Dr. Chaplin is a recurring character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 cartoon series.Initially serving as a young, enthusiastic scientist at the service of the Foot Clan and admiring Baxter Stockman, then an ally of the Ninja turtles and the boyfriend of Karai.
He was voiced by Zachary Mastoon.
Chaplin's first appearance is in the season three episode "New Blood", where he is used by Shredder as an engineer to recover Triceraton technology. The Shredder is amazed by Chaplin's special Amazonian mechs: gigantic combat robots with the same style as Karai, with whom Chaplin is in love. Since he greatly admires Baxter Stockman, he is replaced as chief mechanic to divide the forensics, which is why Stockman tries many times to sabotage his experiments. Chalpin upgrades Stockman's Mouser robots, but they are bested by the Turtles and the collision with them and the alien technology nearly causes the destruction of Beijing.
Chaplin is later promoted to captain of Shredder's spaceship, which he was enthusiastic about even though he had also learned the true nature of Utrom Shredder.
Later in the series, Dr. Chaplin is now aided by Karai in his job as the Foot's chief scientist, who now fights with Karai and the Turtles, the resurrected Tengu Shredder, and the Tengu. Chaplin also created special Mystic Tech weapons, consisting mainly of blasters, a version of the sword created by Karai. Chaplin then has to face Stockman, even though he still admires him. After the victory Chaplin and Karai are finally together.
The last episode in which Chaplin appears is in the seventh season where he helps the Turtles defeat the Cyber Shredder and then participates with all his friends in the wedding of April O'Neil and Casey Jones.
External Links[]
- Dr. Chaplin on the Villains Wiki.
- Dr. Chaplin on the TMNT Wiki.