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Heroes Wiki

{{Hero Infobox

|image =

|size = 200 |fullname = Diesel |alias = Devious Diesel |origin = The Railway Series by The Rev. W. Awdry |occupation = BR Class 08 diesel shunter Second-in-command of both the Diesels and the Diesel Works |skills = Bumping
Manipulation |hobby = Playing tricks on steam engines.
Antagonizing others. |goals = Prove that diesels are better than steam engines (occasionally, failed).

|friends =

|enemies =

"Devious" Diesel is sometimes the main antagonist and a hero of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends.

He is oily, malicious, devious, scheming and full of ideas to get revenge. But from Season 10 and onwards, Diesel shows that he actually does have a good side in him, but one would still have to look quite deep to find it. He appears in many seasons of the television show and in the movies, Calling All Engines, Misty Island Rescue, Day of the Diesels, Blue Mountain Mystery, King of the Railway, as a minor antagonist and The Great Race.

As a hero, he wants to try to prove himself Really Useful, but instead he usually acts more like a school yard bully and still hates steam engines. It can be possible that Diesel is a permanent resident of Sir Topham Hatt's railway since Season 8.

Diesel is based off a BR Class 08 Diesel Shunter, like Arry, Bert, Splatter, Dodge, Paxton, and Sidney. He is also a good friend to Ryan, Darcy, Monty and Max.

He is voiced by Kerry Shale.

Bio in the Railway Series[]

When Diesel came on trial to the North Western Railway, Duck was asked to show him around. Duck was unimpressed by Diesel's claims of being "revolutionary" and left him to his own devices. As a result, Diesel was made into a laughing stock by the trucks for trying to pull some rusty old trucks and failing spectacularly, and Diesel blamed Duck for not helping him. Diesel swore a vendetta, and spread rumours that Duck had given the big engines rude nicknames. Duck was sent to Wellsworth pending an inquiry into the matter, but Diesel got too big for his buffers and tried telling lies about Henry. He was found out and sent home in disgrace.

Several years later, Diesel was brought back to help on Thomas' Branch Line whilst Percy was being repaired. Diesel tried to win Thomas and Toby over, without success, and after he destroyed several trucks he was to be sent away. However, on his day of departure, Clarabel slipped on oily rails left by Daisy and came off at some points near Dryaw. Diesel, realising that Thomas was blocking his only way home, went to the rescue. Clarabel put in a good word for Diesel, and Diesel, although he returned to the Other Railway, is always welcome on Sodor.

Bio in the Television Series[]

Diesel first arrived on Sodor in the same way he did in the Railway Series and was sent away, but returned when Duck and Percy needed help at Arlesburgh. Diesel proved to be as bad as ever and was sent away for good after shunting some trucks of china clay into the sea, but he somehow mysteriously snuck back to give Mavis advice, taunt Gordon about the triumph of Diesel power on the mainland, and shunt trucks in the Shunting Yards. It is possible that these events happened during Diesel's stay or that Diesel returned at some point with goods from the Mainland.

When Henry was derailed by some trucks, Diesel was brought back as a last resort to do his goods work, but his attempt to prove his worth resulted in him falling in a barge, and he was sent back to the mainland yet again.

Later on, Diesel returned yet again, this time to assist Fergus at the Cement Works. Diesel became jealous of Fergus' reputation as the "pride of the Cement Works" and concocted a scheme to make Fergus run away. Diesel was partially successful - he managed to make Fergus abandon his post for a time - but was ultimately foiled. Amazingly, Diesel was not sent back this time round and remained on the North Western Railway.

Despite remaining tricky and devious, Diesel learned how useful steam engines can be when Thomas brought fresh diesel fuel for him and the other diesel engines and James pushed him back to the Repair Yard when he broke down. However, he tried to convince Gordon that he was old and clapped out, Ben that there was a monster inside a tunnel, and Thomas about the "Curse of the Cliffs" and scared him at Halloween.

But Diesel proved to have a good side inside him when he told Emily about his record he made for shunting lots of trucks, and proved to Thomas that he didn't ruin the photograph for the billboard on purpose.

