison Odette, but he hit Jojo instead. Cutter ran to his brother's side but he dies. Odette gave Jojo an antidote and he recovers quickly and the prophecy changes.

Soon everyone realizes that Odette is a good person and everybody wants to help to protected the glowing stone from the Forbidden Arts (Also called the Evil Force).


           The Swan Princess Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Princess Odette | Prince Derek | Alise | Jean-Bob | Speed | Puffin | Lucas

Supporting Characters
Lord Rogers | Queen Uberta | Bromley | Bridget | Chamberlain | Ru | Prince Li | Mei Li

Minor Characters
King William | Whizzer | Scully | Cutter | Jojo
