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After the sharp-eyed Jay and roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing.
~ The prophecy about Dovewing being destined to save the Clans

Dovewing is one of the deuteragonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors books franchise.

Previously a ThunderClan warrior, Dovewing was one of the four cats born with the power of the stars in their paws destined to save the Clans from the Dark Forest. She had the power of being able to see and hear things from very far away as well as things normally not noticeable. After the events of Omen of the Stars, she along with Jayfeather and Lionblaze lose their powers gradually, and eventually Dovewing leaves ThunderClan to be with Tigerheart, later joining ShadowClan with him. She is the reincarnation of one of the Ancient cats named Dove's Wing.


Dovewing is a small gray she-cat with sleek fur, green eyes and a torn ear. She is also described with Gold and Blue eyes


The Power of Three[]


Dovekit and Ivykit are born to Birchfall and Whitewing. Due to Hollyleaf being presumed dead, Jayfeather and Lionblaze wonder who the third cat in the "kin of your kin" prophecy truly is. They speculate that either Ivykit or Dovekit could be the third, as they are the granddaughters of Cloudtail, Firestar's nephew, and decide to keep an eye on the two kits.

Omen of the Stars[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

Now a few moons older, Dovekit and Ivykit sneak into the apprentice's den to choose where their future nests will be until Jayfeather catches them. They claim that they'll do everything together once they're apprentices, but Jayfeather tells them that they can't do so forever. When a fire breaks out in camp, Dovekit and Jayfeather are the first to notice, with the gray tabby tom being impressed by the she-kit's sharp senses.

Soon enough it's time for the two's apprentice ceremonies, with Whitewing trying to smooth down her daughter's fur before they get their mentors. During the ceremonies, Dovekit is renamed Dovepaw and is assigned to be mentored by Lionblaze, while Ivykit is renamed Ivypaw and is assigned to Cinderheart. The newly apprenticed she-cats are taken on a tour of ThunderClan's territory by their mentors, stopping by the lake to gather water. The two are surprised to see how small the lake is due to the drought. While Dovepaw is listening to her mentor, Ivypaw wanders off and finds a dead fish on the lake's shore. Thinking she's stealing the fish, a RiverClan warrior named Rainstorm dashes over to Ivypaw, getting himself stuck in the mud in the process. The group rescues him and takes him to ThunderClan camp to rest, with Dovepaw being chosen to escort him back home once he recovers. While in RiverClan camp, Dovepaw senses that one of its members is very sick and wonders why none of their Clanmates have noticed.

A moon later, Yellowfang appears to her in a dream and gives her the message "After the sharp-eyed Jay and roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing." Not knowing what the StarClan she-cat meant, Dovepaw tries to forget about the dream. She then finds out that the message was a prophecy about her, and that she's the third cat in the "Kin of your kin" prophecy alongside Jayfeather and her mentor.

As the drought gets worse, Dovepaw tells her Clanmates that the cause of the lack of water is a bunch of beavers who built a dam that's blocking the river. Her Clanmates don't believe her, thinking she's just reciting a nursery tale, and her father Birchfall tells her to stop lying. Soon after, Lionblaze approaches her and tells her to follow him. He takes her near the apprentice's den and asks what she can hear, to which she responds that she can hear the dawn patrol coming back to camp and adds that Berrynose had stepped on a thorn while out. Her answer is proven to be correct when the dawn patrol returns and Berrynose has a small wound in his paw. Lionblaze then fetches Jayfeather and tells him that Dovepaw may be "the one". Dovepaw asks what they're talking about and who "the one" is, though the two toms ignore her. Jayfeather instead tells her that she's part of the prophecy, gifted with the power to see and hear what others can't. Dovepaw is surprised by this and states that she doesn't want to be part of a prophecy and just wants a normal life. Jayfeather responds that she doesn't have a choice, and that she must learn to harness her power for the good of the Clans.

