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Dino is a supporting protagonist in Ys Origin.


Dino has short blonde hair with it being styled like straw on the left and right sides. He dons a light brown and white form of attire.


Dino is a highly polite deacon of the goddesses above the inner strength within him.

Powers and Skills[]

Dino's primary two skills are scouting the areas and casting magic to heal others.


Dino, a deacon of Solomon Shrine, was chosen to be a member of the search party to find the goddesses of Ys after they vannished with the Black Pearl. When a transportation spell was cast to get the party to the surface for their investigation, Dalles sabotages the spell, scattering the party across the land.

Dino was later found fending off a group of demons alongside Eolia and Father Shion. They were soon saved when either Yunica or Hugo arrive to slay the demons, this also is where it had been discovered that the transportation spell was disrupted.
