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Daud is the anti-hero of the Dishonored video game series. He is a fearsome underground figure in Dunwall, as well as the leader of an assassin group called the Whalers (because of their use of discarded gear from a whaler factory) based in the Flooded District. He is the secondary antagonist of Dishonored, the protagonist of the two story DLCs for the first game, The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches, a mentioned character in Dishonored 2, as well as the deuteragonist in Death of the Outsider.

He was voiced by Michael Madsen.


Daud is one of the ruthless characters of the series, killing people for money. However, after killing the Empress he realizes that all he's even done with his gifts is make the world a worse place. He finds a small measure of redemption by defeating Delilah, and ultimately decides to seek redemption for his life by using his last days on earth to find a way to kill the Outsider, holding him responsible for all the evil committed by those who have received his Mark. It's ambiguous how correct Daud's reasoning is; while the Outsider had absolutely nothing to do with Burrows' coup, it is fairly reasonable to hold him responsible for Delilah and others like her over the centuries.


Daud was conceived to an elusive and mysterious woman on a pirate ship off the coast of Serkonos, and was later born in Karnaca. It was rumored Daud's mother was a witch, however, throughout his life, he always remembered a piece of advise from his mother, never make an enemy of a witch. Daud would later go to Dunwall from Karnaca in his teen years, acting as an aspiring paid killer for greedy aristocrats. When he became an adult, he would gather street urchins and teenagers born into poverty, this group would be called the Whalers. Among them was Billie Lurk, who would become Daud's prodigy, acting as a spy and a scout during Daud's missions.


Years later, he was hired by the Royal Spymaster, Hiram Burrows, who would use him on many occasions. Burrows would later order Daud to assassinate the Empress, Jessamine Kaldwin, and allow his plans to come to fruition. Daud would kill the Empress and have his men abduct her daughter, Emily Kaldwin, and then sell her off to 2 of Burrows' followers, the Lords Custis and Morgan Pendleton. With the death of the Empress and Hiram Burrows becoming Dunwall's tyrannical Lord Regent, Daud would sink into deep regret.

The Knife of Dunwall[]

6 months after the assassination of the Empress, Daud would be visited by the Outsider, who would give him a riddle, the name Delilah. Determined to learn what the Outsider's riddle was, Daud discovered a whaling ship called the Delilah, owned by the businessman, Bundry Rothwild. Daud and Billie Lurk would infiltrate Rothwild's refinery and interrogate him about the name of his ship. Rothwild would direct them to Dunwall's city barrister, Arnold Timsh.