Lionblaze convinces Firestar, who then convinces the other three leaders to send a patrol up to where Dovepaw said the beavers where to investigate, with two cats from each Clan in the patrol. Dovepaw and Lionblaze are picked from ThunderClan, Petalfur and Rippletail from RiverClan, Tigerheart and Toadfoot from ShadowClan, and Whitetail and Sedgewhisker from WindClan. The eight cats all set off towards the nearby twolegplace, though are driven back much to their fright. As they travel, Tigerheart shows affection toward and protectiveness over Dovepaw, annoying the gray apprentice. A short time later, the group finds the beavers and attack them, with Rippletail being killed in the fight. Three kittypets named Snowdrop, Jigsaw and Seville help them to defeat the beavers, with Dovepaw breaking apart their dam. When Dovepaw and her mentor return home, she struggles with witnessing Rippletail's death. She makes up with Ivypaw, who's upset that her sister was chosen over her, and tells her that she'll always be there for her.

Fading Echoes[]

Dovepaw is haunted by Rippletail's demise, repeatedly having nightmares about him and blaming herself for his death. While using her powers to check in on the other Clans, she sees Mistyfoot and Mothwing heading for the Moonpool. Jayfeather tells her that the RiverClan leader Leopardstar has died from her illness - the same illness Dovepaw had sensed before in RiverClan's camp - and now Mothwing is escorting Mistyfoot to the Moonpool so that she may receive her 9 lives and leader's name from StarClan. Dovepaw asks if they should tell Firestar, but Jayfeather rhetorically asks her is she wants to go wake him up. She then asks him if it's true that deputies will always become the next leaders, and Jayfeather tells her that two former deputies named Mudclaw and Hawkfrost did not get their wish for leadership. He then assures her that Rippletail being killed wasn't her fault, and that every cat has a different destiny. Dovepaw feels better, though still wants to tell Firestar about Leopardstar's death. Jayfeather tells her she can't because she would have no way of explaining how she knew that without revealing her powers, which are supposed to be kept secret.

Brambleclaw selects her to go on a border patrol with him alongside Lionblaze, Cinderheart and Ivypaw. As they walk through the forest, Dovepaw and Ivypaw start to play-fight until they reach the lake, which is now full again. Ivypaw asks how the water came back and her sister explains that a beaver dam that was blocking the stream had been destroyed. Brambleclaw then snaps at them for making so much noise, and the two agree to renew the scent marks as an apology. Ivypaw gets a splinter in her paw while doing so, and while Cinderheart plucks it out Lionblaze finds the stick that the splinter originated from and throws it into the lake. Jayfeather then rushes over while crying out in pain, as the stick had been his.

The next morning, Dovepaw, Ivypaw and their mentors are out doing battle training on a stormy day. They practice a new technique Firestar had introduced where they climb up trees and then pounce onto their target below. While practicing however, Dovepaw overhears a pack of dogs chasing a WindClan patrol and attacking Sedgewhisker. Lionblaze reminds her that she can't be as close to Sedgewhisker as she was during the quest to fight the beavers, leaving her in a bitter mood. Cinderheart tells the two apprentices of how the now-retired Longtail once crossed through the trees from the Great Sycamore to ThunderClan camp without once touching the ground back in the old forest territories. This causes the sisters to try racing each other through the trees, though Dovepaw falls out and lands on top of her mentor.

That night, Dovepaw is unable to sleep, kept up by the worry over whether or not Sedgewhisker is okay. Ivypaw suggest that they sneak out of camp, with Dovepaw showing her sister a secret passage out. She then convinces her sister to visit WindClan territory with her to check on Sedgewhisker, who informs them that he's doing fine. Suddenly, a fellow WindClan warrior named Weaselfur spots the two she-cats and alerts the rest of the Clan. Breezepelt and Heathertail are tasked with taking the two back home, and wanting to see Firestar, they try to talk to the camp guard Rosepetal about letting them in. As the rest of ThunderClan wakes up to find out why Breezepelt and Heathertail are there, Dovepaw realizes that Firestar has found out she's the third cat in the prophecy.

While asked to scan around camp, Dovepaw finds out that a tree is about to fall and everyone is evacuated from camp. Longtail goes back to fetch a mouse for Mousefur and Briarpaw follows after him to stop him, leading to both of them being crushed by the falling tree. Longtail is killed and Briarpaw's spine is broken, leading to her hind legs becoming permanently paralyzed. Dovepaw blames herself for this happening, thinking that she should've noticed earlier, but Lionblaze reassures her that she did the best that she could. Later, a patrol she's in ends up in a fight with ShadowClan, where Russetfur takes Firestar's 8th life and Lionblaze kills her in turn.