Although Diesel made fun of James when he was painted pink, he tried his best to prove himself to be as useful as the steam engines when he took all of the Jobi wood to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre - only to put himself in danger requiring Thomas to rescue him. However, Diesel tried again to prove how special he is when he took Thomas and Rosie's loads to market and stole James' pigs so that the children could see them. But it was only when Diesel brought the load of slate for the school that he proved himself Really Useful.

Diesel was also one of the Diesels that took over the Sodor Steamworks. He later teased Flynn for just standing around and doing nothing.

In Blue Mountain Mystery, Paxton told Diesel about Luke and Diesel tried to get Luke sent away from Sodor but his plan backfired as he got reprimanded by the Fat Controller for making false assumptions

Diesel was annoyed when Percy thought he was the Monster of Brendam and later teased Thomas for being a stinky engine and teased Gordon when he was fitted with a yellow and black Diesel bufferbeam. When he and Percy collected a calliope, he thought Percy would not be able to make it play, but was surprised when he did.

In the seventeenth season, Diesel was one of the diesels that brought the Christmas decorations to Tidmouth Sheds. Later, he was biffing trucks around even when Edward told him to stop. Diesel spilled the milk in the trucks, and when the Fat Controller opened the truck doors, the milk splashed all over his trousers. When Hiro told Diesel, he told Hiro to toughen up with the trucks. But when Hiro would not listen, he coupled himself up on the back of his train and helped the trucks play tricks on Hiro. To make the trucks stop, Hiro brakes suddenly before the platform, causing three barrels of cream to splash all over Hiro, Edward, and the Fat Controller. Diesel tried to get away, but was blocked off by Thomas. As punishment, Diesel has to learn the proper way of handling trucks by Hiro.

In the eighteenth season, Diesel, along with Sidney, Den, and Dart, hid from Paxton at the Dieselworks, which resulted on Paxton going on a wild goose chase to find all of the diesels and ended with Diesel running out of fuel, so Paxton helped him to the next station to get some more. Later, he argued with Thomas over who should be the back engine for a train of trucks heading from Ffarquhar Quarry to Brendam Docks, and when he tried to delay Mavis returning to the quarry, Thomas took the train by himself, which resulted in him having an accident. Diesel even tried to blame Mavis for it, but the Fat Controller was wise to his tricks and he let Thomas work with her instead. He later joined the engines at Knapford during the Christmas Holidays, and agreed with Sir Topham Hatt that the last train might have to be cancelled. He also teased Samson about how the tank engine got lost when he first came to Sodor.

In the nineteenth season, he tricked Percy into going to an old quarry so that he could do Percy's job of picking up the mayor to take him to a ceremony. Diesel later found Percy stuck in a flood with his fire out. He tried to rescue the tank engine but only made the situation worse when the water damaged his generator, so he got stuck too. After the two were rescued by the Search and Rescue team, Diesel was sent to have his engine repaired. He later covered Paxton in a cloud of black smoke from his engine, leaving Paxton's face covered in black spots.

At Christmas time, Diesel was being very unhelpful with the extra work, so Thomas and the other engines made a plan. On the night before Christmas morning, Thomas, Emily, Salty and Paxton pretended to be ghosts to scare Diesel, scaring him to the point where he flew off the line and derailed. After he was recovered the next day, he learned the true meaning of Christmas. On Christmas morning, Diesel was feeling very merry, and he brought the Fat Controller to the Earl's Christmas lunch at Ulfstead Castle.

In the twentieth series, Diesel was shown to care for some ducklings that he thought were cute. Later, Annie and Clarabel played a trick on Daisy while Thomas was on quarry duty. This led to Diesel being sent to pull them instead, much to their dismay though Diesel was polite to them despite bumping them.

Diesel wanted to go to the Great Railway Show. When the Fat Controller was hesitant in bringing him, Diesel tried to prove himself by having crates put over Den, Dart and Paxton so that they would resemble trucks and put them in a long train. When the Fat Controller was in the final stages of choosing who would go to the show, Diesel planned to demonstrate how strong he was by pulling the train, while in reality, Den, Dart and Paxton were doing most of the work. His unusual train however was blocking any way into Knapford Yard, so Thomas coupled up to the train both so that he could get into the station and so that he could prove himself worthy to go to the show. The diesels heard Thomas' whistle and thought it was Diesel's horn, so they began pushing, much to Diesel's horror. Thomas then collided with Norman at a set of points and lost his left buffer as a result. Diesel later got stuck inside one of the crates and was accidentally loaded onto a ship by Cranky.  He somehow managed to return to Sodor before the events of the twenty-first series.

