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Heroes Wiki

I'm the ruler of Kintopolis, the city you just saved...and I'd like to congratulate you, stranger, on a job well done!
~ Doctor J. Kintobor to Sonic.

Doctor J. Kintobor is a minor character in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series by Archie Comics. He is an alternate reality version of Dr. Robotnik, mayor of Kintopolis who, in pursuit of scientific research, had inadvertently mutated his world's Mobians into kaiju-like monsters, putting his city's existence in jeopardy. He eventually received help from Sonic the Hedgehog from the Prime Zone.


J. Kintobor looks exactly like Dr. Eggman, except his jacket is white with red undertones instead of red with yellow undertones.


J. Kintobor was a scientist leading the city of Kintopolis. For many years, he attempted to unlock the power of Chaos Emerald to use its energy for his people's needs. He performed his tests on the remote Knothole Island, and managed to split the jewel in half. He didn't foresee the experiment having a catastrophic fallout, mutating the local "wildlife", this Zone's Mobians, into giant monsters. Since then, they attacked Kintopolis multiple times, with Kintobor's armies proving powerless to stop them. The doctor developed the Roboticization virus to paralyze the monsters, succeeding with the likes of Chuck-Zilla, but eventually they developed immunity to it. He also built giant automatons in an attempt to combat the threat, but the only thing that could power them were the Chaos Emerald halves, that remained in the monsters' lair on the island.

When Sonic from the Prime Zone was brought into Kintobor's world by Zonic the Zone Cop, Rabbot-Zilla was attacking Kintopolis. After Sonic defeated her, he was greeted by its residents, J. Kintobor among them. Kintobor told Sonic the entire story behind the monsters' attack, and the hedgehog agreed to help. He took control of the Giant Robotno, powering it with his legs, and headed for the Knothole Island. He fought the monsters and managed to retrieve one half of the Chaos Emerald, though he had to kill the counterpart of his father Jules for this purpose. Back in Kintopolis, Kintobor hailed Sonic as a hero, and made a new automaton in his image, though he never learned his hero's name as he left back for his home zone before he could ask.


J. Kintobor is a near-polar opposite of his Prime Zone and its alternate future counterparts. He appears to be a benevolent ruler to the residents of Kintopolis, doing what he can to protect them, and although he is the reason the innocent Mobians got mutated and became threats to Kintopolis, he never intended for this to happen and feels remorse for it to this day. He appreciates Sonic's help a lot, even though the hedgehog himself treats the doctor rather coldly due to remembering what the Prime Zone Robotnik and Eggman did to him and his close ones.


  • J. Kintobor is one of the few counterparts of Dr. Robotnik in the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity to have his design based on the main series Dr. Eggman instead of his SatAM counterpart.


            ArchieSonicLogo (Archie Comics) Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Antoine D'Coolette | Big the Cat | Bunnie Rabbot | Cheese the Chao | Cream the Rabbit | Froggy | Miles "Tails" Prower | Nicole the Holo-Lynx | Omochao | Rotor the Walrus | Sally Acorn | Sonic the Hedgehog | T-Pup
Arctic Freedom Fighters
Augustus the Polar Bear | Erma the Ermine | Flip the Penguin | Guntiver the Arctic Wolf | Sealia the Seal
Downunda Freedom Fighters
Barby Koala | Duck "Bill" Platypus | Guru Emu | Wombat Stu | Walt Wallaby
Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters
Bivalve Clam | Bottlenose Dolphin | Fluke the Blue Whale | P. B. Jellyfish | Ray the Manta
Dark Freedom Fighters
Blockbuster Polar Bear | Cutlass Depardieu | Dagger Walrus | Demo Duck | Jani-Ca | Payback Fox | Scarlette Rabbot
Secret Freedom Fighters
Elias Acorn | Harvey Who | Larry the Lynx | Leeta and Lyco | Shard the Metal Sonic | Silver the Hedgehog
Desert Raiders
Sonar the Fennec | Spike the Porcupine | Trevor Burrow the Mole
Shijin Warriors
Bunker the Tortoise | Cinder the Pheasant | Dulcy the Dragon |Jian the Tiger

Kingdom of Acorn
Elias Acorn | King Acorn | Sally Acorn | Alicia Acorn
Council of Acorn
Dylan the Porcupine | Hamlin the Pig | Penelope the Platypus | Rosemary Prower | Rotor the Walrus | Sir Charles Hedgehog
Amadeus Prower | Sir Connery | Armand D'Coolette
Ash Mongoose | Ben Muttski | G-merl | Mina Mongoose | Rosie Woodchuck | Tommy Turtle | Vanilla the Rabbit

Angel Island
Chaos | Knuckles the Echidna | Relic the Pika | Fixit the Robot | Tikal the Echidna

Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Heavy and Bomb | Mighty the Armadillo | Ray the Flying Squirrel

Abraham Tower | Amanda Tower | Hope Kintobor | Madonna Garnet
Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Hope Kintobor | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog

Time and Space Travelers
Sol Dimension
Blaze the Cat | Marine the Raccoon
Future Timeline
Gold the Tenrec | Professor Von Schlemmer | Silver the Hedgehog
Zone Cops
Warden Zobotnik | Zonic

Light Mobius
Future Freedom Fighters
Belle and Jacques | King Sonic | Lara-Su the Echidna | Manik and Sonia | Melody and Skye
Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna

Coral the Betta | Crusher the Chao | Echo the Dolphin | Pearly the Manta Ray | Razor the Shark

Bernadette the Hedgehog | Chip | Cyborg Sonic | Doctor Ivo Kintobor | Doctor J. Kintobor | E-102 Gamma | Fiona Fox | Geoffrey St. John | Hershey St. John | Honey the Cat | Jules the Hedgehog | Julie-Su the Echidna | Lupe the Wolf | Maria Robotnik | Mega Man | Moss the Sloth | Professor Pickle | Remington | Saffron Bee

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