Night Whispers[]

In the aftermath of the last book's battle, Dovepaw wonders if the fight was her fault as she watches Firestar's body being dragged away and the ShadowClan leader Blackstar grieving the death of Russetfur. The next morning, she joins a hunting party consisting of Berrynose, Cinderheart and her sister. While out though, she's constantly distracted with trying to listen in on Lionblaze's and Jayfeather's conversation back in camp. Once she's finally able to make out their voices from the rest of the Clan, she finds out that Ivypaw has been training in the Dark Forest. She is only able to half-heartedly focus on her training, too lost in thought about Ivypaw's secret. She then confronts her sister and demands to know why she's been training with Dark Forest cats, and Ivypaw defensively states that they're only trying to make her a better warrior.

The next night she runs into Tigerheart again, and follows him to an abandoned twoleg house where they play-fight for a bit. While Tigerheart leaps from beam to beam, Dovepaw hears one of them crack, suddenly panicking as she remembers the tree that crushed Longtail and Briarlight. She pushes him off of the wooden support beams, and when the two look at it, it appears to be fine. On closer inspection however, they notice a small splint in it. The two then joke around for a bit until Tigerheart suddenly gets serious and confesses his feelings for Dovepaw. The ThunderClan she-cat reciprocates, and they agree to start meeting at night.

Cinderheart and Lionblaze take their apprentices out to hunt and train, with the latter noticing that the gray she-cat seems tired. Dovepaw catches a blackbird and is about to kill it, when suddenly she hears a fox in camp and lets the bird go as the group rushes back to camp. Lionblaze tries to tackle the fox but is knocked away while Dovepaw bites at its legs. The fox is driven away, but Dovepaw feels guilty for not hearing it sooner. Lionblaze comforts her by saying that she couldn't have been expected to hear it while she was focused on hunting. Overhearing their conversation, Ivypaw snaps at her sister, asking why she always has to act special.

Dovepaw goes to Jayfeather, who leads her somewhere private to talk. They meet with Lionblaze and start discussing Ivypaw's visits to the Dark Forest. Dovepaw rushes off to go hunt, running into her littermate along the way who reveals that she knows about Dovepaw's secret meetings with Tigerheart. Dovepaw responds that she knows about Ivypaw's Dark Forest training, to which Ivypaw tells her that Tigerheart trains there too. Dovepaw refuses to believe that however, and demands to be left alone. Later, Lionblaze takes Dovepaw to go hunting with him, Cinderheart and temporary warrior Leafpool near the WindClan border. Cinderheart then leads her away at Lionblaze's request when he and Breezepelt get into a fight.

That night, Dovepaw and Tigerheart meet in the designated spot once more. She casually tells him about Jayfeather's herb supply before noticing that her sister is watching them. When a ShadowClan patrol passes by, Tigerheart hides Dovepaw in the bushes while Ivypaw is captured. In a state of panic, Dovepaw runs back to ThunderClan and goes into her den. She then pretends to have just woken up and noticed Ivypaw missing. Her Clanmates learn that Ivypaw had been kidnapped by a ShadowClan patrol, though wonder why she was even near the border that night. Dovepaw's guilt over her sister being taken grows when she finds out that she was being held hostage in return for the herbs Dovepaw had told Tigerheart about, as only they can cure their medicine cat Littlecloud's sickness. At the next Gathering, she confronts Tigerheart for using her to get the herbs, Feeling betrayed, she refuses to meet with him any longer. A bit later, Dovepaw tells her sister about her powers and promises to take care of her.

Sign of the Moon[]

Dovepaw takes her warrior assessment with her mentor and Spiderleg being the ones to assess her. She has trouble however because she can't stop worrying about how Ivypaw is doing with her own assessment, and ends up not catching anything for the first part of the test. On the second part, she's paired with Icecloud to try hunting in a pair. She's anxious about trying to instruct a warrior and decides to try catching a blackbird. When Icecloud gets into position however, Dovepaw hears the ground beneath the warrior about to give way. She tries to pull Icecloud out of danger, but the white she-cat ends up falling into the tunnels below the Clans. Lionblaze offers to rescue the trapped warrior, but since Dovepaw is smaller, she rescues Icecloud instead. Dovepaw is worried that she'd failed her assessment due to not catching anything, but because of her actions when Icecloud was in danger, she had passed, and the two earn their warrior names: Dovewing and Ivypool.

