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I am no warrior, but I am a ThunderClan cat. I stay in the nursery rather than hunt and fight because that is what I do best. I care for our young as though they were my own. This is my gift to the Clan, but I do it in my own chosen name.
~ Daisy defending Millie's choice to keep her name

Daisy is a supporting character in the Warriors series who first appears in Starlight, the 4th book in the New Prophecy arc. She moved to ThunderClan from a nearby farm to avoid having nofurs (humans) take away her newborn kits. Despite not intending to stay at first and being concerned by Clan cat's often dangerous lifestyle, she eventually found herself settling in to ThunderClan. Rather than being a warrior or a medicine cat however, Daisy stays in the nursery and helps fellow she-cats with raising their children.


Daisy is a broad-backed she-cat with long, soft cream fur, pale blue eyes, and a fluffy tail.


The New Prophecy[]


Daisy is living as a loner on a farm with Floss and Smoky, expecting the kits of the latter. On the way to a Gathering, the ThunderClan and WindClan cats are confronted by Smoky and Daisy. The cream she-cat is shocked by and suspicious of the large amount of cats, and the gray and white tom is hostile towards them, demanding to know the reason why they're passing by. Firestar tries to calm them down by explaining that they mean no harm, with Onewhisker backing him up, but Mudclaw ends up re-escalating the situation by threatening Smoky, which only makes him angrier. Squirrelflight intervenes, managing to calm the farm cats down by assuring them that neither of the Clans have any intent of bothering them.

Daisy then tells the Clan cats that the two of them live in the horse stable, and Smoky tells them to keep moving. Squirrelflight comments on his aggressive behavior, and Whitetail reasons that he's just trying to defend his home while stopping Mudclaw from attacking. Whitetail then points out the scent of milk, and Daisy, impressed by her sense of smell, says that their fellow farm cat Floss has had kittens recently. She then reassures Smoky that the group means no harm, and after he introduces the two of them, Smoky warns of a dog the farm's nofurs have as he and Daisy depart.


Shortly after Daisy gives birth, Floss' own kits are taken away by nofurs. Terrified that her litter will be taken as well, Daisy flees from the farm soon after and ends up in WindClan's territory, but is driven out and enters ThunderClan's land. A patrol of Squirrelflight, Cloudtail, Spiderleg and Thornclaw find her and her kits hiding under a bush, soaked from the heavy rain. She explains what had happened and is taken back to camp, where Firestar agrees to let her and the kits take shelter. He also offers to let them join the Clan despite Brambleclaw's and Spiderleg's protests, and Daisy replies that she never intended to stay, but will consider it.

When Leafpool asks what her kit's names are, she says that the cream tom is Berry, the gray and white she-kit is Hazel, and the gray and white tom is Mouse. Leafpool says that those names are perfect for Clan cats, and that if they stay they'll be named Berrykit, Hazelkit and Mousekit, not noticing Daisy's look of unease.

Daisy quickly befriends Cloudtail, as the white tom relates to her struggles of being judged over not being Clan-born. When going to talk to him, she sees the heavily scarred face of his mate Brightheart. She squeals in shock and asks what happened to her, unintentionally hurting Brightheart with her words. The orange-patched she-cat insecurely says that it was the result of a dog attack, turning away so that Daisy can't see her scars.

Cloudtail offers to teach Daisy some battle moves, unknowingly making Brightheart jealous by the two's closeness. Despite his training though, Daisy doesn't end up being very good at combat. When badgers attack the Clan, Daisy too terrified to fight, and instead huddles her kits close as she tries to keep them and herself safe.


After the badger attack, Daisy becomes very afraid of the forest and begins to regret her decision in coming to ThunderClan. This fear only grows when Berrykit wanders off and gets his tail caught in a fox trap, with the tail having to be amputated. This causes her to gather up her kids and return to the farm, though the three kittens miss their life in the Clan. Brambleclaw and Cloudtail go to retrieve the four of them, and Daisy tells them that the life she was used to - a life of stability under the nofur's care - was exactly the kind of life that Clan cats despise. Cloudtail tries to reassure her that no one in the Clan despises her, but she continues that life in the forest was confusing and strange, and she feels that she doesn't belong there. She then looks at Cloudtail longingly, and Brambleclaw realizes that she's in love with him, thinking about how much it hurts to know that they can't be together as he already has Brightheart.

