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Heroes Wiki

Doll Master is a supporting character of the anime, manga and webcomic series One Punch Man. He is the A-Class Rank 33 hero of the Hero Association.


Doll Master is a hero dressed as a puppet and possesses a dark hair marionette wearing dark shirt, and plaid pants.


He appeared in the extra chapter of the series Pork Cutlet Bowl, which like many other heroes he was called by McCoy to fight Surprise-Attack Plum, a monster that was causing troubles police station of Z-City. Upon arriving with the other heroes, Saitama has already killed the monster.


Nobody, not even the Hero Association know who exactly is the Doll Master neither the puppet.

External Links[]

Doll Master on the One Punch Man Wiki

           One Punch Man Logo Heroes

Hero Association
S-Class Heroes
Blast | Tatsumaki | Silver Fang | Atomic Samurai | Child Emperor | Metal Knight | King | Zombieman | Drive Knight | Pig God | Genos | Superalloy Darkshine | Watchdog Man | Flashy Flash | Metal Bat | Tanktop Master | Puri-Puri Prisoner
A-Class Heroes
Sweet Mask | Iaian | Okamaitachi | Bushidrill | Heavy Tank Loincloth | Blue Fire | Magic Trick Man | Death Gatling | Tanktop Vegetarian | Stinger | Twin Tail | Great Philosopher | Butterfly DX | Lightning Genji | Lightning Max | One Shotter | Green | Crescent Eyebroll | Golden Ball | Smile Man | Spring Mustachio | Narcissistoic | Peach Terry | Forte | Shadow Ring | Doll Master | Feather | Air | Chain'n'toad | Biting Snake Fist Sneck | Heavy Kong | Suiko | Saitama
B-Class Heroes
Fubuki | Eyelashes | Mountain Ape | Wild Horn | Glasses | Pink Hornet | Double Hole | Smell Master | Gun Gun | Butcher | Jet Nice Guy | Needle Star | Piko | Crying Man | Trap Tengu | Captain Mizuki | Lily of the Three Section Staff | Bone | Tanktop Black Hole | Mushroom | Shooter | Darkness Blade | Pineapple | Reclusamurai
C-Class Heroes
Mumen Rider | Monster Roper Shell | Tanktop Tiger | D-Pad | Funeral Suspenders | Food Battler Futoshi | Battery Man | Red Muffler | Armored Chief Clerk | Gearsper | Skunk Boy Gasmask | Grave Eight | Ecolo G | Monocross | Dynamite Man | Angry Man | Horse-Bone | Studless | Poison | Bunbun Man | Hyottoko | Saturn Man | Red Nose | Ironet | Meat Pounder | Cherion | Fantas | Mohican | Rabbit | Shoulderpads | Swim | Water Gun

Dr. Kuseno | Sitch | All Back-Man | Bomb | Charanko | Suiryu | Neo Hunters (Accel) | Raiden | Zenko

Neo Heroes
