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I feel genuinely sorry for any hostile who has the misfortune to face Delta Squad in combat.
~ Walon Vau on Delta Squad.

Delta Squad are recurring characters in the Star Wars franchise, being an elite commando unit of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.


Delta Squad was an elite clone commando squad that carried out demanding missions for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Comprised of four clones of the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett, Delta Squad included RC-1138, RC-1140, RC-1207, and RC-1262—informally known as "Boss", "Fixer", "Sev", and "Scorch", respectively. Each commando had a special skill to bring to their team: Boss served as the squad's commander, Sev was their expert marksman and served as their sniper, Fixer their expert hacker/slicer, and Scorch was their expert in explosives.

One of the twenty-five squads that comprised Arca Company of the Commando Group Zero Five Commando in the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade, Delta Squad took their orders from the Director of Special Forces, Jedi General Arligan Zey, along with Zey's former Padawan, Bardan Jusik, for the much of the war, and then from Jusik's replacement, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. During several missions, the unit was also overseen in the field by Clone Advisor CC-01/425.

First deployed on Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars at Zero Hour after deploying from Kamino to rescue the Jedi and Senator Amidala before they could be executed by the Separatist Droid Army and engage them for the first time, Delta Squad would go on to play an instrumental role in the recapture of the RAS Prosecutor from becoming a prize of the CIS thanks to the Trandoshans about a year after the Battle of Geonosis when sent to the Chaykin Cluster and Corbantis system to investigate why it went AWOL, as well as the rescue of fellow commando unit, Omega Squad. In conjunction with Omega, and working with two of the Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos under the direction of former Cuy'val Dar training sergeant Kal Skirata, Delta would take part in the shut down of a Separatist terror cell operating on Coruscant.

The squad would be tasked with locating the Kaminoan defector Ko Sai, though their search would turn up nothing but the scientist's severed head. Delta Squad would again prove invaluable to the Republic in the lead up to the Battle of Kashyyyk, where they were able to rescue the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful from his Trandoshan slaver captors and becoming a prisoner of General Grievous himself, defend Wookiee villages from Separatist battle droids, and even destroy a CIS Recusant-class light destroyer that had taken position over the Wookiee city of Kachirho, serving as the main source for the CIS to send droids down to capture Kachirho and then the rest of Kashyyyk, slaughtering any Wookiees that got in their way without mercy, despite the Wookiees having their Bowcasters, Rocket Launchers, quad laser turrets, and brute strength to use against them, such as easily tearing a Super Battle Droid's blaster arm right out of its socket once they overpowered it, or grabbing a Trandoshan mercenary by their leg, dangling them upside-down, punch them a few times, then slam them back down for the count.

However, it was on Kashyyyk that Delta Squad would be forced to abandon one of their own, the commando known as Sev, when he came under fire and the squad received orders from Jedi Grand Master Yoda himself to immediately pull out before they could attempt a rescue effort. Delta Squad would go on to serve the newly-formed Galactic Empire as part of the 501st Legion's Imperial Commando Special Unit, where they were given a replacement for Sev, and tasked with hunting down Jedi who had escaped Order 66, along with clone deserters, Jedi sympathizers, and other Imperial dissidents who showed the slightest hint of betrayal to the Emperor.

In canon, the squad appeared in Witches of the Mist of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where they retrieve the corpses of Master Halsey and his Padawan Knox after the massacre on Devaron. "Boss" informed Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, and Saesee Tiin that the planet had perished alongside Halsey and Knox, much to their despair. Scorch reappears in the spin-off series Star Wars: The Bad Batch as the secondary antagonist tasked with hunting down the titular Clone Force 99 and protecting the Mount Tantiss facility. In the series finale, the Tantiss facility is compromised and Scorch is killed by Hunter and Crosshair.