Smoky, noticing how much the kits miss their old life, tells Daisy to let them return. He points out how unhappy they are and tells her that she can return once they're warriors, convincing her to go back to ThunderClan with them, escorted by Cloudtail and Brambleclaw. Later, Leafpool overhears her and Brightheart talking in the nursery. Daisy tells her that one of the reasons she left was because she didn't feel close to anyone in the Clan the way the orange and white she-cat was with Cloudtail. Brightheart asks her something that Leafpool can't make out, to which Daisy firmly replies that Cloudtail is a good warrior who loves her very much. She thanks Daisy and leaves the nursery, looking much happier.

The Power of Three[]

The Sight[]

Though Berrypaw, Hazelpaw and Mousepaw are now apprentices, Daisy decides to stay in the nursery full-time, helping take care of other's kits. When Squirrelflight brings home Hollykit, Jaykit and Lionkit, Ferncloud and Daisy help her raise them. After the three kittens sneak out, they're punished by having to tell her and Ferncloud where they are at all times. Later, Ferncloud falls ill and Daisy watches over Icekit and Foxkit for her while she's in the medicine den.

Dark River[]

When Millie denies getting a warrior name, Daisy and Brook back up her decision despite their Clanmate's objections. Daisy explains that she helps in the nursery rather than do warrior duties because that's what she does best, and that it's her gift to ThunderClan that she does in her own name.


Daisy and Spiderleg become mates and have two kits: a brown she-kit named Rosekit and a black-and-white tom named Toadkit. Spiderleg is rather absent in their children's lives however, which upsets the cream she-cat. During the warrior ceremonies of her eldest kits, she grooms their scruffy fur and watches with pride as they earn the names Berrynose, Hazeltail and Mousewhisker.


After Toadkit gets stung by nettles, his mother paces anxiously around him in the medicine den to the annoyance of Jaypaw, who tells her to go check on Rosekit and give him some space. Later, when Sol is brought to camp, he sees her scolding her kits for tickling Graystripe's and Millie's litter with a feather. She overhears him point out that she isn't Clanborn and is offended by this, with Spiderleg quickly coming to her defense.

Right before the titular eclipse battle, Daisy tells Spiderleg to take care as he goes to battle WindClan. She shelters in the leader's den alongside Millie and all of the kits and elders during the battle, worried the camp may be attacked again. Some time later, when she finds out that Millie has whitecough, she moves into the apprentice's den with her kits to avoid getting sick, as well as caring for Blossomkit, Briarkit and Bumblekit while Millie recovers.

Long Shadows[]

After moving back in to the nursery, Daisy is even more concerned for her litter when the whitecough spreads to Briarkit. She's tasked with nursing Blossomkit and Bumblekit, with Jaypaw giving her borage to help her produce milk for them, and with Ferncloud's help she's able to manage rather well. Rosekit ends up falling ill as well and is taken to an abandoned twoleg nest where the others are being quarantined, and Daisy wants to go with her to make sure she's ok, but Brambleclaw tells her to focus on caring for the remaining healthy kittens.

Spiderleg gets sick as well, and his concerned mate brings him a vole while visiting him in the medicine den, offended when he refuses it. She then tells him that Toadkit and Rosekit are worried as well, though with how little time he spends with them it's a wonder they even remember he's their father. She berates him for his absence and tells him that he's missing out before leaving the medicine den, hurt that he doesn't want anything to do with them. Soon after Daisy and Spiderleg break up, with the black and brown tom telling Leafpool that he never meant to have kits with her in the first place.


When a patrol brings Sol back to camp to interrogate him on Ashfur's death, Daisy is uneasy about her kid's safety as she questions Cloudtail on why they'd bring him back. Her and Spiderleg's relationship is also slightly mended, as she watches him playing with their kittens. Later, after Honeyfern is killed defending Briarkit from a venomous snake, Daisy and Millie warn the kits not go near the cliff where the snake was again. She helps soothe the frightened kits, but is shaken herself by Briarkit almost being killed and Leafpool must give her poppy seeds to calm her down.

Omen of the Stars[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

When Poppyfrost goes missing, Daisy becomes very worried - partially because she's carrying the kits of Berrynose and her grandchildren - and tells Jayfeather about her concerns, who reassures her that Poppyfrost will be ok, but that doesn't ease her anxiousness. Daisy later confides in the medicine cat about Poppyfrost again, telling him how depressed the tortoiseshell she-cat has been ever since her sister Honeyfern's death, and how worried she is that her mate Berrynose still loves his previous mate Honeyfern more than her. When Poppyfrost returns, Daisy greets her happily as Berrynose ushers her back in to the nursery. While Poppyfrost goes in to labor, she stays by her side and helps her through the process while telling her anxious son to go wait outside the nursery.

