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Darli Dagger

Darli Dagger is a heroine in the Samurai Shodown video game series, originally appearing in Samurai Shodown (2019). She is a mighty sailor who save the life of many.

She was voiced by Yū Kobayashi.


Initially, the team originally intended to include the feudal Japanese firefighter character Hikeshi on the roster, but the team could not make this concept work. Nobuyuki Kuroki said: "Although that original concept had an interesting visual design, we felt it was a bit too difficult to convey the nuances of the design to a global audience."

Instead, Kuroki and his team came up with the idea of a carpenter who used a huge saw blade as a weapon. "Giving a large saw to a muscular male character didn't feel distinct enough, which is why we decided to make the character a powerful and strong-willed female with African roots, a region not usually represented in the Samurai Shodown series". In these details, character designer Yumi Saji presented Darli, a leader in the all-female carpenter group.


Darli is a shipwright who has mastered the use of various tools. Darli was washed ashore in the island from an early age, where the carpenters taught her how to make things, and the pirates taught her how to protect herself and survive.

She is currently building a ship in the island's workshop that is said to be unsinkable with her comrades.


Darli appears to be strong willed, not backing down from any opponent and she is very confident in building an unsinkable ship.


            Shodownlogo Heroes

Haohmaru | Nakoruru | Ukyo Tachibana | Hanzo Hattori | Tam Tam | Wan-Fu | Charlotte Christine de Colde | Galford | Kyoshiro Senryo | Jubei Yagyu | Mamahaha | Poppy

Genjuro Kibagami | Cham Cham | Neinhalt Sieger | Nicotine Caffeine | Bizuki | Kuroko

Shizumaru Hisame | Rimururu | Gaira Caffeine | Basara | Shikuru

Kazuki Kazama | Sogetsu Kazama | Hazuki Kazama

Yoshitora Tokugawa | Mina Majikina | Rera | Liu Yunfei | Chample

Andrew | Iroha | Ocha-Maro Karakuri | Sugoroku Matsuribayashi

Yashamaru Kurama | Darli Dagger | Wu-Ruixiang

Guest Characters
The Warden | Gongsun Li | Hibiki Takane | Baiken

Shippu no Reon | Reppu no Hion | Chona Chona | Asura | Shiki | Hanma Yagyu | Taizan Morozumi | Seishiro Kuki | Jushiro Sakaki | Rinka Yoshino | Saya | Mikoto | Shinzo | Jin-Emon Hanafusa | Garyo the Whirlwind | Tashon Mao | Daruma | Ran Po | Minto | Yuda | Mikato | Yantamu | Manari | Hokute | Outada | Riru Riru | Bibi | Pono Pono | Myun Myun | Takechiyo | Suzu | Kim Hae-Ryeong | Garros | J. | Angelica | Walter | Claude | Black Hawk | Kirian | Jinbei Sugamata | Oruhida

           The King of Fighters logo Heroes

Major Heroes
Ash Crimson | Athena Asamiya | Chizuru Kagura | Elisabeth Blanctorche | Iori Yagami | Isla | K' | Kula Diamond | Kyo Kusanagi | Rock Howard | Shun'ei | Terry Bogard

Other Heroes
Adelheid Bernstein | Alice Garnet Nakata | Andy Bogard | Ángel | Antonov | Aoi Kusanagi | Bandeiras Hattori | Bao | Benimaru Nikaido | Blue Mary | Bonne Jenet | Brian Battler | Chang Koehan | Chin Gentsai | Choi Bounge | Clark Still | Darli Dagger | Dolores | Duck King | Duke Edwards | Duo Lon | Fio Germi | Foxy | Gai Tendo | Gang-il | Gato | Goro Daimon | Hanzo Hattori | Haohmaru | Heavy D! | Heidern | Hinako Shijou | Hotaru Futaba | Hwa Jai | Jhun Hoon | Joe Higashi | Junko Sendo | Kasumi Todoh | Keisuke Sendo| Kim Kaphwan | Kim Sue Il | King | Krohnen McDougall | Kukri | Kusanagi | Kyoji Sendo | Leona Heidern | Li Xiangfei | Lilly Kane | Lin | Lucky Glauber | Love Heart | Luong | Mai Shiranui | Makoto Mizoguchi | Malin | Maxima | May Lee | Meitenkun | Mian | Momoko | Mui Mui | Najd | Nakoruru | Nelson | Oswald | Raiden | Ralf Jones | Ramón | Richard Meyer | Robert Garcia | Rock Howard | Ryo Sakazaki | Saisyu Kusanagi | Seth | Shen Woo | Shingo Yabuki | Shizuka Kusanagi | Sho Hayate | Sie Kensou | Souji Kusanagi | Sylvie Paula Paula | Syota Sendo | Takuma Sakazaki | Tizoc | Tung Fu Rue | Vanessa | Whip | Yuri Sakazaki | Zarina

Guest Characters
Jeanne D'Arc | Skullomania | Thief Arthur

Alba Meira | Angelina | Candy Diamond | Chae Lim | Cutie Terry | Diana | Jun Kagami | Kang Bae Dal | Kaoru Watabe | Lien Neville | Luise Meyrink | Mignon Beart | Miu Kurosaki | Moe Habana | Nagase | Nameless | Ninon Beart | Reiji Oogami | Soiree Meira | Xiao Lon | Yuki