Later, she sits next to Bumblestripe at a Gathering and shows a bit of platonic affection towards him. Tigerheart then finds her and pleads that though he betrayed her trust to get ThunderClan's catmint, he still loves her. Angry and confused, Dovewing refuses to resume their meetings despite still having feelings for him, as she can no longer trust him. While going back to camp, Dovewing thinks about Tigerheart and wishes that she could just forget about him. Blossomfall then approaches her and teases that she's stolen the heart of her brother Bumblestripe. Dovewing, surprised at this, tells her that she's sure he doesn't see her that way.

When Jayfeather needs to go visit the Tribe of Rushing Water, Firestar tasks her, Foxleap and Squirrelflight to accompany him. On the journey, Dovewing is overwhelmed by all the noise the twolegs are making and shuts her eyes, becoming too scared to open them. Jayfeather advises she try to block out the noise, and as she does so she walks beside Foxleap, who appears to have a crush on her. When the four reach the Tribe, Dovewing tries to lay in a nest lined with feathers, though ends up hating it for they way the feathers stick to her fur. She talks to a Tribe member called Splash When Fish Leaps, telling her that she misses the grass and trees of her home. Soon after, a hawk attacks a group of rouges before carrying another Tribe cat named Swoop of Chestnut Hawk away.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

A moon after coming back from the Tribe, Dovewing still has nightmares of Swoop of Chestnut Hawk being carried away. Whitewing, excusing her daughters from Brambleclaw's orders, tries to comfort her and Ivypool, asking them what's wrong. While Ivypool stays silent about her time in the Dark Forest, Dovewing tells her mother about the nightmares she's been having. Later, Dovewing reveals to Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Ivypool that her powers haven't been working since she got back from the mountains, afraid that she's lost them forever. Tigerheart later tells her that his sister Dawnpelt blames Jayfeather for their brother Flametail's death.

Bumblestripe offers Dovewing to go on a walk with him, which she rejects. Cinderheart tells her that he's very fond of her, adding that if there are no obstacles in the way of getting to know someone better, then the opportunity to do so should be taken. Taking Cinderheart's advice, Dovewing goes to search for Bumblestripe while she then discovers that her powers have returned. She begins to have a closer bond with Bumblestripe, though is unsure if she likes him as more than a friend. While battle training with Brambleclaw, Bumblestripe chooses to train with Dovewing instead of Blossomfall, making his sister very upset. After they finish training, Blossomfall insults Dovewing's technique, stating that her paws were all over the place. When the gray she-cat comments that siblings are more important than friends, Bumblestripe replies that he thought what the two of them had was more than just friendship. Dovewing, stunned, doesn't know how to respond to this. She later thinks about Tigerheart and Bumblestripe, concluding that if she cannot be with the former then she'll just have to settle for the latter. She still has feelings for the ShadowClan tom, but is more determined than ever to get over them.

While going through the tunnels, she and Ivypool meet Hollyleaf, who up to that point they had thought was dead, and the black she-cat helps guide them out to the surface. She later hears Sorreltail wailing as she goes into labor early, and finds her with Jayfeather. Her Clanmates question how she heard Sorreltail, as the kitting she-cat was quite far from camp when she started going into labor. The blind medicine cat then sends Dovewing back to camp to fetch some herbs he needs, and once she delivers them, she gives Sorreltail a stick to bite down on. Jayfeather nods in approval at this, and Dovewing gives a sigh of relief, thinking that she had finally done something right.

As she trains with Hollyleaf in the tunnels, the black she-cat has her test her navigation skills by leading her somewhere and then seeing if she can get back on her own. Dovewing finds this task to be incredibly easy, waiting a bit before she gets back so that the others she's training with don't get suspicious. A while later, she wakes up in the middle of the night to alert her Clanmates that WindClan was going to attack the camp alongside Sol. Her Clanmates wonder how she knew and could be so sure, and WindClan is surprised by ThunderClan's preparation. In the tunnels, she sees Hollyleaf fighting with Sol, sparing him and warning that if she saw him again, she would kill him. After the battle is won, Dovewing and her Clanmates exits the tunnels along with Hollyleaf, who has decided to rejoin ThunderClan.

