Deanna Troi is a main protagonist of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and husband of William Riker. She was a starfleet officer and councilor of the Starship Enterprise. She is portrayed by
Marina Sirtis.
Deanna Troi was born in March 29, 2336, near Lake El'nar on Betazed. She was born to Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi and Human Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi.
In s7, Deanna officially became a starfleet commander and donned a starfleet suit.
Deanna and William Riker got married and later retired from Starfleet and lived a normal life, where they bore twi children.
Picard Deanna and Riker returned in s1, supporting their old friend and Captain, Jean-Luc Picard who is on the run with a girl named Soji Asha from a romulan cult.
Deanna returns in the final season of Picard where she joins and reunites with her old friends, including her husband and the now resurrected Data, to solve the conspiracy of the rogue changelings from the dominions that partnered with the remanents of their old enemy, the Borg. In the end, She, William, Picard, Beverly, Georgi, Worf and Data play cards together at Guinan's pub.