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No one rivals Doom!
~ Doom as he clashes against his past counterpart

Victor von Doom, more commonly known as Doom 2099, is one of the main antagonists of the third-person hero shooter video game, Marvel Rivals.

He is the future counterpart of Doctor Doom, serving as the ruler of Latveria in the year 2099.

He and his past self would coincidentally experiment with time, leading to the event known as the Timestream Entanglement. This in turn caused countless worlds to clash and collide with each other, leading to Doom seeking to restore the timelines to their original states and defeat his past self.

He is voiced by Travis Willingham, who also voiced Guile in the Street Fighter franchise and Roy Mustang in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Lore Entries[]

Season 0: Dooms' Rise[]

A Passage from the Book of Doom - December 6, 2099.

Today, I write words that have never been written before.

Victor von Doom is a fool.

No, I do not speak of myself. This Doom remains a genius, as he has ever been. For how else could he have lived to see — and to conquer — this future world?

I speak of another Doom — one from a distant past in a distant reality — who became so brazen in his quest for power that he felt he could break the bonds of time itself.

Perhaps he was unaware that I, too, was on the verge of unlocking the mysteries of the multiverse. But alas, his pathetic efforts have undone my own. And now, all realities are left to pay the price for his hubris.

Our dueling experiments have ignited a chronal catastrophe, a wave of destructive energy cascading across the timestream, impacting every reality in unique ways. Some collapse. Some combine. Others simply disappear. I dub those remaining to be "chronoverses", as is my right.

A far wiser and more experienced Doom, such as myself, could have become time's master. Instead, thanks to this lesser Doom's meddling, I am left to clean up the mess left behind, like some cosmic custodian.

The indignity! Such tasks are beneath Doom!

Yet perhaps there is still hope that I can correct this grave miscalculation without staining my gauntlets. There are always so-called heroes in every dimension, and with the right motivation, they are easily manipulated into action.

One Doom may have been a fool, but this one shall never be... not when there are so many others eager to play the part...

~ Let There Be Rivals.


External Links[]


           Marvelrivals Heroes

Playable Heroes
Hulk | Captain America | Doctor Strange | Groot | Peni Parker | Thor

Black Panther | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Iron Fist | Iron Man | Magik | Mister Fantastic | Moon Knight | Psylocke | The Punisher | Scarlet Witch | Spider-Man | Squirrel Girl | Star-Lord | Storm | Winter Soldier | Wolverine

Adam Warlock | Cloak & Dagger | Invisible Woman | Jeff the Land Shark | Luna Snow | Mantis | Rocket Raccoon

Avengers | Fantastic Four | Guardians of the Galaxy | New Marvel Knights | X-Men

Non-Playable Heroes
Blade | Doom 2099 | H.E.R.B.I.E. | Human Torch | Khonshu | Master Weaver | Shuri | Spider-Zero | The Thing