In the twenty-first series, he damaged Daisy's springs and caused mischief between her and Harvey by telling them both that the other was boasting about being unique, which led him falling into the sea after his plan failed. He later brought the coal delivery to the steam engines during a big freeze.

In the twenty-second series, he, Bill and Ben laughed at Thomas and Rosie because of their friendship at Brendam Docks after the devious diesel bumped into the red engine while Cranky was unloading a crate of roses during Valentine's Day.

In the twenty-third series, he continued to cause more confusion and delay than before by sending Rebecca to do the other diesels' jobs improperly as a trick to pay them back as they do not get into trouble as he does. Unfortunately, he was cornered at the Dieselworks and Rebecca's honest nature meant that she was quick to tell Sir Topham Hatt about her favour for Diesel. The Fat Controller was very cross with him after hearing what had happened that day, with Diesel left to be upset about being in trouble again. He also wanted some engines who thought he was not reliable at all - particularly Paxton and Nia - to come and find him hidden with some glow-in-the-dark paint at the Blue Mountain Quarry, to which they told him off for not doing his jobs for two whole days due to his self-interested and sinister attitude.

In the twenty-fourth series, when Sonny was having his second chance upon arriving on Sodor and not being trusted because of his previous status quo of a thief, Diesel took advantage of this; he used Sonny by pretending to be his friend and do his jobs for him due to Sonny wanting to be really useful and stay there. But following an argument with Percy at Ffarquhar, the tank engine found out his plans and got upset with him which led to Diesel derailing at a dig site. But luckily, he was rescued by Sonny who ended up changing his mind. This however led to Sonny accidentally derailing his trucks to which Sir Topham Hatt was going to send him away, but Diesel ended up feeling guilty, admitted that all the chaos was his fault and the tank engine was officially accepted on the railway.


Diesel is, in essence, the average pantomime villain. He is oily, malicious, devious, scheming and full of ideas to get revenge. He views himself and any other diesel as highly above the steam engines and believes that all diesels are "revolutionary" - he has also claimed diesels should be "rough and tough", as an excuse for bullying the other engines. His antics give diesels on Sodor a bad reputation, which causes most steam engines (particularly Duck and Thomas) to distrust him. His rough demeanour also affects his fellow diesels, who are often victims of his tricks alongside steam engines, mainly diesels who are friendlier to steam engines and are just nice in general, with Paxton and Sidney being prime examples. As such, Diesel has very few friends, mostly associating with diesels whose personalities align with his, such as Diesel 10 or ‘Arry and Bert. He also enjoys using gullible engines (such as Paxton and Rebecca) as pawns in his plans. Working with him is considered so undesirable that the Fat Controller sometimes uses it as punishment.

However, despite his antics, Diesel still wants to prove himself to be a Really Useful Engine. He is also very proud to be the first diesel on Sodor and seems to have a soft spot for cute ducklings, which he is embarrassed by because he believes it ruins his tough exterior. Diesel will also more often than not focus more on his own work than help anyone else, but he will help any engines, steam or diesel, when it comes down to it. Due to the amount of chaos his web of lies set off on his first day on Sodor, Diesel has often been seen as a liar by the other engines, leaving them to blow off his news as bluffs until absolutely proven. This is not helped by the fact that he lies whenever he gets the chance, further reinforcing their beliefs.

Heroic Deeds[]

  • In Calling All Engines, he, along with Diesel 10, 'Arry and Bert helped clean the wreckage of the Sodor Airport.
  • In Emily and the Special Coaches, he blurts out that he set a record of shunting more trucks in one day then the other diesels and is presented with a new diesel motor by Emily.
  • In Don’t Go Back, he helped Thomas clean the mess that they did.
  • In Day of the Diesels, he helped restore the Dieselworks.
  • In Wild Water Rescue, he regrets his deception of Percy and tries to rescue him, only to get stuck into the flood himself.
  • In Diesel's Ghostly Christmas, he offered an injured Sir Topham Hatt a ride in his cab to get to Ulfstead Castle
  • In Diesel and the Ducklings, he warned Thomas to not run into the ducklings.
  • In The Big Freeze, he along with the other diesels cover the steamies' work and came with the coal trucks to get the Steam Team back in action and then he causes the big freeze to end.


