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Heroes Wiki

You're an impossibility but the world still amazes you...that's cool.
~ Maxine bonding with Al

Maxine Hunkel, also known as Cyclone, is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Amon Tomaz and Atom-Smasher) in the 2022 superhero film Black Adam and is based on the comic book character of the same name. A new recruit to the Justice Society, she was experimented on at a young age, which gave her the power to control air and create tornadoes.

She was portrayed by Quintessa Swindell.


Maxine is very intelligent and the most keen to dish out social justice as a member of the team, wanting to use her powers for good. She is fearless, being ready to leap into battle at any moment especially when it comes to saving innocent bystanders. She shows a keen romantic interest in Al/Atom Smasher, as his optimistic nature brings her out of the cynical mood she found herself in due to her past.


Maxine is contacted by Carter Hall to join the Justice Society, as a powerful new threat has been unleashed in the Middle East. It's at the mansion on Hawkman's estate where she first meets Al and they introduce themselves before being briefed on the threats of the upcoming mission. They must team to together to stop Teth Adam in Kahndaq.

They arrived in Shiruta and both she and Al were ordered to wait by until called for by Hawman and Doctor Fate. Eventually they're summoned into battle and Maxine playfully jumps out of the jet and uses her powers to gracefully float down towards the ground, using her aerokinetic powers to try and trap Teth Adam using many industrial tubes. However, he managed to break free and Maxine falls to the ground from a blast of energy. Adam moves towards her to attack but is incapacitated by Atom Smasher, who has grown to gigantic lengths. He also manages to escape and knocks out Al, who is comforted by Maxine.

more to be added ...

Powers and Abilities[]

Cyclone Powers
  • Aerokinesis: she has the power to control and manipulate the element of air in a wide variety of ways, she has been shown to create simple breezes of air - such as when she caused Amon's cape to blow - or powerful tornados and destructive hurricanes to disable enemy attacks. Her powers have been strong enough to hold back extremely powerful individuals such as Black Adam and Sabbac.
    • Flight: she is able to ride on air currents which allows her to fly. When using this power, the wind around her becomes almost like an extension of her body, creating vivid, floating colors based on her hair and clothing.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: Hunkel has an IQ of 167,



  • Ma Hunkel - Grandmother


  • Coates - friend
  • Elijah - temporary enemy
  • Justice Society - teammates
    • Carter Hall/Hawkman - idol, leader and recruiter
    • Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate † - idol
    • Al Rothstein/Atom Smasher - friend and savior
  • Adrianna Tomaz
  • Amon Tomaz
  • Karim
  • Teth-Adam - temporary enemy
  • Rami


  • King
  • Intergang
  • Legions of Hell
    • Ishmael Gregor/Sabbac †



           DC Extended Universe Logo Heroes

Justice League
Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman

Suicide Squad
Deadshot | Harley Quinn | Rick Flag | Katana | El Diablo | Bloodsport | Ratcatcher 2 | Polka Dot Man | King Shark | Peacemaker | Javelin | The Detachable Kid

Shazam Family
Shazam | King Shazam | Lady Shazam | Shazam Strong | Shazam Thunder | Shazam Lightning

Wonder Woman | Hippolyta | Antiope

Old Gods
Zeus | Artemis

Aquaman | Orm Marius | Nuidis Vulko | Atlanna | Atlan

Mera | Nereus

Harley Quinn & Associates
Harley Quinn | Cassandra Cain

Birds of Prey
Huntress | Black Canary | Renee Montoya

Corto Maltese Freedom Fighters
Sol Soria | Milton

11th Street Kids
Peacemaker | Leota Adebayo | Vigilante | Ik Nobe Llok | Emilia Harcourt | John Economos | Eagly

Justice Society
Hawkman | Doctor Fate | Cyclone | Atom Smasher

Flashpoint Justice League
The Flash | Batman (DCEU Flashpoint) | The Flash (DCEU Flashpoint) | Supergirl

Unity of Earth
Zeus | Artemis | Hippolyta | Antiope | Atlan

The Insurgency
Batman | The Flash | Cyborg | Mera

Alternate Reality Heroes
Batman (Earth-89) | Batman (Earth 66) | The Flash | Superman (Donnerverse) | Supergirl | Supergirl (Donnerverse)

Lois Lane | Jor-El | Martian Manhunter/Calvin Swanwick | Colonel Nathan Hardy | Alfred Pennyworth | Steve Trevor | James Gordon | Green Lantern Corps | Karathen | Brine King | Topo | Stephen Shin | Wizard Shazam | Flo Crawley | Black Adam | Adrianna Tomaz | Amon Tomaz | Karim Tomaz | Hurut | Anthea | Blue Beetle | Jenny Kord | Khaji-Da

           Logo Justice Society Template Heroes

Justice Society | Justice Society International

Atom | Black Canary (Dinah Drake | Dinah Laurel Lance) | Doctor Fate | Doctor Mid-Nite | Flash | Green Lantern | Hawkman | Hourman | Mister Terrific | Sandman | Spectre (Jim Corrigan) | Starman | Wildcat

Air Wave | Amazing Man | Atom Smasher | Batman | Black Adam | Captain Marvel | Citizen Steel | Cyclone | Damage | Darknight | Hawkgirl | Hector Hall | Hippolyta | Huntress | Jakeem Thunder | Johnny Thunder | Judomaster | King Chimera | Liberty Belle | Lightning | Magog | Miss America | Mister America | Obsidian | Power Girl | Red Beetle | Red Tornado | Ri | Robin | Sand | Stargirl | Star-Spangled Kid | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Superman (Golden Age) | Thunderbolt | Tomcat | Wonder Woman

Black Adam: Black Adam | Doctor Fate | Hawkman | Atom Smasher | Cyclone | Adrianna Tomaz | Amon Tomaz