  • Sev: Boss, I've got a problem here!
    Boss: Sev, where are you?!
    Sev: (with static interference on the com) Sector...Multiple hostiles...Sir! (static)
    Fixer: Lost his signal, Boss.
    Boss: Well, find it again, dammit! Squad, regroup. We're going after Sev.
    Advisor 01/425: Negative! Negative, Three-Eight! New orders came through from the Jedi Generals. Clear the area. Evac now!
    Boss: I don't care if they came from Master Yoda himself!
    Advisor 01/425: As a matter of fact, they did, soldier. Now get your squad out of there.
    Scorch: Blast our orders! Forty?
    Fixer: He's right, Boss. We gotta evac.
    Scorch: Sir! We have to go back!
  • Advisor 01/425: Delta Lead, get your men under control! One Commando is not worth risking an entire operation!
    Scorch: One Commando?!! He's talking about my pod brother!
    Boss: Hold on, hold on, Advisor. What do you mean, "an entire operation"?
    Scorch: (to himself) I can't believe...
    Advisor 01/425: Your team was the advance force for a full-scale Republic invasion. I had strict orders not to tell you. It was your reconnaissance, your intel that verified the operation, and now the invasion has begun.
    Republic radio chatter: Republic Assault Ship on Vector Six...Hostiles to starboard. Ready guns. Firing solution in two seconds...Watch it, Bravo Leader, they're on your tail...Droid Starfighters! Incoming at zero-mark-two-seven! Look out! (static)
    Scorch: Boss...look! It's the invasion force!
    Fixer: Taking the city was only the beginning.
    Scorch: I've never seen so many ships before...
    Advisor 01/425: Yes, sir. Yes, I'll patch you through right away. Listen up, Deltas!
    Yoda: All Republic forces: Establish forward command in Kachirho.
    Scorch: Is that really who I think it is...?
    Yoda: Rendezvous with Delta Squad we must. Upon them we rest much hope. Wookiee freedom must not be sacrificed.
    Advisor 01/425: Sorry, Deltas. Looks like it's back to the action. You have your orders.
    Boss: Delta Squad, lock and load!
  • Scorch: Rule #1: Kill them before they kill you.
  • Sev: Rule 17: Always make sure they're dead.
  • Scorch: Do you have to make such a mess?
    Sev: Rule 17: Always make sure they're dead.
    Scorch: Well, it looks dead to me.
    Sev: Is is now.
  • Scorch: Sev, did that corpse give you a nasty look?
    Sev: Rule 17...
    Scorch: We know. "Always make sure they're dead."
  • Sev: Nothing like a little bacta.
    Scorch: Sev, I thought you were invincible.
    Sev: Rule 39: Never say no to bacta.
  • Sev: You think that speeder still works?
    Scorch: I'm not getting on it. That model's a deathtrap.
  • Scorch: This place gives me the creeps. What are these strange, egg-like things?
    Fixer: Looks like we're in some sort of Geonosian birthing chamber, gentlemen.
    Scorch: Well, what do you know? They are eggs.
    Boss: Let's give them a wide berth, just to be safe.
    Sev: Just when you think they can't get any more disgusting...
  • Scorch: Lizards give me the creeps!
    Sev: (scoffs) Everything gives you the creeps.
  • Scorch: Man, this place gives me the creeps...
    Sev: Ah, Scorch, nothing better than a jungle hunt. Hiding in the bush, putting a plasma bolt through a hostile's cranium... (deep inhale) Makes me feel alive!
    Scorch: Okay, now 07's giving me the creeps.
  • Scorch: I think Sev might have an anger problem.
    Sev: I think you have an intelligence problem.
    Fixer: Stow it, Deltas.
  • Sev: Now I'm really going to rack up the kills!
    Scorch: Not if I get them first!
    Fixer: Just don't get caught up in counting that you forget to cover me!
  • Scorch: You hear that, Sev? Someone thinks I'm excellent.
    Sev: Well, at least that makes two of you.
  • Sev: Damn! I don't believe it!
    Scorch: What's wrong, Sev?
    Sev: I lost count of my kills!
  • Scorch: Sev, how many kills you got today, psycho?
    Sev: More than you, wise guy.
    Fixer: Keep this comm clear, you two!
    Scorch: Calm down, Fixer. Just having a little fun.
  • Scorch: These bugs just won't quit!
    Sev: Good. More bugs, more kills.
  • Scorch: Was it "Red, Red, Green" or "Red, Green, Red"?
    Sev: And he's supposed to be the demolition expert?
  • Sev: Setting charge.
    Scorch: Thirty-Eight, you sure you want Mr. Death Wish setting explosives?
  • Scorch: Readying weapon.
    Sev: 38, you sure you don't want someone who can shoot straight?
  • Scorch: One fireball special, coming right up! (beat) The charge is set and ready to detonate. All yours, Boss.
    Boss: Fire in the hole!
    Scorch: (Laughs) That blew up real good.
  • Fixer: (while strangling a Geonosian warrior) Nasty bug filth! (Then as it passes out from suffocation, Fixer smashes its skull in with a good punch)
  • (The demo charge meant to take out the center point of the Kachirho bridge fizzles out when Boss presses the remote detonator)
    Boss: Misfire? MISFIRE?! Who packed that charge?!!
    Advisor 01/425: You're going to have to find another way to take down that bridge. You have any more ordnance?
    Scorch: Nothing with enough punch. Sorry, Boss.
    Advisor 01/425: Never mind. There's a fuel line running along the underside of the bridge. A well-placed rocket might set it off.
  • Fixer: Hold up, Squad. I'm getting a read on something big headed this way.
    Scorch: Hope it's not a Spider Droid.
    (Door opens to reveal several B1 Battle Droids and an Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid)
    Sev: Guess what? It's a Spider Droid.
    Boss: Incoming!
  • Sev: (while killing Geonosians) Hive mind my eye. Buzz off. Splat. Squish. I love that crunchy sound they make when they die.
  • Scorch: Rule 23: Never pull sentry duty on an empty stomach.
  • Scorch: Whoever left this bacta dispenser here, should get a medal.
  • Boss: Hmmm. More Separatist supplies.
    Scorch: One's an anomaly, two's a trend. Rule 89, Boss.
  • Clone Trooper: Ah, one of the deluxe models. Come to save us with your superior training?
    Boss: This "deluxe model" is the only thing standing between you and a bloody death, so you best be showing some respect, trooper.
    Clone Trooper: Yes, sir! What are your orders, sir?
    Boss: Hold the line. Kill any lizards you see. I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
    Clone Trooper: Will do, sir.
  • Delta Advisor 01/425: Delta Squad - clear that promenade.
    Scorch: Promenade, sir?
    Fixer: Shut it, Six-Two.
  • Boss: Blast!
    Fixer: What's that, sir? I didn't copy.
    Boss: Eh...just some interference on the comlink.
  • (Another Trandoshan Slaver rolls out to surprise attack Boss upon opening a door. Boss kills it.)
    Boss: I wish they'd stop doing that.
  • Boss: You lizards need to learn that I'm a lot scarier than you are!
  • Clone Trooper: NO!! (death scream)
    Trandoshan Slaver: (laughs)
    Boss: Laugh while you can, lizard breath.
  • Boss: Fixer, I just encountered a heavily-armed Trandoshan. It definitely wasn't a Slaver.
    Fixer: Roger. Must have been one of their Heavy Assault Mercenaries. Trandoshan Elites. I heard they carry an LS-150 Heavy ACP Repeater.
    Boss: You heard right. Nasty weapon...
  • (Boss is incapacitated by enemy fire)
    Sev: Boss, hold on to your guts while I rip out theirs!



