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Diane, also known as the Serpent Sin of Envy, is one of the main characters in the The Seven Deadly Sins franchise. She is a Giant and member of the Seven Deadly Sins. Her power is Creation. She is also the wife of King.

She is voiced by Aoi Yūki in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Erica Mendez in the English dub.


About 700 years before the start of the story, Diane left her home of Megadozer and rescued King. For the next 500 years, they spent their lives together and fell in love with one another. Due to circumstances involving King however, he had to erase her memories and leave her. None the wiser, she returned back to her people to be trained under a fellow giantess Matrona. Later about 16 years before the start of the story, Diane met and fell in love in Meliodas, not realizing she was unintentionally misdirecting her true feelings. She then was involved in a plot by some vile Liones knights who intended to kill her and Matrona for glory. Although she survived the incident, Diane was made into a scapegoat for the massacre that had happened. Meliodas fortunately intervened at her trial and recruited her into the Sins.

Powers & Abilities[]

Giant's Strength: As a giant, Diane has incredible strength.

Creation: Diane's magic ability. It allows her to manipulate earth into any shape or form.

  • Sand Whirl: Transforms ground into quicksand.
  • Heavy Metal: Transforms body into metal.

War Hammer Proficiency: Diane is skilled with a war hammer.



  • Diane used up all the shrinking medicine Merlin gave her by the time the events of the movie Grudge of Edinburgh. Considering the sequel series shows she and King have seven children, its clear why she ran out; though it was six births, as she has twin daughters.
  • Four of her children have King's fairy blood stronger in them than her giant blood, so they are human size.
    • Her twin daughters are half her height, while her sixth child is half of theirs.

External Links[]


           TheSevenDeadlySinsNavbox Heroes

The Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas | Merlin | Ban | King | Diane | Gowther | Escanor

Royal Family of Liones
King Bartra Liones | Tristan Liones | Nadja Liones | Elizabeth Liones/Liz | Margaret Liones | Veronica Liones

Holy Knights of Liones
Zaratras | Gilthunder | Howzer | Griamore | Jericho | Guila | Dreyfus | Hendrickson | Gustav

The Pleiades of the Azure Sky
Denzel | Deathpierce | Arden | Deldry | Dogedo | Walio

Roars of Dawn
Slater | Simon | Hugo | Jillian | Weinheidt

Ludociel | Tarmiel | Sariel | Mael

Game Exclusive
The Seven Catastrophes
Lillia | Valenti | Eastin Amabyllis | Mono | Roxy | Shin | Camila

Hawk | Hawk Mama | Elaine | Arthur Pendragon | Gerharde | Oslo | Zaneri | Jenna | Helbram | Nanashi | Cain| Gloxinia | Drole | Derieri | Zeldris | Matrona