Fading Echoes[]

While evacuating the camp to avoid a tree that's about to fall, Daisy grabs Poppyfrost's daughter Cherrykit as Poppyfrost herself carries her son Molekit. After the falling tree kills Longtail and badly injures Briarpaw, Daisy comforts the terrified Cherrykit. Firestar tasks her with keeping the kits, elders and other queens calm as a group goes to rescue Briarpaw.

Night Whispers[]

As Firestar assigns many patrols, Daisy voices her concerns of ShadowClan attacking the camp while most of the warriors are gone, to which the leader assures her that they wouldn't attack defenseless elders and kittens. Some time later, she sees Cherrykit beginning to wheeze and asks Jayfeather about her granddaughter's health. He tells her that he doesn't have enough herbs to treat her, but suggests a few ways Daisy could help Cherrykit feel better.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

After Sorreltail announces that she's expecting another litter, Daisy congratulates her and says she's happy that she'll be moving back in with her and Ferncloud while giving her ear a lick. Later, she becomes anxious when Mousewhisker and Cherrypaw get sick from accidentally eating water hemlock, and exclaims her thanks to StarClan when Cinderheart uses the memories of her past life as Cinderpelt to save them. When WindClan, Sol and a band of rouges attack through the underground tunnels, Daisy says that if she has to, she'll help fight them. She and Ferncloud both defend Sorreltail and her kits from the attackers.

The Last Hope[]

Daisy is curious when the Clan mentions an upcoming battle, and Lionblaze teaches her some defensive moves in preparation for it. During said battle, Daisy, Ferncloud and Brightheart are tasked with defending the nursery. Daisy fights fiercely against the Dark Forest cats and successfully helps drive them away, but unfortunately Ferncloud is killed in the battle. Daisy mourns for the death of her friend as well as all those who had died to the attackers.

Dovewing's Silence[]

While ThunderClan is holding vigil for their deceased Clanmates who'd died in the fight against the Dark Forest, Daisy agrees with the sentiment that Hollyleaf won't ever regret sacrificing herself to save Ivypool. She grooms Hollyleaf's fur delicately and says that the black she-cat died a true warrior. When it's time to bury the bodies, Daisy and Brightheart watch over Sorreltail's kittens in the elder's den, as their mother had died of her wounds shortly after the battle.

Two days later, Squirrelflight and Daisy keep Brightheart's kids entertained while she's on patrol, and the next day the cream she-cat takes Briarlight out into the woods to get some fresh air. When Dovewing overhears the kits acting like they're fighting against Dark Forest trainees, she tells them to play a more appropriate game. Amberkit starts complaining, and when Daisy comes out to see what the problem is, Dovewing tells her that the game they're playing is inappropriate, and Daisy tells her that all kits will play-fight as she leads them back in to the nursery.

Bramblestar's Storm[]

Bramblestar sees Sandstorm helping Daisy clean out the nursery and decides to take her place, as the beige she-cat is getting old and he doesn't want her struggling while collecting moss. While helping Daisy, Bramblestar asks her if there are any expecting she-cats yet. She says no, but that there may be soon with new-leaf approaching. She then pauses and asks him to follow her, leading him out of the nursery. She then points at Cinderheart as says that she'll be expecting a litter soon.

While on the way to a Gathering, Bramblestar spots the eyes of Smoky nearby and calls out to Daisy. She greets her old mate, but his eyes disappear into the darkness. She wonders why he didn't want to talk to her, and Bramblestar reasons that he may have been scared of the large group of cats.

Later, Daisy is seen pacing anxiously outside the nursery, and when Bramblestar asks her about it she tells him that she's worried about Smoky and Floss. She adds that Smoky may have been waiting for her while she was going to the Gathering and asks if she can go visit the farm, and the leader agrees while also deciding to go with her. Graystripe later speculates that Daisy is still shaken by the battle against the Dark Forest, but the brown tabby tom doubts this. Graystripe then suggests that she may feel out of place in ThunderClan, concerning Bramblestar.

Daisy and Bramblestar start their walk to the farm, with the former insisting she's fine when the latter notices her limp. While walking along the lakeshore, Amberpaw and Dewpaw suddenly tackle Daisy, who yowls in surprise. The two apprentices explain that they're practicing their prey stalking skills, and their older sister Whitewing apologizes for their behavior before the duo themselves apologize. Daisy affectionately gives the apprentices a lick around their ears, and as she and the leader continue she compliments their skills, with Bramblestar admiring her sympathy and thinking about how she deserves just as much respect as any warrior.

