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Daphne Diaz is one of the main characters of the Disney Channel Stuck In The Middle.

She was portrayed by Ariana Greenblatt


Daphne is definitely the toughest of the Diaz kids. Her older siblings (even Rachel) are scared of her because she's not afraid to hurt them both physically and emotionally. She loves blackmailing her siblings like the time she threatens to tell Harley's secret if Harley doesn't give her money and her cute sweater. She is mischievous and enjoys getting her siblings in trouble by lying or by simply ratting them out as seen when she causes them to get punished into a lockdown. She easily gets away with her mischief because she is the youngest.

Daphne plays by her own rules. She is strong-willed and independent and does not seek validation from her family or anyone else. She does not care what others think of her as seen in the way she doesn't care about fashion or acting girly and sophisticated. Her best friend is Deathnee, a creepy doll she uses to scare her siblings. She behaves like a gangster and her siblings call her a thug or "Thug Life" sometimes.

In spite of Daphne's toughness, there is a sentimental side to her. For example, when her playhouse is recalled for being dangerous in Stuck with a Dangerous House, she still wants it back because of the memories it holds. She also goes for great lengths to fight to get Deathnee back from another girl in Stuck at Christmas - The Movie. And in Stuck in Lockdown, she is only selling Harley's stuff because she's sad that Harley no longer plays with her.


Daphne has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that is always messy. Often times her hair is either down, in ponytails or pigtails and is worn with one or multiple types of hairpieces. She is shorter than everyone in her family, which makes sense since she's the youngest member.


