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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I used to think I knew everything there was to know about dinosaurs. The truth is, it was only after I stopped reading about them and I… we started living among them, that I realized… I had so much more to learn. As strange as it may seem, dinosaurs aren't all that different from you and I. At their core, they need the same things we do: food, shelter, and safety, but most of all, they're part of something bigger than themselves, just like we are. Whether we forge our own path or travel in herds… none of us are truly alone, and at the end of the day, all of us, dinosaurs and humans alike, are in this together.
~ Darius explaining his experiences on Isla Nublar.
(Kenji: “Darius, what do we do now?”) I don’t know. (Sammy: “But you always know…) I DON’T KNOW!!! I don’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to do about Ben or Bumpy…or when the Indominus Rex attacked. All I did was make bad choices and get into trouble and mess everything up. You never should’ve trusted me…I should’ve just stayed home. I’m a Dino nerd who played a video game and I’m no good at this…
~ Darius’ heroic breakdown as he loses hope in Season 1.

Darius Bowman is the main protagonist of the DreamWorks and Netflix TV series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and its sequel series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory.

He is a 13-year-old and one of the six campers at Camp Cretaceous and took his chance after he won in a video game when he got the invitation and is the one who is most excited about seeing the dinosaurs in person. Now stranded alongside the other five campers, he is trying to return home and return to his family, though they face many dangers along the way. He is Brandon Bowman's brother and Kenji Kon's best friend, later adoptive brother.

He is voiced by Paul-Mikél Williams.



Darius once lived with his father Fredrick as the two planned to go on a vacation to the park Jurassic World together. However, his father died in the hospital to an unknown illness, so he kept one of the two Velociraptor teeth his father gave him, in memory of him.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous[]

Season 1[]

In 2015, Darius became obsessed with beating the Camp Cretaceous VR Game and winning a ticket to Jurassic World. Though a skilled player, after evading the Velociraptors he kept falling prey to the T. rex. On one particular occasion, shortly after losing, his older brother Brandon took the opportunity to scare him and he removed his VR headset. Brandon mocked Darius for his inability to get past the T. rex and reminded him that professional gamers had claimed the game was unwinnable and that their father would not have wanted Darius to live in his room this way.

Later that night, Darius suddenly awoke with an idea. Quickly skimming through Alan Grant's Lost World of the Dinosaurs, he restarted the game and after temporarily evading the T. rex made his way to a pile of raptor bones. In them he discovered a Velociraptor Resonating Chamber which he used to call a pack of Raptors to subdue the T. rex whilst he escaped on Jurassic One. Surprised by his success, a short video featuring Mr. D.N.A. played explaining that Darius had won a place at Jurassic World's brand new adventure camp, Camp Cretaceous.

Arriving at Isla Nublar's North Dock, Darius met four of the other kids that would be attending the camp alongside him; Brooklynn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Gutierrez, and Ben Pincus. The group was greeted by camp counselors Roxie & Dave then introduced to the final camper, the arrogantly rich Kenji Kon who arrived by private helicopter. On the drive into camp, the group encountered an escaped Compsognathus that leaped onto Darius's chest before Roxie caught it with a blanket and a cat carrier. Identifying it, Darius looked at the creature in a state of wonder. Entering Camp Cretaceous through its massive Main Gates, the campers were all amazed by the expansive Tree Top Cabins. After settling in, Darius ran to catch Roxie and the Compsognathus, unfortunately missing that later that she had just passed over to a park employee for transportation back to the Compsognathus Pen. As the sunset that evening the campers were taken to the zipline. In the paddock below, park employees had begun herding a group of herbivores to their night-time enclosures. Taking his turn, Darius glided down the zip line, observing the Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Parasaurolophus and Sinoceratops below.

In his bunk later that night, Darius was still desperate to see more dinosaurs. Looking out into the forest he observed lights in the direction he had observed the park worker taking the Compsognathus earlier that day. Sneaking out of the cabin that night but was caught by Kenji and Brooklynn who decided to accompany Darius to the paddock. The three of them entered the paddock they believed housed the Compsognathus, not realizing it was the Raptor Paddock. Showing off, Kenji accidentally dropped Brooklynn's phone into the paddock, then climbed in to retrieve it. Observing the stripped bones in the paddock, and rustling from the foliage, Darius realized that this was not the Compsognathus Pen and tried to alert Kenji.