The Last Hope[]

Dovewing wakes up Ivypool, who had been spying on the Dark Forest in her dreams. Ivypool growls at her, and Dovewing, confused as to why her sister is suddenly so aggressive, asks if she wanted to stay in the Dark Forest. Jayfeather than gathers her and Lionblaze to tell that that there's a fourth cat in the prophecy, though none of them know who it could be. They argue about who it is, with Dovewing suggesting that since she's part of the prophecy, her sister could be too. She then walks away from the conversation and finds herself in ShadowClan territory on accident, so preoccupied with the prophecy that she didn't notice where she was going. Tigerheart is in a nearby patrol, and convinces his Clanmates to keep going without him. Dovewing and Tigerheart then argue about the latter's support of Dawnpelt's claim that Jayfeather killed Flametail. Tigerheart tells her that he hates arguing with her and misses their time spent together, asking if she could meet him later that night. Reluctantly Dovewing agrees, and on the way back home she bumps into Firestar who assumes she'd been listening for trouble, to her annoyance.

The next day, Dovewing and Ivypool go out for a training session accompanied by Molepaw and Cherrypaw. Her sister comments on how tired she seems, and the pale gray she-cat lies that she was just kept up by the sounds of the forest. She then tells her sister that there's a fourth prophesized cat, saying that she thinks it's her. Dovewing is disappointed however when Ivypool denies being part of any sort of prophecy. Later, after a ShadowClan patrol exits the camp when Firestar tells them that Lionblaze attacking them won't happen again, Dovewing stares at the spot the Tigerheart had left from. Bumblestripe asks her if she wants to go hunting with him, and she agrees, though wants Foxleap to join them so that they won't be alone. As the hunt however, she hears someone in a bush and tells the others two to go on ahead as she investigates. Tigerheart comes out and says that he missed her, and they agree to meet again later that night.

As night falls, Dovewing meets with Tigerheart again in secret, and the two race each other for fun. She then says that next leaf-fall he could move to ThunderClan and they could start a family together. The brown ShadowClan tom is shocked to hear this, and Dovewing hastily adds that it isn't important right now, thinking about how dumb it was of her to say something like that.

She later has a shared dream with Jayfeather and Lionblaze where the three encounter Rock and Midnight, and they start to speak about the prophecy. Jayfeather tells Rock to stop being vague and just tell them who the fourth cat is, but Rock ignores him. Instead, the ancient cat tells them that their existence has doomed the Clans, as if they hadn't been born then the prophecy wouldn't have been fulfilled, and the Dark Forest wouldn't be rising to power. He then tells them to seek the fourth as they awake, with the trio discussing their shared dream afterwards.

As ThunderClan prepares for the Gathering, Dovewing silently hopes that she'll get to see Tigerheart there. Bumblestripe offers her a mouse, but she declines it. Bumblestripe then points out how distracted she seems on the way to the Gathering, and that she'd nearly run him into a tree, and Dovewing snaps that he should be watching where he's going, causing him to run off ahead of her. Rosepetal sees this and scolds her for her treatment of him, asking if she likes to hurt his feelings and telling her to apologize. Dovewing realizes what she's done and agrees to go apologize to Bumblestripe, though he brushes her off, still upset. During the Gathering itself, Bumblestripe catches her talking to Tigerheart, and she claims that they were just discussing the strange scents found in their territories that the leaders had brought up, and the ThunderClan tom replies that he doesn't care what she's doing.

The three prophesized cats decide to tell Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw and Leafpool about their powers, agreeing to meet with the other Clan's leaders and medicine cats about it. During the meeting, Dovewing is accused of spying when she reveals that her power is enhanced sight and hearing. Jayfeather defends her, stating that their powers were given to them to save the Clans, not destroy them. The meeting comes to an end when the leaders all agree to unite their Clans against the Dark Forest. As the ThunderClan cats return home, Tigerheart stops Dovewing and tells her that he overheard the whole thing, complimenting her powers. Concluding that she must be loyal to her Clan and her duty as one of the prophesized four, she ends her relationship with the ShadowClan warrior once more and tells him to focus on the upcoming battle against the Dark Forest.

