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Daisy Mae Duke is a character from the American television series The Dukes of Hazzard.

She was played by Catherine Bach.




Daisy can more than hold her own when the chips are down, and displays on a number of occasions that she can turn her skills to any problem at hand. For instance, during one adventure with a stolen armored personnel carrier (the second season's "Follow That Still"), Daisy is able to accurately fire its main gun while the vehicle is in motion with barely any instruction from her Vietnam War veteran cousin, and Uncle Jesse cheerfully decorates her as "Sharpshooter of the Week" for the feat. She also displays horse riding, archery, and numerous other skills in various episodes


Daisy is generally an friendly and polite girl. However, she is quite tougher than she looks. Daisy will not tolerate unwanted advances from men, or anyone threatening her family.

In film[]

2005 version[]


2007 film[]