When the two get to the farm, Daisy brings Bramblestar to Smoky and is amused by the brown tabby's fear. Smoky recognizes Bramblestar and Daisy explains that he's the leader of ThunderClan now before asking where Floss is. Smoky reveals to her that Floss died of greencough because the twolegs couldn't cure her. He then shows her Floss' grave, adding that the dog that also lived on the farm, named Pip, had passed away as well and is buried next to her. Daisy is astonished by how much had changed since she'd been gone and wonders how she hadn't known about it despite living nearby. Smoky tells her that he isn't welcome in Clan territory and that he respects her decision to leave. Upon hearing this and looking at Daisy's uncertain expression, Bramblestar begins to worry that she regrets her decision to leave life on the farm behind.

When she sees a tortoiseshell she-cat she doesn't recognize, Daisy growls and asks who she is. Smoky introduces her as Coriander and explains that she's his new mate, and a shocked Daisy asks how anyone could replace Floss. Bramblestar rests his tail on the cream she-cat's flank to get her to calm down, greeting Coriander. When Coriander asks her what she's doing there, she responds through gritted teeth that she's just visiting. She then tells Smoky that he should have spoken to her that night on the way to the Gathering, her shoulders sinking when he says that he didn't want to interrupt.

Unenthusiastically, Daisy visit the horse barn she used to live in while thinking about how different her old home is now. She unsheathes her claws when Coriander comments on how comfortable it is, and Bramblestar interrupts by saying that he and Daisy should be heading home soon. Daisy agrees, saying she has much to attend to in ThunderClan. Smoky seems rather joyful to let her leave, and Bramblestar takes note of how he doesn't invite her to visit again. Coriander warns them about horses as they leave, causing Daisy to snap at her that she already knows. On the way back home, Daisy has a melancholy look and is almost entirely silent, only saying that her home is in ThunderClan and that she doesn't wish to go visit the farm anymore.

Squirrelflight's Hope[]

When Sparkpelt begins kitting, Daisy fetches her mother Squirrelflight. She then tries to calm Sparkpelt when the latter hears that her mate Larksong has fallen fatally ill. Soon after being born, one of Sparkpelt's kits Flickerkit dies, and Larksong dies of his illness as well. With Sparkpelt unable to take care of the remaining Flamekit and Finchkit due to the depression caused by Larksong's and Flickerkit's sudden passing, Sorrelstripe and Daisy raise the two instead, with the former being the one to nurse them.

A little bit later, Squirrelflight sees the two kittens playing with Daisy and Sorrelstripe and notes how the former is the one who reprimands them instead of Sparkpelt. When visiting Daisy in the nursery, the cream she-cat tells Squirrelflight of her worries that if Sparkpelt keeps distancing herself from her children, they may no longer see her as their mother in favor of herself. Squirrelflight tries to encourage her grandkids to play with the orange she-cat, but Flamekit says that Daisy is the one who always plays with them.

Daisy's Kin[]

After the events of The Broken Code, Daisy silently mourns the death of Berrynose and Rosepetal - who had died under Ashfur's tyranny - and how Mousewhisker is her only living kit left. She thinks about how Graystripe, Flipclaw, Snaptooth, Flywhisker and Thornclaw left the Clans to wander for a bit after Ashfur was taken prisoner by ShadowClan and wonders if she should have gone with them. Mousewhisker then tells her to go on a patrol, saying that Berrynose and Rosepetal would want her to be a helpful Clanmate. Bitterly, Daisy thinks about how being a "helpful Clanmate" resulted in four out of five of her children dying relatively young.

Two weeks later, while cleaning out her den, Daisy overhears her son telling Squirrelflight that Smoky is visiting and wants to talk to the cream-colored she-cat. Smoky explains that Coriander is having trouble while kitting, so Squirrelflight sends Daisy, Sorrelstripe, Alderheart and Mousewhisker to the farm to help. As soon as they arrive, Daisy notices how dire the situation is as Alderheart gets to work feeding Coriander juniper berries. Knowing that she's dying, Coriander makes her mate promise her that he won't let their kits become kittypets or Clan cats. She then gives birth to three kits - one being stillborn - before she passes away.

