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Heroes Wiki

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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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The Dolphin Soldier is the titular tritagonist of the AvM Shorts Season 1 episode "The Dolphin Kingdom".

He is soldier of Fish army That protect his kingdom.


He is a regular Minecraft dolphin who wields an iron sword.


He is shown to be helpful, to the King, and to strangers, shown for at first greetings with the stick figures, instantly gave them turtle helmets, which makes them breathe, and helped the King to get the Queen back. They are shown to be fearless as they dived head first into danger in the temple, killing Guardians off-camera with Blue and Green. He is shown to take a backseat sometimes like when The Stick Figures took out the guards, and saved the Queen from the Elder Guardian, but is shown to be loyal to the King and Queen.


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           Ava logo Heroes

Stick Figures
The Chosen One | The Second Coming | Fighting Stick Figures | Purple | Mitsi

Purple's Villagers | The Musketeers | Fletcher | The Chef
Red's Third Pig | Piglin Tribe | Red's Fourth Pig
Monster School
Herobrine | The Warden | Endie, Skellington and Spider
Titan Ravager | Dolphin Soldier | Beeper | Giant Ghast

Alan Becker | Desktop Icons | Clippy | Feraligatr | Phi

Blue | Yellow | Red and Green
Green's YouTube Channel
Super Orange
