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The Desktop Icons are the secondary antagonists of Season 1 of the Animator vs. Animation series.

They are the sentient desktop icons on the Animator's first computer who come to life to stop the Chosen One from destroying everything.


Animator vs. Animation 2[]

When the Chosen One escapes the Flash program and starts wreaking havoc across the Animator's computer, he kicks Mozilla Firefox's icon, causing the fox to come to life. They briefly fight, where the AOL Instant Messenger program is hit by one of the stick figure's attacks, causing him to join the fight. The Chosen One uses his ice powers to freeze Firefox before engaging AIM in a sword fight (well, pencil fight given the weapons they're using). Meanwhile, the Animator turns on the AIM program to message a friend of his for advice while the Chosen One kills Adobe Photoshop once it briefly comes to life. Just as the Animator's friend is about to reveal the secret to stopping the stick figure, he grabs the AIM window and smashes it against the sentient icon, crushing it to death.

The My Computer icon then comes to life and engages the Chosen One in combat while the Animator turns on Avast!Antivirus for assistance. Once the stick figure briefly freezes the computer icon, he is properly detected by Avast as a virus, with the Animator deciding to move him to chest. Sentient lightning bolts shoot out of Avast and overwhelm the Chosen One before he is put inside the chest.

AIM, Firefox and My Computer are all revived afterwards while Adobe Photoshop is never seen again, making it unclear if he died for good or was also resurrected.

Animator vs. Animation 3[]

When the Chosen One breaks out of imprisonment and defeats Clippy, the Animator creates a new stick figure - "The Dark Lord" - to defeat him. He decides to move the fight to the desktop to prevent them from destroying anything, where the newcomer calls upon the desktop icons for assistance; AIM, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Movie Maker, VLC Media Player, Google Chrome, iTunes, Orbit and Skype all come to his aid, preparing to beat the Chosen One together.

Orbit, Chrome and Movie Maker attack first. After a bit of fighting, the Chosen One uses Orbit as a shield against Chrome before throwing it off the Solitaire window they were fighting on. Once iTunes joins the fight, the stick figure uses Movie Maker as a weapon, destroying the disc iTunes was flying on and knocking out Chrome before throwing the sentient film reel off the window. He is then ganged up on by Yahoo!, VLC, Explorer and iTunes, who let Skype punch him around before he kicks them all away; iTunes is send hurling off the window while VLC and the Dark Lord are thrown onto Minesweeper and try to solve their way out of the maze.

Once Yahoo is thrown into the recycling bin, Firefox and AIM decide to join the fight. After some fighting, the Chosen One throws Firefox, Skype and Explorer off the Solitaire window, thus leaving only AIM for a one-for-one duel. However, the Chosen One manages to throw him onto Minesweeper, after which Firefox returns one last time. The stick figure eventually jumps on the fox's back and sends him flying onto Minesweeper, causing it to explode; AIM, Firefox and VLC are all killed while the Dark Lord is injured. He immediately surrenders, causing the Chosen One to give him a proposition: destroy the Animator.

The red stick figure accepts, and they start destroying everything before sucking what remains into a white void; Yahoo! briefly leaves the recycling bin only to be sucked into the void, while the Animator protects My Computer so it won't be sucked inside. Once all is said and done, the computer is permanently destroyed with a BSoD and fried motherboard, thus killing off all the desktop icons with no chance for resurrection. That said, the Chosen One and the Dark Lord escaped into the Internet at the last second, coming out victorious.


In "The Flashback", when the Chosen One gets a flashback of the day he met the Dark Lord many years later, we are shown the destruction of the computer, with a brief cameo from Yahoo! as he is sucked into the void. In the following episode, "The Showdown", the Chosen One is redeemed while the Dark Lord is defeated and potentially killed by the Second Coming, thus avenging their deaths.

Copies of the desktop icons continue to make minor appearances: On top of numerous cameos as unmoving props, a second Yahoo! face is seen in "The Flashback" as one of the first victims of the Chosen One and the Dark Lord's rampage; a Google Chrome icon is briefly seen being chased by Blue in "Bob Is Always There"; and another Firefox comes to life in "Fox".


  • It's unknown if the desktop icons from the Animator's second computer can also come to life.
    • This was confirmed to be true in the Actual Short "Fox", where the Mozilla Firefox icon comes to life.


           Ava logo Heroes

Stick Figures
The Chosen One | The Second Coming | Fighting Stick Figures | Purple | Mitsi

Purple's Villagers | The Musketeers | Fletcher | The Chef
Red's Third Pig | Piglin Tribe | Red's Fourth Pig
Monster School
Herobrine | The Warden | Endie, Skellington and Spider
Titan Ravager | Dolphin Soldier | Beeper | Giant Ghast

Alan Becker | Desktop Icons | Clippy | Feraligatr | Phi

Blue | Yellow | Red and Green
Green's YouTube Channel
Super Orange