Without a source of milk for the remaining two kittens, Alderheart instructs the others to go find prey that he can chew up and put into their mouths to feed them for the time being. Afterwards, he and Daisy advise Smoky to have the kits be raised by twolegs, as they'll die without someone to give them milk. Smoky insists on keeping his mate's promise though, saying that he knows how it feels to lose his children after Floss' litter was taken away and he never saw Berrynose or Hazeltail again either, and doesn't want to be put through that pain again. Instead, he suggests going to a kittypet named Coco for milk.

After Daisy, Smoky and Mousewhisker get back from hunting, they see that Alderheart and both kittens are gone. Briefly Smoky angrily wonders if the medicine cat took them to live with twolegs before they find the three of them nearby and Alderheart explains that he had to move the kittens because a hawk was circling. Daisy once again brings up the idea of taking the newborn kittens to be raised by twolegs, and when Smoky shoots this idea once more she instead suggests sitting vigil for Coriander.

The next day, the group goes off to look for Coco, but a fellow kittypet named Tom-Tom reveals that she and her owners had moved away. After getting back and telling Alderheart, Smoky goes off to hunt for more prey while Daisy and the ginger tom discuss the idea of taking the kits to SkyClan to be raised by a nursing queen there. Later, while on a walk, Smoky asks Daisy what she thinks he should name his kits, but she advises against naming them at all as that will make him more attached, in case he has to end up giving them up. She then brings up the idea of brining them to SkyClan to be nursed, and while Smoky rejects the notion at first, he eventually sees the logic behind the idea and agrees after Alderheart pressures him to reconsider.

While passing through WindClan's territory on the way to SkyClan, the group is stopped by a patrol that expresses sympathy and lets them go when they see the kits. Before they leave though, the patrol's leader Breezepelt pulls Daisy aside and tells her that the kits may not live much longer. As they continue, Daisy suggests going to ThunderClan to get travelling herbs from Jayfeather. Alderheart concurs, and when they arrive in ThunderClan, Jayfeather comments on the kitten's dire situation before giving them travelling herbs, saying that with them the kits should be able to make the travel to SkyClan.

Right before the group reaches SkyClan's territory, they're attacked by a hawk that tries to take the kittens. Three cats from The Sisters arrive to help, driving the hawk away. After the group explains their goal, one of the cats named Snow offers to take them to their camp, as another one of their members Sunrise will be able to feed them. They accept the help and let Sunrise nurse the newborns. Alderheart checks up on them daily and gives advise on how to raise them, with Daisy noticing how The Sisters are happy to take his advise despite mocking the Clans' ways. While staying with The Sisters, Smoky decides to finally name his kits, naming the dark gray tom Coriander after his mother and the tortoiseshell she-kit Little Daisy after Daisy herself. Once the kits are nursed, Snow tells Daisy that the visitors must leave soon. She tells Smoky this, and soon after decides to go with him and his kits to the farm.

Daisy's Clanmates come looking for her, asking if she's going to come back. She promises to think about it, and that night she concludes that she's going back to ThunderClan after a talk with Smoky. Coriander and Little Daisy are sad to see her go, and Daisy reveals to them that they have a half-brother, referring to Mousewhisker. When she returns, she's surprised by how happy everyone is to see her, and Alderheart tells her that Spotfur has recently kitted and wants her by her side while nursing the kittens. Daisy, reassured that her Clanmates still need her, reminds herself that her true home is in ThunderClan.


  • Author Victoria Holmes has stated that Daisy and Floss may be distantly related, though this is not confirmed.

External links[]

Daisy on the Warriors Wiki


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Alderheart | Berrynose | Blossomfall | Bluestar | Bumblestripe | Brackenfur | Brambleclaw | Briarlight | Brightheart | Bristlefrost | Cloudtail | Cloud Spots | Cinderheart | Cinderpelt | Daisy | Dustpelt | Featherwhisker | Ferncloud | Finchlight | Finchstar | Finleap | Firestar | Goldenflower | Goosefeather | Graystripe | Hollyleaf | Honeyfern | Ivypool | Jayfeather | Leafpool | Lightning Tail | Lionblaze | Lionheart | Longtail | Millie | Moonpaw | Mousefur | Nightheart | Owlstar | Pinestar | Purdy | Redtail | Sandstorm | Snowfur | Sorreltail | Sparkpelt | Spotfur | Spottedleaf | Squirrelstar | Stemleaf | Stripestar | Sunbeam | Sunstar | Swiftpaw | Thornclaw | Thrushpelt | Thunderstar | Twigbranch | Wafflepelt | Whitestorm | Yellowfang

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