Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Daniel (1818-1839) is the main protagonist of the first Amnesia game. He's also mentioned in the original game's DLC, Justine, as well the third game, Amnesia: Rebirth.

Although Daniel is the well-meaning protagonist of the game, he has committed unspeakably atrocities due to the manipulation of Alexander of Brennenburg, his once close friend. This makes Daniel's character closer to an anti-hero or anti-villain.

He was voiced by Richard Topping.


He was an English archaeology student and explorer, who became branded by the Shadow after finding an orb in an Algerian tomb during an 1839 expedition. As so often happens when one is handled by an uninitiated, the orb fell into pieces shortly after Daniel acquired it. Daniel, however, managed to mend the artifact, making him the only known person in history to have managed to do so.



This article contains content derived from the "Daniel" article on the Amnesia Wiki, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
