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Heroes Wiki
Heroine Overview

Daphne is the supporting character of Winx Club. She is the daughter of King Oritel and Queen Marion, the older sister of Bloom, and the wife of Thoren.


Daphne's primary role for Bloom is to mentor her on her past and Domino. Likewise, she acts as a guardian spirit of sorts, guiding her through her troubles with both her magic and adventures, telepathically communicating with Bloom if she has any trouble. As a native of Domino, Daphne's magic is shown to be fire-based like her younger sister. Her signature moves include throwing powerful blasts of heat energy, generating fireballs and fire-based force fields, the melting of solid objects, and the summoning of dragons and explosions of varying intensities.


Daphne has fair skin, long pale blonde hair, and amber eyes.


She wears a cyan dress and an orange belt with flowery accessories attached to it, cyan leggings with dark green and orange-edged stripes, and cyan high heels with orange cuffs. She accessorizes with a lime scarf and blue bracelets.

Nymph of Magix[]

Daphne's hair is styled in two pigtails that barely reached her shoulders, curling at the ends, while the rest of her hair fell to her shoulder blades. She wore a form-fitting, flowing, golden-yellow dress with a plunging neckline. Around the waist was a thin pale yellow ribbon with three trailing ribbons with red oval-shaped designs at the ends. There were amber-orange rings around her biceps and wrists that each had pale yellow flowing silks attached to them. Along with her signature orange mask, she wore a golden yellow crown with a red jewel in the center at the top, and a pale yellow headpiece resembling angel wings.


In The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, Daphne demonstrates her resourcefulness; solving Bloom's problem with finding the secret library of Domino by giving Bloom her mask. With it, Bloom would be seeing through Daphne's eyes and see Domino as she remembered it before it was frozen.

Even though there is a constant aura of mystery and secrets about her, Daphne is a loving woman, and a devoted sister to Bloom (she willingly sacrificed herself for her younger sister) to whom she acts as a guardian spirit of sorts, guiding her through her troubles with both her magic and adventures, telepathically communicating with her if she has any trouble.

Daphne is not quite emotionless, though often she is portrayed as serious, although, in Magical Adventure, Daphne reveals her more playful side as she acts as a ghost scaring Bloom and in most of the appearances she made, she was quite cheerful and was smiling. In the same movie, after Bloom frees a fish she was forced to eat, Daphne appears and tells Bloom that when she was alive she also had to eat raw fish and that it tasted horrible.

In Season 5, when Bloom asks about the location of the ancient Book of Sirenix to Daphne, she is seen losing her calm demeanor out of concern for her little sister, since the dark spell that the Ancestral Witches had placed on Sirenix caused her to become a disembodied spirit and feared that Bloom might suffer the same fate as herself.

In Season 6, Daphne learns how to live in her real body again, lacking confidence, but that feeling disappears, when Daphne becomes History of Magic teacher. She is shown to be knowledgeable and determined. She continues being helpful and shown to be a very happy person. Her romantic side is seen with Thoren, reads books, dances with him and making some jokes, showing her playful spirit again, surfing and skiing with her boyfriend, and shyly going on a date at the concert that was held at Alfea.


Due to her role as the leader of the nine legendary Nymphs of Magix, a former Keeper of the Dragon's Flame, and a Sirenix wielder, Daphne wields formidable magic. It is assumed that she obtained her Enchantix before acquiring her Sirenix before the series.

She owns a mask that can summon magical power. She once used the mask to show Bloom what Domino looked like before its destruction at the hands of the three Ancestral Witches. The mask is shown as a sort of special artifact.

As the Nymph of Domino, she can wield all elements, and as an additional power, she can manipulate the Beast of the Depths, a creature who wields power stronger than the Dragon Flame.

Daphne also knows basic first-level spells such as telekinesis, transmuting objects, fixing minor messes, etc.

External Links[]


           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
