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Ryu Hayabusa Mature
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Donna Trenton isthe main protagonist of Stephen King’s 1981 horror novel Cujo and its film 1983 adaptation of the same. She is also a mentioned character of the novel Needful Things and a posthumous character in the short story, Rattlesnakes.

In the film, she is portrayed by Dee Wallace.


She was the wife of Vic Trenton and the mother of Tad Trenton. Donna was having an affair right before the events of Cujo. When Vic had to go on a business trip, she went to the Camber farm to have her car fixed, bringing Tad with her. They were met by the rabid and aggressive Cujo, forcing them to hide in their car for three days.

In the way to get out of the house, she takes her young son Tad to get their Pinto car fixed. They take it to the Camber’s garage not knowing that Charity and Brett are in Connecticut and their dog, Cujo has gone rabid and killed Joe Camber and their neighbor, Gary Pervier. She finds herself trapped in her car with her son as Cujo would attack them if they tried to get out of the car. They stayed in the car for several days, waiting for help as they dehydrated and Tad started to suffer from heatstroke. George Bannerman, the sheriff appeared to help when her disappearance was called in but Cujo killed him by goring him to death.

Knowing she had to save herself and her son, she made a run for the baseball bat in the garden and engaged in a final battle again Cujo. She killed Cujo bu stabbing him in the eye with the broken bat just as Victor arrived. Believing him to be a mirage, she is unbelieving and horrified to find out Tad has died of heatstroke. Mad with rabies after Cujo bit her, she bet Cujo’s body until she collapsed in a heap. She was treated for her rabies in hospital and returned home with her husband several weeks later. A month after the tragic events, she is still mourning the loss of her son but her marriage with Victor has improved. In the film, Tad survives being trapped in the car due to Donna administering CPR and water on him, saving her son's life.

Needful Things (novel)[]

Donna was mentioned in Needful Things, presumably after what things went down with her encounter with Cujo and having suffering the loss of her son Tad. It is unclear if she and her husband Vic still live in Castle Rock, or it’s possible that they both left the town. Cujo’s spirit would appear in the abandoned Camber house, attacking Polly Chalmers.
