Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Deborahbot 5000 is a Pal MAX robot who and one of the two (former) secondary antagonists-turned-major characters (alongside Eric) of Sony Pictures Animation's 20th feature film The Mitchells vs. the Machines.

He is voiced by Fred Armisen. who also voices KVN in Final Space and Cranky Kong in The Super Mario Bros. Movie.


Deborahbot5000 is a humanoid robot, with large ball-joints on his shoulders, hips and elbows, with a white exo-skeleton surrounding his fore-arms, chest, hands, feet, knees, thighs and calves. On his chest, he has the pal logo. Deborahbot has red and yellow wires jutting out of the back of his head, with a scribbled-on face covering his touch screen.


As a robot, he does not have much of a personality, but he has shown to truly care for the Mitchells. Throughout the story, he shows signs of human traits such as love and compassion for his brother and the Mitchells. He has a tendency to correct his brother's overexcited "destroy the world" ramblings.


Him and Eric are the only two characters who have been brain-watched by the evil smart phone(a.k.a PAL).


  • Despite his name, Deborah is a male, and uses he/him pronouns and language such as "brother" and "beautiful baby boy".


           The Mitchells vs. the Machines logo Heroes

Mitchell Family
Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell | Aaron Mitchell

Poesy Family
Abbey Posey | Hailey Posey | Jim Posey

Dr. Mark Bowman | Deborahbot 5000 | Eric
