Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Doc (G.I

Doc (also known as G.I. Joe Doc) is the code name of two fictional characters from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic book and cartoon series.

The first is Carl W. Greer, who is the G.I. Joe Team's original medic and debuted in 1983. This Doc was born in Concord, Massachusetts.


Doc is a qualified doctor, having gained his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He also has extensive battlefield training to the point where he becomes an declared pacifist. He is personally inspired by the G.I.Joe team's desire to maintain peace and shut down evil.

In a latter Marvel Comics issue, Doc did not survive an encounter with hostile Cobra forces in a Middle-Eastern country. Several other Joe members on the same mission also perished.

Sunbow Series[]

He first appeared in the "A Real American Hero" mini-series, voiced by the late Buster Jones.


            GIJoeTitle Heroes

General Colton | General Flagg | General Hawk

Conrad S. "Duke" Hauser | Flint (G.I. Joe) | Beachhead | Sgt. Slaughter | Scarlett | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Gung-Ho | Lady Jaye | Bazooka | Breaker | Wild Bill | Zap | Shipwreck | Alpine | Snow Job | Barbecue | Sgt. Stalker | Thunder | Airborne | Ace | Short Fuze | Tripwire | Blowtorch | Clutch | Cover Girl | Crankcase | Spirit | Cutter | Doc | Deep Six | Dusty | Flash | Footloose | Frostbite | Grand Slam | Quick Kick | Recondo | Rip Cord | Mutt And Junkyard | Thunder Torpedo | Steeler | Wet Suit | Low-Light | Cross-Country | Dial-Tone | Leatherneck | Iceberg | Sci-Fi | Lift Ticket | LifeLine | Mainframe | Slipstream | Lt. Falcon | Jinx | Chuckles | Law & Order | Tunnel Rat | Baroness (alternate reality)

Alternate Continuities
Sigma 6: Duke | Scarlett | Snake-Eyes | Heavy Duty | Spirit | Kamakura | Hawk | Jinx | Tunnel Rat | Lt. Stone | Scott Abernathy
2009-2013 Film Duology: Duke | Hawk | Scarlett | Ripcord | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Baroness | Storm Shadow
2021 Film Series: Snake Eyes | Scarlett | Akiko