Diesel is a BR Class 08 0-6-0. Over seventy members of this class survive today in preservation. They were in fact the most successful shunting engines in the world, with 996 of them built. The Diesel Shunter, Splatter, Dodge, 'Arry, Bert, Paxton and Sidney are also members of the class.


Diesel is painted in the black livery used by British Railways for shunting engines in the 1950s. His side rods were silver until the sixth season and have been black in every season after.


  • Diesel was the first diesel to be introduced in both the Railway Series and Television Series.
  • According to the magazines and the DVD Bingo game, he and Bulgy are good friends.
  • Between the thirteenth and sixteenth seasons, Diesel was the only character from the model series to still be voiced by the narrator in the CGI series, though this was only in the US narration.
  • Diesel has had a few modifications in the television series:

Season 6

  • His side rods changed from silver to black.
  • His brakepipe began facing upwards.

Misty Island Rescue

  • His horn sound changed to that of a generic diesel.

Day of the Diesels

  • His horn sound changed back to how it originally sounded.

Season 19

  • He gained a light above his face.
  • His coupling chain became red.
  • He gained a permanent tail lamp.
  • In some merchandise lines he is referred to as "Devious Diesel". It wasn't until Fergus Breaks the Rules that they referred to him by this name.
  • Diesel has travelled at well over his top speed of 20 miles per hour on numerous occasions.
  • Diesel's face in the magazine stories is often smaller than in the television series.
  • Nathan Clarke did an audio sample for Diesel on his DAA Management Page.


           T&FLogo Heroes

Steam Team
Thomas the Tank Engine | Nia the Kenyan Engine | Rebecca | Gordon the Big Engine | James the Red Engine | Percy the Small Engine | Emily the Stirling Engine

Engines & Diesels
Edward the Blue Engine | Henry the Green Engine | Toby the Tram Engine | Duck the Great Western Engine | Donald and Douglas | Oliver the Great Western Engine | Diesel | Arry and Bert | Bill and Ben the Tank Engine Twins | Daisy the Diesel Railcar | BoCo the Diesel Engine | Bear | Mavis | Neville | Stepney the Bluebell Engine | Lady | Salty the Dockside Diesel | Harvey the Crane Engine | Arthur | Murdoch | Spencer | Fergus the Railway Traction Engine | Molly the Yellow Engine | Whiff | Billy | Stanley the Silver Engine | Hiro | Bash and Dash the Logging Loco Twins | Ferdinand the Logging Loco | Belle | Flynn the Fire Engine | Den and Dart | Paxton | Norman | Sidney the Forgetful Diesel | Stephen the "Rocket" | Caitlin | Connor | Flying Scottsman | Gator | Marion | Timothy | Glynn the Coffee Pot Engine | Ryan | Skiff | Ashima | Frieda | Gina | Raul the Brazilian Engine | Yong Bao | Carlos | Axel | Shane the Australian Engine | Rajiv the Indian Engine | Merlin | Lexi | Theo | Philip | Skarloey | Rheneas | Sir Handel | Peter Sam | Rusty the Little Diesel | Duncan the Narrow Gauge Engine | Duke the Lost Engine | Freddie | Victor | Luke | Millie the French Engine | Patrick | Mike the Strong Red Engine | Rex the Small Railway Engine | Bert the Miniature Gauge Engine | Jock the New Engine | Frank | Dustin

Non Rail Vehicles
Terence the Tractor | Bertie the Bus | Trevor the Traction Engine | Kelly the Crane | Jack the Front Loader | Alfie | Oliver the Excavator | Cranky the Crane | Kevin | Harold the Helicopter | Butch the Breakdown Vehicle | Byron the Bulldozer | Captain | Carly | Big Mickey | Colin | Captain

Sir Topham Hatt | Lady Hatt | Dowager Hatt | Sir Robert Norramby | Mr. Conductor | Mr. Percival | Junior | Jenny Packard | Stacy Jones | Burnett Stone | Lily Stone | Horace Schemer

Judy and Jerome | Rocky

External Links[]