The Velociraptor Blue emerged from the bushes startling Kenji. Brooklynn located a control panel and attempted to open the paddock's exterior gates, but instead opened the ones on the interior exposing Kenji to the Velociraptor. Darius kicked open a steam pipe from above, flooding the area with a distracting mist then dropped into the paddock to assist his fellow camper. Things did not go according to his plan however as the steam shut off and fellow raptors Echo, Delta, and Charlie formed up behind their leader. With their backs against the wall, the pair nearly fell prey to Blue but were pulled to safety by Dave with only moments to spare.

Believing that Kenji was on his last chance with his Father, Darius took responsibility for the incident, surprising both Dave and Roxie. As punishment for their reckless behavior, both Darius and Kenji were excluded from a trip to one of the park's satellite Research Facilities, and are instead left behind to shovel dinosaur dung. Unenthused with their assignment, Kenji convinced Darius to abandon their work and follow him through the Maintenance Tunnels to the park's Quarantine Paddock. Emerging into the jungle, Darius and Kenji continued to the paddock's perimeter. Observing the fence, Darius questions Kenji's knowledge of the park and whether or not they were on the right side of the fence.

Realizing Darius might be correct, the pair worriedly looked into the jungle behind them as Toro the Carnotaurus stealthy approached them from behind. Taking off into the jungle, Darius advised Kenji that they should run in a zig-zag pattern, evading the Carnosaur's poor turning ability. Making it back to the fence ahead of the dinosaur, Kenji dove through a small opening inside the fence used for feeding. Darius attempted to follow but became trapped as one of the gates jammed shut. Unable to make it budge, Kenji hurriedly grabbed a fallen tree branch using it as leverage to pop the gate open and free Darius with only a moment to spare. As the Carnotaurus slammed into the fence behind them, hurting its snout, the pair called out taunts. Both Darius and Kenji were able to return to their shoveling duties just before the others arrived back at camp, none the wiser.

Late in the evening, while sitting around a campfire at the cabins, Darius attempted to tell his fellow campers a scary story but kept getting interrupted and eventually gave up as it started to rain. The following day, the campers gathered out in one of the herbivore paddocks where they would be driving Gyrospheres. Nervous about riding with a fellow camper, Darius asked Dave if he could ride solo, but Dave encouraged him to try and bond with Brooklynn. Riding alongside the herd, Darius looked in wonder at the Brachiosaurs, Parasaurs, Stegosaurs, Ankylosaurs and Sinoceratops whilst a disinterested Brooklynn continued to peruse her phone. Brooklynn began to open up to Darius about her dwindling viewership and popularity as well as her need to be liked by others. A storm began to form overhead, and the radio contact between the counselors and the other park workers became intermittent. Leaving the campers at a safe distance from the herd, Dave and Roxie drove off to inform the park workers that they would be pulling out of the cattle drive. Seeing a rogue Sinoceratops running away from the herd, Darius decided to ignore their instructions and persuaded his fellow campers to use their Gyrosphere to try and herd the animal back towards the rest of the herbivores. Despite Sammy's attempts to rein the group in, Darius's overconfident attitude led to his Gyrosphere getting butted by the Sinoceratops and thrown back into the rest of the herd, causing a stampede. Escaping into the jungle, Darius and Brooklynn found themselves cornered by another Sinoceratops which proceeded to attack their Gyrosphere, piercing its glass shell with its horn, and knocking them into a mud pit where the vehicle began to sink. Unable to escape, the pair began to despair at their situation when the other campers suddenly arrived. After trying to push the vehicle out of the mud themselves, Sammy was able to calm down the Sinoceratops enough to use her to pull the Gyrosphere out of the mud just before it disappeared beneath the surface. Dave and Roxie arrived to see Darius and Brooklynn emerge from the Gyrosphere, covered in mud but unharmed. Later that evening, Brooklynn approached Darius back at the cabins where he admitted he thought he knew everything about dinosaurs, but he had made a mistake. She reassured him that tomorrow was a new day.

Awaking the next morning, Darius and the rest of the campers found that Dave and Roxie had left early to head into the park to meet with management to discuss the incidents so far. The campers arguing has been interrupted by a distant roar. Wondering what it was, Darius convinced the others to go to the Observation Tower to see if they can spot the source of the noise. While on the tower, they spotted a lone Brachiosaur and two panicked Park Workers that were trying to convince them to get back inside. They watched the Indominus rex kill both the Brachiosaur and the park workers. As the Indominus rex tried to take down the tower, Darius and the others escaped via zip line to the forest floor and successfully evaded the hybrid. The children returned to the camp to find it in ruins. As the campers argued amongst themselves, Darius stepped up and gave an inspiring speech. He then took charge to lead them across the island to find help.

