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Heroes Wiki

Dos is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Una and Cuatro) of Ferdinand.

He was voiced by Daveed Diggs, who also voiced, Cyborg in DC League of Super-Pets, Sebastian in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, and Spruce in Trolls Band Together.


Dos is a indigo skinny hedgehog who sports darker locks of hair that drape over the right side of his face.


He care about his siblings and loyal to Ferdinand. He is sarcastic, ironical, funny, smart.

He is being confident.

Role in film[]

Ferdinand meet three hedgehogs named Una, Dos and Cuatro who frequently invade Casa del Toro to steal food. They used to have another brother named Tres, but they claimed him to be dead.

Ferdinand, Valiente, Guapo escape the slaughterhouse and the bulls, Lupe, the hedgehogs and a red bunny rabbit steal the training area's company truck to escape, resulting in the owner of Casa del Toro, Moreno and his employees giving chase to them after Primero threatens to fight Moreno if not the bull in the ring.

The animals try desperately to lose the humans and wind up at Atocha train station in Madrid that Ferdinand sees as his ticket back to Nina. When the bulls push a small railroad cart to catch the train back to Nina's home, Ferdinand sacrifices himself so the other bulls can escape (except for Lupe, who stays behind in shock after Ferdinand's act) and is captured by Moreno and his employees.

Dos, his siblings and other bulls joined to Ferdinand and lived in Nina's farm.

During brief mid-credits scene, the hedgehogs are confronted by Tres who is revealed to have been alive the whole time, which shocks the other hedgehogs and Cuatro faints in response while Una and Dos cross themselves.



  • Dos means "two".