  • Dave Filoni requested the creative team to incorporate Delta Squad into the plot, thus their appearance in season three.

See also[]


           Star Wars logo Heroes

Old Republic Era
Meetra Surik | Revan

High Republic Era
Avar Kriss | Bell Zettifar | Burryaga Agaburry | Elzar Mann | Jecki Lon | Kai Brightstar | Keeve Trennis | Lys Solay | Nubs | Oppo Rancisis | Orla Jareni | Osha Aniseya | Reath Silas | Santari Khri | Sol | Stellan Gios | Tera Sinube | Ty Yorrick | Vernestra Rwoh | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Yord Fandar | Zia Zanna

Republic Era
Aayla Secura | Adi Gallia | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Bolla Ropal | Byph | Cal Kestis | Caleb Dume | Cere Junda | Cin Drallig | Coleman Trebor | Depa Billaba | Dooku | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Even Piell | Falon Grey | Ferroda | Ganodi | Gungi | Ima-Gun Di | Jaro Tapal | Jinx | Jocasta Nu | Kalifa | Katooni | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Mavra Zane | Nahdar Vebb | O-Mer | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Oppo Rancisis | Petro | Plo Koon | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Rahm Kota | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Sifo-Dyas | Tera Sinube | Ursa Wren | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Zatt | Zett Jukassa

Rebellion Era
Ahsoka Tano | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Nari | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Quinlan Vos | Yoda

Resistance Era
Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Rey

Anakin Solo | Jacen Solo | Jaina Solo | Ben Skywalker | Corran Horn | Jaden Korr | Kam Solusar | Kyle Katarn | Kyp Durron | Jedi student | Tionne Solusar | Galen Marek (clone) | Rahm Kota | X2

Galactic Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
212th Attack Battalion | 501st Legion | Clone Force 99 | Coruscant Guard | Delta Squad | Domino Squad | Ghost Company | Senate Guards | Wolfpack

Bail Organa | Finis Valorum | Jamillia | Jar Jar Binks | Kharrus | Meena Tills | Mon Mothma | Neeyutnee | Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Riyo Chuchi | Wullf Yularen