As the group of survivors made their way through the jungles of Isla Nublar, they found themselves at Gray and Zach's broken-down Gyrosphere and they met up with Bumpy, the baby Ankylosaurus from the genetics lab they visited prior. Eventually, they reached an ACU vehicle and were chased by the Indominus rex once again. They managed to escape and took refuge inside the Genetics Lab where they encountered Eddie, one of the scientists who had been left behind. When Darius mentioned they have a vehicle, Eddie ran outside and stole the van. The children watched helplessly as the Indominus rex attacked the van and killed Eddie. The predator then turned its attention to the children and searched for them. They managed to reach the van and escape from the Indominus rex once again. As they drove away, the van crashed and the campers were forced to continue on foot.

Having witnessed Simon Masrani's death and the escape of the Pteranodons, Darius and the other campers took cover inside the cave that housed the River Adventure attraction. Once inside, they climbed into the kayaks and paddled through the underground river toward the Jurassic World Lagoon. Inside the lagoon, the Mosasaur attempted to attack Darius and Sammy's kayak, however, it was distracted by Yasmina. After a daring escape, the campers took a moment to rest in the abandoned bleachers that surrounded the lagoon. An alarm blared through the park and informed the Park Attendees to head for the Ferry. Their plans to reach the southern docks were interrupted by a Monorail that was pulling into the station at Main Street. The children encountered Toro and they managed to escape thanks to Darius's distraction and the Carnotaurus's inability to climb stairs.

Just as they thought they were safe aboard the monorail, a flock of Pteranodons ambushed them. During the attack, Ben had fallen out, despite Darius's attempt to save him. Things only got worse as Darius realized they have headed back toward the North due to the track change that occurred earlier. The kids jumped off the monorail and lost Bumpy in the process. Without any time to spare, Darius had the idea to cut through the Underground Tunnel to get to the Ferry. While they were underground, the campers encountered Toro once again.

Having defeated Toro, Darius and the survivors finally reached the dock. Unfortunately, they had been left behind. With no sign of help coming any time soon, they return to seek shelter within the island interior.

Season 2[]

Later on, Darius leads the six campers to Main Street so they can send out a signal as a cry for help. Darius and Kenji manage to find the signal, but it is inside Rexy's nest. Though they activate the signal, they are attacked by Rexy, so Brooklynn risks her own life to save them by setting up a distraction. However, she survives, and the campers build a shelter at the old Camp Cretaceous, which was destroyed by the I. rex. Darius, Brooklynn, and Sammy are soon chased by two Baryonyx named Chaos and Limbo, but he decides to free Grim from her cage because Chaos, Grim, and Limbo are a family.

Darius and Kenji then go on a journey together and discover logs blocking the river, and use the Stegosauruses nearby to stop the blockage, after which they find a watering hole with dinosaurs. That night, the six Camp Cretaceous campers are attacked by a Ceratosaurus but are rescued by Mitch, Tiff, and Hap, unaware that the former two are illegal poachers. However, Darius eventually discovers this, and Mitch and Tiff try to force the kids to help them find the watering hole, but Hap saves the kids' lives by luring Chaos, Grim, and Limbo away from them when they are attacked. The kids later find Ben with a fully-grown Bumpy, realizing that he is still alive.

The campers make a plan to lead Mitch and Tiff away from the watering hole, so Darius and Sammy lead Mitch and Tiff into the Main Street of the park Jurassic World. Brooklynn turns back on the electricity of the park, distracting the two poachers while Darius and Sammy flee. However, Mitch and Tiff find the watering hole and Tiff attempts to shoot Blue. However, the two are stopped when the campers create a stampede at the watering hole and are eventually killed. Afterward, Darius is surprised to see Ben forgive him, and concludes that the campers will find their way off of Isla Nublar.

Season 3[]


Season 4[]


Season 5[]


Jurassic World: Chaos Theory[]

Season 1[]

Six years later, Darius blames himself for not meeting up with Brooklynn when she got attack and presumably killed by a blind Allosaurus. However, he reunites with Ben who came to warn him that Brooklyn's death was not an accident and that she was being targeted. Realizing he and Ben are being targeted, they decided to gather Sammy, Yaz, and Kenji.

