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Heroes Wiki

Daichi Manatsu is the main protagonist of the Captain Earth television series. He is the son of Taiyou Manatsu and the pilot of the Earth Engine who is the first human to use a Livlaster.

He was voiced by Miyu Irino in the Japanese version.


Daichi is a 17 year old, that has black hair and turquoise eyes. Daichi's casual clothing consists of a shirt that is white in the torso section and red on the shoulders and beyond. A vest is worn below that shirt. He also wears black shorts and brown shoes.


A second-year high school student named Daichi Manatsu spots a weird circular rainbow floating around above Tanegashima Island on TV on the eve of his summer vacation, noting that he's seen it before in his past. Getting a bad feeling about the whole thing, he goes by himself to Tanegashima Island, which houses Japan's Tanegashima Space Center where his Astronaut father launched on his final ill-fated mission. Thinking of other mysteries including his dad's accidental demise and the memories of other weird boys and girls he met when he was a kid, Daichi arrives at the island and enters a facility from his childhood, and as alarms sound at the center, he finds a giant robot known as "Earth Engine" and acquires a strange gun called a "Livlaster."



Daichi is able to summon his Livlaster from any location to himself.


As a Neoteny, Daichi is able to summon and control a Livlaster, a mysterious gun able to generate and fire Orgone energy.


Daichi is able to fire the Livlaster, producing a beam of Orgone energy.


Daichi is able to increase the power of the Livlaster allowing him to hit his target by piercing their armor.