Right before the Great Battle, Dovewing uses her powers to report to Firestar about the Dark Forest cat's positions. She hears approaching pawsteps and fears in may be the evil spirits, but instead Tigerheart and Ivypool enter carrying a dying Hollyleaf, informing her Clanmates that she'd been fatally wounded Hawkfrost while defending Ivypool. Blossomfall, Mousewhisker and Birchfall then enter, stating that though they may have been Dark Forest trainees, their loyalties lay with ThunderClan, and they will help in the battle against the residents of the Place of No Stars, while warning of said cats approaching. As the battle rages on, Dovewing is surprised to see Tigerheart fighting against the Dark Forest, as he was one of their trainees. Tigerheart tells her that he was a spy like Ivypool. After Firestar kills Tigerstar and the remaining Dark Forest cats retreat, Dovewing declares that the battle is won, before witnessing a bolt of lightning light a tree up in flames, the smoke engulfing Firestar. She stands with the rest of her Clanmates as Firestar dies, watching his spirit ascending to StarClan, feeling guilty for not being able to protect her leader even with the power of the stars in her paws.

As Tigerheart returns back to ShadowClan, Bumblestripe comforts her as she rests her head on his shoulder, not looking back at the ShadowClan warrior. After Bramblestar becomes the new leader of ThunderClan and chooses Squirrelflight as his deputy, Dovewing, Jayfeather and Lionblaze see Rock and Midnight, who thank them for their roles in saving the Clans.

Dovewing's Silence[]

Dovewing watches as Midnight and Rock leave after the Great Battle, wishing they would stay longer. Squirrelflight says that they need to start treating the wounds of those harmed in battle, and after she examines her own Dovewing concludes that hers aren't bad enough to need treating right away. She instead joins Ivypool, who is grieving for Hollyleaf as the black she-cat died protecting her from Hawkfrost. She comforts her sister by reminding her that Hollyleaf is watching over her in StarClan and doesn't regret her choice to defend her. When she notices Sorreltail is missing, Dovewing uses her powers to look for her, only to find out that she's dead. She tells Squirrelflight this, and the newly-named deputy panics and reminds everyone to get their injuries treated. Dovewing visits the medicine den where Leafpool tells her that she's working on tending to everyone, so she goes outside and curls up to rest, looking up at the night sky and wondering which stars were the recently killed warriors. She doesn't find any comfort in gazing at the stars however, feeling as if the battle has not yet been won, wondering if she'll ever feel safe again as she tries and fails to use her powers to check on the other Clans.

Dovewing helps her sister bury Hollyleaf's body during the burials of all those who the Dark Forest had murdered. She notices that the former Dark Forest trainees are being excluded from helping, wondering if the Clans are shunning them for training under the enemy. She asks Ivypool if she should get Birchfall, but she declines, saying that the trainees are not welcome and are traitors like her. Dovewing argues that her sister is not a traitor, as it was because of her that the other trainees defected as well, but Ivypool somberly states that she should've been the one to die instead of Hollyleaf. Dovewing snaps at her to not thinks those things, and that Hollyleaf died like a true warrior. The two sisters then find a spot to bury Hollyleaf and start to dig, though Dovewing feels a bit uncomfortable while doing so. When Lionblaze pricks his paw on a thorn, Dovewing tells herself that his invincibility not working is because he's too exhausted from the Great Battle to defend himself. After the burials, Dovewing tries to listen in on Bramblestar's and Squirrelflight's conversation, but finds it difficult to do so. Whitewing tells her that their discussion is not hers to listen in on anyways, and when her mother asks about her powers, she explains that they were given to her to help fight the Dark Forest. She gets sent to the medicine den due to her ears still ringing, but finds that Jayfeather is too busy taking care of Foxleap and decides to go back tomorrow. She wonders if the medicine cat is scared even after the Great Battle had ended.