Season 2[]


Season 3[]


Season 4[]


Season 5[]



Darius is generally very shy, but he loves dinosaurs very much, animals that are supposed to be instincts, which he inherited from his father, Frederick, and after he died he follows in his footsteps to study dinosaurs. Darius has a bit of insecurity in himself and lacks confidence, as at first he seems to be the only one of the group who is interested in dinosaurs and feels excluded and marginalized, also being the youngest, but he continues to be kind, sophisticated, caring and supportive.

Despite being perhaps the most caring of the group, he does not get along with Kenji at first because of his arrogance and with Brooklynn because she is obsessed with technology instead of dinosaurs, which shows that his patience, despite having enough, has a certain limit sometimes. Darius can be brave if he wants to, as he manages to save everyone with brilliant tricks, thus showing himself to be quite intelligent, even saving Kenji, becoming a great friend of hers despite playing bad pranks on him at the beginning, and Brooklynn who begins to bond more closely with her, even ending up having a crush on her. This leads Darius to have confidence in himself since he didn't have any at the beginning and by demonstrating his responsibilities as his grateful friends point out to him, he tries to be a good leader if he has to be one sometimes. Darius, however, is also naive, as he lets himself be manipulated as a gullible person by Mitch, who he considered a father. If he fails to do something well, he feels a strong sense of guilt, like when he believed that Ben was dead, but in reality he was alive. When some of his friends get into trouble, like Brooklyn who was kidnapped for blackmail, he comes up with a rescue plan with his friends, proving himself loyal and selfless, but ends up arguing with Kenji because it is actually his fault that Brooklynn ended up in that situation, but they make up after Kenji saves him from a Mosasaurus, and even when he discovers that Daniel Kon is his father he is shocked by it and Kenji's betrayal but still considers him his best friend. In fact, in the end Kenji returns to them and reconciles. Darius seems to love dinosaurs so much that he is obsessed with them to the point of wanting to stay on the island and pretend to be a spy for the evil ones. He has trouble with the fact of changing.

In the end, when Kenji is reunited apologizing to Darius and the others, Darius with his mother happily adopts Kenji after he loses his family.



  • Darius carrying a dinosaur tooth necklace may be a reference to Dr. Alan Grant and his signature raptor sickle claw. Like Dr. Grant, Darius loses his necklace on Isla Nublar, but unlike Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. Dr. Grant threw his raptor claw away, intentionally losing it.


          JurassicParkLogo Heroes

John Hammond | Henry Wu | Allison Miles | Ray Arnold | Robert Muldoon | Gerry Harding | Oscar Morales | Roland Tembo | Ajay Sidhu | Simon Masrani (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Owen Grady (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Claire Dearing (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Lowery Cruthers | Barry Sembène | Vivian Krill | Supervisor Nick | Roxie & Dave | Benjamin Lockwood | Sedrick Masrani | Hal Brimford

Hammond Documentary Team
John Hammond | Ian Malcolm | Sarah Harding | Eddie Carr | Nick Van Owen | Kelly Malcolm

Kirby's Mercenary Team
Udesky | M.B. Nash | Cooper

Dinosaur Protection Group
Claire Dearing | Franklin Webb | Zia Rodriguez

Nublar Six
Darius Bowman | Kenji Kon | Brooklynn | Yasmina Fadoula | Sammy Gutierrez | Ben Pincus

Department of Prehistoric Wildlife
Mr. Ryan | Alan Grant (film series) | Ellie Sattler (film series) | Ian Malcolm (film series) | Ramsay Cole

French Intelligence
Barry Sembène | Wyatt Huntley

Blue (Legend of Isla Nublar) | Beta | Charlie | Delta | Echo | Bumpy | Pierce | Angel and Rebel | Firecracker | Big Eatie | Little Eatie | Geba

Alan Grant (novel series) | Ellie Sattler (novel series) | Ian Malcolm (novel series) | Tim Murphy | Lex Murphy | Donald Gennaro | Jessica Harding | Nima Cruz | Eric Kirby | Billy Brennan | Paul Kirby | Amanda Kirby | Zach Mitchell | Gray Mitchell | Scott Mitchell | Karen Mitchell | Zara Young | Hap | Maisie Lockwood | Dr. Mae Turner | Brandon Bowman | Rebecca Ryan | Hudson Harper | Red | Kayla Watts | Ronnie | Mateo | Zayna Mballo | Aminata Mballo | Ousmane Mballo | Earnest | Zora Bennett | Henry Loomis | Duncan Kincaid