Clone Troopers
Axe | Appo | Bly | Boil | Boost | Broadside | Cody | Contrail | Crosshair | Cut Lawquane | Cutup | Denal | Deviss | Dogma | Doom | Droidbait | Echo | Fil | Fireball | Fives | Fordo | Fox | Gree | Gregor | Hardcase | Hawk | Hevy | Hound | Howzer | Hunter | Jek | Jesse | Jet | Keeli | Kix | Matchstick | Mayday | Monnk | Nemec | Odd Ball | Rex | Rys | Sinker | Stone | Tech | Thire | Thorn | Tup | Waxer | Wooley | Wolffe | Wrecker | "Retired clone trooper" | 99

Asajj Ventress | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Gial Ackbar | Gregar Typho | Hondo Ohnaka | Jaybo Hood | Julia | King Katuunko | Korkie Kryze | Lassa Rhayme | Lee-Char | Lux Bonteri | Meebur Gascon | Mon Calamari | Nossor Ri | Omega | Quarsh Panaka | Rafa Martez | Ric Olié | Roos Tarpals | Sabé | Satine Kryze | Saw Gerrera | Shmi Skywalker | Sionver Boll | Soniee | Steela Gerrera | Sugi | Tee Watt Kaa | Trace Martez | Ursa Wren | Wag Too

C-3PO | C1-10P | Professor Huyang | R2-D2 | WAC-47

The Path/Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
Ghost Crew | Phoenix Squadron | Rogue One

Ahsoka Tano | Alexsandr Kallus | Amilyn Holdo | AP-5 | Azmorigan | Bail Organa | Baze Malbus | Bistan | Bix Caleen | Bodhi Rook | Brasso | C-3PO | C1-10P | Cassian Andor | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Chirrut Îmwe | Cikatro Vizago | Cinta Kaz | Del Meeko | Enfys Nest | Evaan Verlaine | Ewoks | Ezra Bridger | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Gobi Glie | Gorn | Gregor | Haja Estree | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hondo Ohnaka | Iden Versio | Jan Dodonna | Jarek Yeager | Juno Eclipse | Jun Sato | Jyn Erso | K-2SO | Karis Nemik | Kanan Jarrus | Kawlan Roken | Ketsu Onyo | Kino Loy | Kleya Marki | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Luthen Rael | Lux Bonteri | Maarva Andor | Mart Mattin | Mon Calamari | Mon Mothma | Nien Nunb | Numa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Pao | Quinlan Vos | R2-D2 | Rahm Kota | Ryder Azadi | Raddus | Rex | Ruescott Melshi | Ryder Azadi | Sabine Wren | Sana Starros | Saw Gerrera | Tala Durith | Taramyn Barcona | Tristan Wren | Ursa Wren | Vel Sartha | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Wolffe | Yoda

B2EMO | BD-1 | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eno Cordova | Greez Dritus | Merrin |

Arhul Narra | Dash Rendar | Iella Wessiri Antilles | Jan Ors | Tycho Celchu | Winter Celchu

New Republic/Resistance
Aftab Ackbar | Amilyn Holdo | Babu Frik | BB-8 | Bo Keevil | C1-10P | C-3PO | Carson Teva | Chewbacca | Ewoks | Finn | Freya Fenris | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Griff Halloran | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hype Fazon | Iden Versio | Imanuel Doza | Jarek Yeager | Jannah | Kazuda Xiono | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Maz Kanata | Mon Mothma | Neeku Vozo | Nien Nunb | Norath Kev | Paige Tico | Poe Dameron | R2-D2 | Rey | Rose Tico | Ryder Azadi | Sidon Ithano | Tam Ryvora | Torra Doza | Venisa Doza | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Zorii Bliss

Ahsoka Tano | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cara Dune | Cobb Vanth | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Ezra Bridger | Gannis Ducain | IG-11 | Kuiil | Lina Graf | Peli Motto | Sabine Wren

Bounty Hunters/Mercenaries/Outlaws
Asajj Ventress | Boba Fett | Cara Dune | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greef Karga | Han Solo | Hondo Ohnaka | IG-11 | Lando Calrissian | Migs Mayfeld | Qi'ra | Sana Starros | Sugi

Asajj Ventress | B2EMO | BD-1 | Bravo | Boba Fett's Rancor | Daughter | Father | Gabs | Her Majesty | Gorn | Greez Dritus | Grogu | Ham | Jaybo Hood | Jemboc | Kino Loy | Lizz & Koob | Maarva Andor | Merrin | Nash Durango | RJ-83 | Xanwan | Xaul
