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What is this with clocks, bro? Have you no vision? Are you hearing what I beam to you? You think you have juice? Don't show me a little mind when talking about such big things... you think you can swing the bat? Show your bling and let me shine you!
~ Dimitri to Sly Cooper.
Let's dance!
~ Dimitri to Sly Cooper.

Dimitri Lousteau is an antagonist turned supporting protagonist of the Sly Cooper franchise and just like the Panda King and Penelope, he joins Sly's gang in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.

He is voiced by David Scully, who also voiced Avery Johnson in the Halo series.


Dimitri Lousteau is an anthropomorphic marine iguana (however, in the comics he is called a lizard). In Sly 2, he wears a dark green suit and a red shirt underneath. When depicted in his diving gear, it is obvious he is reasonably fatter in the stomach than originally believed. This could be because his original suit was designed to keep his belly tucked in. He speaks an odd form of English, which contains bits of street slang he learned from watching hip-hop music videos. This strange form of English mostly consists of phrases like "Show your bling, and let me shine you," "Let's dance," "I'm mag-to the-jag-to the-nificiant!" and his unofficial catchphrase, "Greasy Sweet!!".

He gives nicknames to his associates, frequently calling Sly a "crackerbox" and Murray "Main man Murray". Dimitri also has an enormous ego, which is only enhanced when he obtains his diving gear. He also believes that he is irresistible to women, including hitting on Penelope when they're alone, thinking she's in love with him and not Bentley. This leads her to come up with two rules: "1. Get over yourself, and 2. I mean it, get over yourself". His username in the Thiefnet chatroom is shown as being "greasysweet1," and his code name on the Cooper Vault Job is "Agent Deep Six."



Dimitri became an art student and tried to make it in the art world with his kinetic aesthetic, his art form where he would swing back and forth on a rope. To his dismay, Dimitri's art was rejected, leading him to be cast out from the community in general. Angered, Dimitri started to forge masterpieces to spite art critics whom he believed had bad tastes. Dimitri then opened his own nightclub in Paris and was later recruited into the Klaww Gang under the leadership of Arpeggio. He was gifted with Klaww's tail feathers and decided to modify them to make counterfeit money.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves[]

The Adventures of Sly Cooper Issue 2[]

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves[]

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time[]



  • He was originally going to have a bigger role in Thieves in Time, explaining why his voice actor David Scully is credited.
  • For Sly 2, he was originally going to have a second hub world set in Monaco.
  • A lot of his quotes became internet memes because of how hilarious he is.

External Links[]


           Sly Cooper Logo Heroes

Cooper Gang
Sly Cooper | Bentley | Murray

Cooper Family
"Tennessee Kid" Cooper | Caveman "Bob" Cooper | Rioichi Cooper | Salim Al-Kupar | Sir Galleth Cooper

Carmelita Fox | Dimitri Lousteau | Panda King | Penelope | The Guru