Blackstar arrives in camp while she's helping to rebuild the dens, and she tries to listen to what he's saying from across the camp but finds that her powers aren't working. The four leaders decide to host a meeting later to decide what to do with the former Dark Forest trainees, and Dovewing fears for her sister's safety, with Bumblestripe's attempts at calming her failing. She states that the trainees shouldn't be punished for falling for the Dark Forest's manipulation, but Bumblestripe responds that they need to face some kind of punishment. She points out that includes his sister Blossomfall, asking if he really thinks she'd betray her Clan. Bumblestripe retorts that training in the Place of No Stars isn't in the warrior code, and Dovewing argues that the spirits of cats coming back from the dead isn't either, adding that though the trainees made mistakes, they were still loyal to the Clans. Bumblestripe asks her if she really means that, and the pale gray warrior responds that she trusts Ivypool with her life, questioning if he feels the same way about Blossomfall.

Bramblestar asks her and Lionblaze to come to the meeting, as they know a lot about the Dark Forest. The green-eyed she-cat hears how excited her Clanmates are to decide a punishment for the trainees, resentfully thinking to herself that they aren't as perfect as they think they are either. She tries to hear what the other Clan's camps are up to, though her powers fail yet again. She worries about her powers, deciding not to tell anyone that they're failing and wondering if Jayfeather or Lionblaze are having trouble with their powers as well. While heading to the meeting, she tries to comfort her littermate while wishing that the trainees didn't look so guilty. When at the meeting it's pointed out that ThunderClan had the most cats training in the Dark Forest out of the four, to which Bramblestar responds that less of theirs survived, though this does not comfort Dovewing at all. Onestar asks why Lionblaze and her are there, and the ThunderClan leader explains that the two of them have valuable information about the Dark Forest.

The RiverClan leader Mistystar states that exiling the trainees isn't an option, and an alarmed Dovewing begs her sister to say why the Dark Forest recruited her. She catches Breezepelt's smug look as Ivypool explains how Hawkfrost recruited her, the gray she-cat resisting the urge to claw is ears apart. Birchfall says that if one of the trainees is forgiven, then they all should be, and Mothwing suggests that they swear an oath of loyalty to their Clans. Dovewing sighs in relief knowing that her father and sister are allowed to stay in ThunderClan, though feels anger towards Breezepelt again, thinking he shouldn't be forgiven for staying loyal to the Dark Forest and showing no remorse for what he's done. Tigerheart looks at her questionably, but she looks away, accepting that her relationship with him is in the past just as the Great Battle is.

Back at camp, Dovewing watches the former trainees swear an oath of loyalty, hoping that it will work and angry that Ivypool has to as well after already proving her loyalty. She strains to listen in on her Clanmates as they whisper around her, though it only results in a headache. She tries to talk to Lionblaze about her lack of powers, but ends up hunting with him, Ivypool and Cinderheart instead. Her sister catches a squirrel that was right above her head, questioning how she didn't hear it. Dovewing claims that she was too distracted following the scent of a mouse, but her blue-eyed littermate remains suspicious. When they get back to camp, Dovewing once again tries to talk to Lionblaze about what's been going on with her powers, but he says that he doesn't want to talk about it and tells her to speak with his brother instead. Jayfeather also dodges the conversation, being too focused on caring for Foxleap.

Purdy asks to talk to her, telling her that the Clan still seems to be mourning those lost in the Great Battle, claiming that it insults their memory to not move on. Dovewing agrees that the Clan should be honoring them and not act like they died in vain. She then goes to the medicine den to get mouse bile for Purdy's ticks, only to find Foxleap dead. Later, Sandstorm falls ill and Dovewing feels sympathy for her as well as annoyance that her coughing is keeping everyone up at night. Berrynose and Poppyfrost decide to move into the elder's den temporarily to keep Purdy company. Dovewing tells Ivypool that it's a good thing, but to her shock the blue-eyed she-cat retorts that they're just trying to stay away from the former Dark Forest trainees. Dovewing says that it's already been a moon since the Great Battle, and that they'd have to have been forgiven by now. More cats start moving to different dens, making the green-eyed warrior uneasy that it's an omen that the Clans are splitting apart. Noticing her daughter's distress, Whitewing fetches moss for her. Dovewing tells her mother about her worries, and she comforts her by saying that invisible wounds take longer to heal, though the gray she-cat thinks that some wounds never heal.

