...And remember, you can only defeat him with the Lord's Blades."—Yeaslin, to Jacob Caullen, strongly implying a villain at the end of Jacob's journey can only be defeated with a certain type of weapon, Supreme Heroes, published 2009, iUniverse
Cytro, in his early adventures, is typically seen donning his iconic silver armor suit and sci-fi helmet with a tinted black visor. Very rarely does he wear an open black cloak with a hood covering his head, but when he does, it's to hide from the public eye. It's important to him to be seen as a protector of humanity first and then a protector of his true identity. Later iterations see him wearing the zipped up cloak and hood full time, starting to ditch the armor and helmet altogether to adopt a darker, more gothic look, which is his way of both mourning what he's lost in Book 1, and showing his level of confidence in his evolving abilities.
Jacob himself has brown eyes, brown hair, with light olive complexion, standing at 5' 8", and weighing in at 180lbs.
Jacob Matthew Caullen was born December 30th in Some City, California. He attends Some City High School as a sophomore with his friends Derek Slavator Falcon and Victor V. Vanazul. His best friend Caleb Z. Martin on the other hand has already graduated, but whenever the trio gets a chance to hang with Caleb, they become "the gang". Having encountered the adversity of school bullies, sports jocks, and other delinquents on campus, Jacob knows what it means to be the underdog and down trodden and will always make sure he's the first to stand between others like him and those looking for "an easy fight".
Sarah Bannic was his crush back in the day, who he won't admit he still has feelings for, but when she returns to Some City after a 7-year move, he attempts to rebuild their relationship.
Jake's father works as an engineer at Walker Corp, a military industrial defense contractor that's responsible for manufacturing and supplying the country with its defense technology, and his mother is a doctor. He grew up with Caleb being almost like a brother and had a normal childhood, nothing overly impressive throughout his elementary and middle school years. He plans to attend Some City University with his pals and follow in his father's footsteps, provided nothing out of the ordinary should happen...
At age 15, his crime-fighting is rather contained to Some City, with occasional bouts in overseas territories, but by age 17, the questionable hero makes his name globally known.
Gaining His 3 Abilities
Jacob Caullen was born with his three abilities, but it took his meeting with the Select Few to finally unlock his Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Super Strength.
SUPER STRENGTH: "He is gifted with the power of enhanced strength, being able to endure three times as much as a human… Mind you, this isn’t your typical super strength. Only where human strength fails, his enhanced strength prevails, so he’s not super strong 24/7… A human can be killed with one bullet to the head or heart; he can be killed with three. A human can lift 500 pounds; he can lift 1,500. A human falls eight stories and dies on the ground, but if he were to fall eight stories, three cascading craters will form under him to cushion him from what should be a normal death-fall to make it a near death-fall." [1]
TELEPORTATION: "He has the gift of teleporting from a single area to another or teleporting objects from one place to another without physically touching or occupying the objects. Each teleportation occurs with an orange flash. He can teleport endlessly, even through walls. He can even clone objects with his teleportation; his rapidity of teleportation combined with the location can easily make one moving vehicle twenty moving vehicles. Of course, his cloning ability is temporary because wherever he performs, the area usually crumbles under the magnitude of the teleportation." [1]

Cytro, Age 17
TELEKINESIS: "His final gift is telekinesis, which is how he is able to master three levels of these powers: darkness, light, and in between… This power is not only for the telekinetic ability, but for knowledge and super senses too. ‘Telekinesis’ has its many diverse forms, but with him, he can manipulate the space around objects to expand or shrink or to compress or stretch. Literally expanding the space between him and the object, like stretching putty, forces the object to repel away from him. Shrinking the space between him and the object forces the object to draw towards him. Compressing the space around the object causes the object to implode or condense itself. Stretching the space around the object or inside of the object causes its molecules to rend apart until it explodes. The size of the object, whether it's microscopic or skyscraper-size, does not limit his power. In fact, for anti-gravity, he uses this power to grant him high jumps, even to the point of short-term flight, and wall-sprinting capabilities by manipulating the space around buildings. Having this power also gives him his supernatural skills in weaponry, blades and guns…" [1]
"Although he isn’t a sharpshooter, he doesn’t have to be. With teleportation, he can redirect the bullets on a set course toward the target. With telekinesis, he can channel the space around the shots to focus on a spot the size of a dime. With enhanced strength, the purpose for guns becomes trivial, as he is able to crush them into shards of metal in his hands." [1]
"By combining all three of his supernatural powers with all three levels of his abilities, he has at least nine combinations of techniques. But with such great powers come great weaknesses… Susceptibility to dark influence." [1]
Power Level
At the start of his journey, Jacob is a novice in his abilities. Even then, his power level by the end of Book 1 is at Basic Superhuman. He's tasked with learning what it means to be a hero and a leader of his team, a team made of up individuals older than he is and still having to command and defend them. As he progresses through his "villain phase" in Book 2, Cytro gets to the level of Strong Superhuman, but that comes with a consequence. Since he relied too much on the darkness, it backfired and revoked his powers altogether, bringing him back down to Human by his early twenties. His journey to redemption has begun. By the end of Book 3, Cytro returns to his Strong Superhuman power level. Book 4 is where Cytro completely makes the evolution into Legendary Superhuman by necessity as the villains he faces as a 22 year old are beyond anything he ever faced as a teen. Each encounter pushes him up the power level scale. Of course, some of his Forms by themselves cross the threshold of Near Godly Superhuman, but most Forms can only be unlocked in times of need.

Jraghon Weeng (left), Lord's Blade (middle), Paladin (right)
As Cytro, there are many Forms of power, some yet to be discovered. Initially, Jacob has three: Cytro, Lytro, and Xytro. Xytro was unlocked not by Jacob's choice, but by the forceful possession by the Demon Prince Nigel. Xytro is darkness personified and vengeance made flesh and uses the abomination of a sword known as the "Jraghon Weeng".
Lytro was unlocked by the Select Few out of necessity to balance out the darkness now residing within Jacob with the power of light, wielding the "Paladin".
Other Forms include Fytro (Fire), Nytro (Ice), Kytro (Kinetic), Bytro (Data), Exotro (Angelic), Hytro (Water), Dytro (Explosive), Gytro (Metal), and Novtro (Theophany). From adolescence to adulthood, Cytro slowly learns how to gain and master each Form.
Over the course of a decade, Jacob faces many notorious villains. In book 1, his greatest foe is the recurring Kyle Delcomish of the G.U.N.S. (Gang Under Nomadic Savagery) who are super-powered thugs, able to manipulate fire, shadow, and poison. They seek the one that "put them in prison". They seek the one "who shrouds his face in shadow". Anyone in the way of their target gets eliminated, and Some City failed to defend them civilly so they prey upon its citizens as "justice" for taking away their livelihood.
In book 2, his villain is an old friend turned evil with the power of Hydrokinesis and an entire underground network of villains. In book 3, his villain is unclear at the start of his journey but makes themselves known by the end and is among the most powerful foes he ever encounters with the power to manipulate time and space and create blackholes at will. In book 4, Jacob fights 24 multi-powered villains converting them to heroes. In book 5, Lucas, King of the demons, is Jacob's ultimate enemy.
Other Media
"Supreme Heroes", Book 1 - https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/160300-Supreme-Heroes
"Supreme Heroes", Video Game - https://store.steampowered.com/app/3431600/Supreme_Heroes/

Video Game box art
"Cytro: Dirge of Indemnity", Book 2 - https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/190878-Cytro-Dirge-Of-Indemnity

Cytro in his iconic cloak, brooding under rainfall.