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Doña Clotilde (in English: Ms. Pinster) (in Portuguese: Dona Clotilde), nicknamed La Bruja del 71 (in English: The Witch of 71) (in Portuguese: A bruxa do 71), is a character of the Mexican television series El Chavo del Ocho, played by the late Angelines Fernández. In the animated series, she was voiced by the late Erika Mireles.


Doña Clotilde is the renter of the apartment 71, being the last one to rent an apartment at the village. An retired old lady, she is one of Señor Barriga's most punctual renters along with Doña Florinda. She has a crush on Don Ramón, though he always denies her advances due to finding her old, though he's two years older then her, according to herself atleast. Due to her old appearance, she's always the subject of jokes amoung the village's children, who truly think she's a witch. She also has a sister and a baby niece, who she sometimes takes care of.


She refuses to admit her old appearance, being offended (though justly) by the children's jokes and by Don Ramon's rejections, who sometimes slips awful commentaries about her. However, she still tries to win his heart, by making cakes and taking care of him, inspite his most brutal rejections. This insistence and her inacceptance of acknowledging her old appearance could probably spared most of the jokes and her suffering through out the series. Inspite the children's commentaries, she still cares for them, as onetime she bougth candy for them and took care of Quico when he was scared.


Doña Clotilde's most known trait is her older appearance. She displays the tipical traits of an old lady, having wrinkles and white hair, attached to a bun. For clothes she tipically has a blue dress, a light blue cloche hat and black flat shoes.


          El Chavo (simple logo).svg Heroes

Main Protagonists
Chavo | Quico | Chilindrina | Ñoño | Popis | Paty | Godínez | Señor Barriga | Don Ramón | Doña Florinda | Doña Clotilde | Profesor Jirafales | Jaimito | Doña Nieves