While on they way to the next Gathering, she nearly starts a fight over the Dark Forest trainees, but Blossomfall reminds her not to fight their battles. Dovewing protests that it shouldn't be a battle in the first place after the oath of loyalty was sworn, adding that aside from Breezepelt and Redwillow, the trainees never tried to hurt the Clans. At the Gathering, she sits next to Bumblestripe and nearly falls over when the striped gray tom stops her, saying that he'll always be there to catch her. She notices that all the other trainees of the other Clans are present, thinking that forgiving just one cat is easier than forgiving many. She then sees Tigerheart with Shrewfoot and feels a spark of jealousy that she tries to ignore. The leaders don't bring up the Great Battle when sharing their Clan's news, and the pale gray warrior wonders if they should honor them together. She agrees when Bumblestripe says that the Great Battle changed everything, nervous that ThunderClan has been divided forever because of it.

Back at camp, illness spreads rapidly, and Dovewing begs for StarClan's help. She asks Jayfeather the next day how Bramblestar is doing, and he reports that the leader is fine, but that Hazeltail is sick with greencough. Millie worries about her daughter's wellbeing, to which Dovewing offers to stay in the elder's den so that Briarlight may sleep in her nest in the warrior's den. Toadfoot also falls ill, though this time she finds it harder to sympathize with him as she knew he was getting sick for a while. While sharing a large squirrel with Purdy and Sandstorm, the former tells her about the time Firestar quarantined all the sick cats in an old twoleg building to prevent the ailment from spreading. Dovewing wishes Firestar hadn't been brought up when seeing how upset Sandstorm gets remembering her dead mate. She later sees Blossomfall sneaking out of camp and decides to follow her, though Blossomfall quickly catches her. The tortoiseshell explains that she was going to fetch some catmint from an old twoleg building where the medicine cats have been growing it, and Dovewing feels guilty for assuming she was up to something bad. She helps gather the catmint back and apologizes to Blossomfall for assuming the worst, to which the former trainee says that training in the Dark Forest was the biggest mistake of her life, and that she doesn't know if she can forgive herself for it. Dovewing assures her that she needs to move on and be strong, silently wondering if the same advice applies to her missing powers.

Later, Dovewing notices Molepaw pretending to be a Dark Forest trainee when playing with the kits, interrupting their game and telling them that it isn't appropriate. Molepaw tells her to stop sticking her snout where it doesn't belong and continues with the game anyways, with the warrior worrying that ThunderClan will never be safe as long as they are divided. The day after, she takes the former trainees out to go hunting with her after seeing them being shunned by their Clanmates again. Molepaw and Cherrypaw suddenly tell them about a fox in the area, which the group decides to go fight while the two apprentices run off to go tell Bramblestar. Feeling something is off, Dovewing tries to listen for danger, but her powers still have not returned. The group finds the fox with a fox trap snared around it's leg and mad from the pain. They defeat the fox, and Dovewing quickly figures out that the two apprentices intentionally tried to endanger them, as the group was made up mostly of former trainees. When they get back to camp, Bramblestar commends the group for their bravery and punishes Cherrypaw and Molepaw for what they've done. Bumblestripe pads up to Dovewing and thanks her for her work.

Dovewing, Jayfeather and Lionblaze finally tell each other about their powers being gone, and decide to go to the Moonpool to get answers from StarClan. In their shared dream, Midnight and Rock greet them and explain that their powers were taken away because they're no longer necessary now that the Dark Forest has been defeated. Dovewing asks if their Clanmates will still need them, and Rock replies that even without their powers, they are already skilled enough to serve their Clan. Midnight then tells her that she still has her regular sight and hearing, and Rock says that they had helped with the Great Battle and fulfilled the prophecy, and though their powers may be gone, they will never be any lesser. He tells them to find courage, as a new age is coming for the Clans, with Midnight adding that as long as the Clans exist, the warrior code will last forever. The three wake up, and Dovewing finds new determination, thinking that if the Clans survived the Great Battle, they'll survive a bit of greencough.



  • Dovewing's eye color had started out gold before changing to blue and then green. People on the Warriors Wiki feuded over which eye colour was the "correct" one, starting an event known as "Dovecourse". Due to the event, the color of Dovewing's eyes is a popular topic to joke about in the fandom, in the same vein as the color of Scourge's collar.
  • Originally, Hollyleaf had her place in the prophecy, though she was replaced due to the authors not being able to think of a power for her.
  • When the two were first created, there was no intention of Dovewing and Dove's Wing being connected at all.

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